* A neuroConstruct helper file to print out details of a single cell's overall state
* and a helper function for the current NEURON state
objref mt, ms
mt = new MechanismType(0)
double totParamVal[32] // max number params
dummyRevPot = 99999
proc cellInfo() {
totalDiam = 0
totalNseg = 0
totalL = 0
totalRa = 0
totalCm = 0
numSections = 0
forall {
totalDiam = totalDiam + diam
totalNseg = totalNseg + nseg
totalRa = totalRa + Ra
totalCm = totalCm + cm
totalL = totalL + L
numSections = numSections + 1
print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
print "+ Number of sections: ", numSections
print "+ Total diam: ", totalDiam
print "+ Total length ", totalL
print "+ Total nseg: ", totalNseg
print "+ Total Ra: ", totalRa
print "+ Total cm: ", totalCm
print "+ "
strdef mname
strdef pname
totEk = 0
totko = 0
totki = 0
numEk = 0
totENa = 0
totnao = 0
totnai = 0
numENa = 0
totECa = 0
totcai = 0
totcao = 0
numECa = 0
forall {
if (ismembrane("k_ion")) {
numEk = numEk +1
totEk = totEk + ek
totko = totko + ko
totki = totki + ki
if (ismembrane("na_ion")) {
numENa = numENa +1
totENa = totENa + ena
totnao = totnao + nao
totnai = totnai + nai
if (ismembrane("ca_ion")) {
numECa = numECa +1
totECa = totECa + eca
totcai = totcai + cai
totcao = totcao + cao
if ( numEk != 0 ){
print "+ k ion on ", numEk,"secs, ave rev pot: ", (totEk/numEk), ", int conc: ",(totki/numEk), ", ext conc: ",(totko/numEk)
if ( numENa != 0 ){
print "+ na ion on ", numENa,"secs, ave rev pot: ", (totENa/numENa), ", int conc: ",(totnai/numENa), ", ext conc: ",(totnao/numENa)
if ( numECa != 0 ){
print "+ ca ion on ", numECa,"secs, ave rev pot: ", (totECa/numECa), ", int conc: ",(totcai/numECa), ", ext conc: ",(totcao/numECa)
print "+ "
for i=0, mt.count()-1 {
numPresent = 0
ms = new MechanismStandard(mname, 1)
numParams = ms.count()
for j=0, numParams-1 {
totParamVal[j] = 0
forall {
if (ismembrane(mname)) {
numPresent = numPresent + 1
ms.in() // load with values of current section
for j=0, numParams-1 {
ms.name(pname, j)
//print "Param: ", pname, " value: ", ms.get(pname)
totParamVal[j] = totParamVal[j] + ms.get(pname)
if (numPresent>0) {
print "+ Mechanism: ", mname, " present on: ", numPresent, "sections, num params: ", numParams, ""
for j=0, numParams-1 {
ms.name(pname, j)
print "+ - ", pname, " AVE value all sections: ", (totParamVal[j]/numPresent)
print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
proc simInfo() {
print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
active = cvode.active()
print "+ Simulation temperature: ", celsius
print "+ tstop: ", tstop
print "+ dt: ", dt
print "+ Variable time step active: ", active
print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"