Instructions for incorporating the "isynchan" object into GENESIS

The GENESIS synchan object (documented in the GENESIS Reference Manual)
implements a dual-exponential model of synaptic conductance, with two time
constants tau1 and tau2.  The isynchan is a modification to synchan that
provides an instantaneous rise to a conductance gmax, followed by an
exponential decay with time constant tau1.  The fields and usage are the
same as for the synchan, but the value of the tau2 field is ignored.

This directory (isynchan) contains the top level Makefile (derived from
Usermake), and the library directory isynlib, which contains the source
code for the isynchan object and the library Makefile (derived from
Libmake).  It also contains a precompiled executable "igenesis" that was
compiled under Fedora Core 5 Linux on a x386 (Pentium) with gcc 4.1.0.
This may run under your Linux installation. If not, or you are using a
different OS or hardware platform, follow the instructions below to compile
a version of GENESIS that includes the isynchan objecct.  In either case,
you must have first installed GENESIS.

The top level Makefile in the isynchan directory will need to be edited in
order to provide the definitions (MACHINE, OS, etc.) for your GENESIS
installation, and INSTALLDIR (GENINST in older versions of GENESIS) should
be set to the place where GENESIS is installed.  The provided
isynlib/Makefile should not require further editing.

The documentation in the GENESIS Reference Manual on "Customizing GENESIS"
gives further details of compiling these, and similar user-contributed
libraries, into GENESIS.  Note that these files should NOT be installed in
the genesis/src directory.

Once the Makefile has been properly edited, it should be possible to type
"make" in order to create a new genesis executable "igenesis" that
incorporates the new isynchan object.