from neuron import h
import numpy
from vector import *

nqsdel = h.nqsdel

# converts 2D numpy array into an NQS
#  NB: each row of the numpy array will be a Vector(column) in the NQS
def np2nqs (npa,names=[]):
  nrow,ncol = numpy.shape(npa)
  if nrow < 2:
    print "np2nqs ERRA: must have at least 2 rows!"
    return None
  nqo = NQS(nrow)
  for i in xrange(nrow):
    vrow = py2vec( npa[i] )
  for i in xrange(len(names)): # assign names
    nqo.s[i].s = names[i]
  return nqo

# converts nqs to numpy array
#  NB: each Vector(column) of nq is a column in the numpy array returned
def nqs2np (nq,sidx=None,eidx=None,Full=False):
  if Full: nq.tog("DB")
  nrow = int(nq.size())
  if sidx is None: sidx = 0
  if eidx is None: eidx = int(nq.m[0]) - 1
  ncol = eidx - sidx + 1
  npa = numpy.zeros( (nrow,ncol) )
  for i in xrange(sidx,eidx+1,1): npa[:,i-sidx] = numpy.array(nq.getcol(nq.s[i].s).to_python() )
  return npa

# convert nqs to a python dictionary
def nqs2pyd (nq,Full=False):
  d = {};
  if Full: nq.tog("DB");
  for i in xrange(int(nq.m[0])): d[nq.s[i].s] = vec2np(nq.getcol(nq.s[i].s))
  return d

# adds cols of nq2 to nq1
def NQAddToCols (nq1, nq2):
  cols = int(nq1.m[0])
  if cols != int(nq2.m[0]):
    print "unequal cols!"
    return False
  for i in xrange(cols):
  return True

# divide cols of nq by N
def NQDivCols (nq,N):
  cols = int(nq.m[0])
  for i in xrange(cols): nq.v[i].div(N)