// $Id: fixgrid_spiketuft.hoc,v 1.1 2007/03/16 02:17:07 ted Exp ted $
Ensure that the spatial grid is appropriate for "bracketing simulations"
1. Turn off Continuous Create
2. Double Ra and cm
3. Regrid the model using d_lambda rule
4. Finally, restore original Ra and cm
CellBuild[0].continuous = 0
forall {
for (x,0) cm(x)*=2
// assumes using standard library so lambda_f() is known
proc geom_nseg() {
// why forsec all, and not just forall?
// if all is ever not all-inclusive, this is a bug waiting to happen
// forsec all { nseg = int((L/(0.1*lambda_f(100))+.9)/2)*2 + 1 }
forall { nseg = int((L/(0.1*lambda_f(100))+.9)/2)*2 + 1 }
forall {
for (x,0) cm(x)/=2