objref nil
proc netparam() {
N_I = int(ncell/5.0) // Number of inibitory cells
N_E = ncell - N_I // Number of excitatory cells
CONNECTIVITY = 0.02 // Connection probability
C_I = int(N_I*CONNECTIVITY) // nb inh synapses per neuron
C_E = int(N_E*CONNECTIVITY) // nb exc synapses per neuron
AMPA_GMAX = 0.006 // (uS)
GABA_GMAX = 0.067 // (uS)
DELAY = 0 // (ms)
proc create_cells() { local i, gid localobj cell, nc
// Make each CPU create just the cells that "belong" to it.
for pcitr(&i, &gid) { // in common/init.hoc
// i ranges from 0 to "number of cells on this cpu".
// gid is globally unique and is in the range from 0 to ncell,
// where ncell is the total number of cells on all machines.
cell = newcell(gid)
// Associate this cell and gid with each other.
pnm.register_cell(gid, cell)
// Create a corresponding new instance of the RandomStream class.
ranlist.append(new RandomStream(gid)) // Notice it is the ith RandomStream.
// Pick exactly C_E and C_I unique non-self random connections for each target.
// Assume many more sources than target connections.
proc connect_cells() { local i, j, gid, r, d localobj cell, u, rs
// In the paper, delay is 0. If it is nonzero, we can run this model
// on a parallel machine, i.e a machine with pc.nhost > 1.
// Initialize the pseudorandom number generator.
u = new Vector(ncell) // for sampling without replacement
for pcitr(&i, &gid) { // For each target cell . . .
u.fill(0) // u.x[i]==1 will mean that i has already been chosen.
cell = pnm.cells.object(i)
rs = ranlist.object(i) // . . . identify the corresponding RandomStream . . .
// . . . and make it return pseudorandom integers in the range 0..N_E-1.
rs.r.discunif(0, N_E-1)
j=0 while(j < C_E) { // Excitatory sources
r = rs.repick()
// No self connection, and no more than one connection from any source.
if (r != gid) if (u.x[r] == 0) {
// Set up a connection from source to target.
pnm.nc_append(r, gid, AMPA_INDEX, AMPA_GMAX, d)
// Mark this source index as "used" and prepare to choose another.
u.x[r] = 1
j += 1
// Now make the RandomStream return pseudorandom integers in the range N_E..ncell-1.
rs.r.discunif(N_E, ncell-1)
j=0 while(j < C_I) { // Inhibitory sources
r = rs.repick()
if (r != gid) if (u.x[r] == 0) {
pnm.nc_append(r, gid, GABA_INDEX, GABA_GMAX, d)
u.x[r] = 1
j += 1
proc create_net() {
if (pc.id == 0) printf("Created %d cells; %d on host 0\n", pnm.ncell, pnm.cells.count)
if (pc.id == 0) printf("Created %d connections to targets on host 0\n", pnm.nclist.count)