// protodefs.g - Definition of prototype elements for VA_HHnet variations // include the definitions for the functions to create the VA_HHcell channels include VA_HHchans.g /* The remaining included files are in genesis/Scripts/neurokit/prototypes */ /* file for standard compartments */ include compartments /* file for synaptic channels */ include VA_synchans.g /* file which makes a spike generator */ include protospike // Make a "library element" to hold the prototypes which will be used // by the cell reader to add compartments and channels to the cell. if (!{exists /library}) // But, only if it doesn't already exist create neutral /library end // We don't want the library to try to calculate anything, so we disable it disable /library // To ensure that all subsequent elements are made in the library pushe /library // Make a prototype compartment. The internal fields will be set by // the cell reader, so they do not need to be set here. make_cylind_compartment /* makes "compartment" */ // Create the VA_HHcell prototype channels with functions defined in VA_HHchans.g make_Na_traub_mod make_K_traub_mod // Make a prototype excitatory channel, "Ex_channel", but from isynchan make_iEx_channel make_iInh_channel make_spike /* Make a spike generator element "spike"*/ pope // Return to the original place in the element tree