proc SynFileRead() { local i,n,flag,Ca,ts,gm,isp,remap localobj inFile, mapfile, tcl
// SynFileRead( synlist, filename, Ca, mapping )
// generates a list of synapse objects from text file "filename".
// If Ca is false creates AlphaSynapses; if true creates AlphaSynapseCa (see mod file)
// if optional 4 argument is given, synapse locations are remapped according to file

	remap = 0
	filename = $s2
	if (numarg() > 2) Ca=$3
	if (numarg()>3) {
		tcl = new List()
		mapfile = new File($s4)
		while (flag!=-1) {
			flag = mapfile.gets(tmpstr)
			num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Tines[%i]\t%s", &i, sect)
			tcl.append(new String(sect))
	inFile = new File(filename)
	flag = inFile.ropen()
	if (flag==0) {
		sprint( strtmp, "%s%s", syndir, filename)
		inFile = new File(strtmp)
		flag = inFile.ropen()
		if (flag==0) {
			sprint( filename, "%s/%s", syndir, filename)
			inFile = new File(filename)
			flag = inFile.ropen()
		if (flag==0) {
			printf("Error: File not found. SynFileRead\n")

	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Time of Collision: %f", &t0)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("t0 = %f\n", t0)
	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Visual Stimulation Start Time: %f", &tstart)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("start time = %f\n", tstart)
	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Number of %s Synapses: %i", tmpstr, &count)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("# of synapses = %g\n", count)
	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Time Constant: %f", &syntau)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("synapse tau = %f\n", syntau)
	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Max Conductance: %f", &syng)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("synapse gmax = %f\n", syng)
	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Reversal Potential: %f", &syne)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("synapse reversal = %f\n", syne)
	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Kinematic parameters: %s", strtmp)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("Kinematic Parameters = %s\n", strtmp)
	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "Spontaneous rate: %f", &spont_rate)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("Spontaneous rate = %f\n", spont_rate)
	Time of Collision: 4373.58
	Visual Stimulation Start Time: 600
	Number of Excitatory Synapses: 129960
	Time Constant: 0.3
	Max Conductance: 0.008
	Reversal Potential: 0

	if (issplit() == 1) {
		isp = 1
	//objref synvec[count]
	for n=0,count-1 {
		flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
		num = sscanf( tmpstr, "%s %f %f", sect, &ts, &gm)
		if (remap==1) {
			num = sscanf(sect, "Tines[%i]", &i)
			if (num>0) sect = tcl.o(i).s
			if (strcmp(sect,"-1")==0) sect = tcl.o(i+1).s
			if (strcmp(sect,"-1")==0) sect = tcl.o(i-1).s
		if ((verbosity > 1) && (n==0)) printf("section: %s, time:%f, gmax: %f\n", sect, ts, gm)
		if (flag != -1) {
			//synvec[n] = new AlphaSynapse(0.5)
			if ( Ca >= 1 ) { sprint(strtmp, "%s syn = new AlphaSynapseCa(0.5)", sect)
			} else sprint(strtmp, "%s syn = new AlphaSynapse(0.5)", sect)
			if (gm==-1) {
			} else syn.gmax=gm
			// sref.sec syn.loc(0.5)

			//gensyn(synvec[n], sect, ts, syntau, syng, syne)
		} else if (verbosity > 0) printf("failed to read synapse")

	objref syn
	if (isp==1) startPar()
	//return &synvec
	//return count

proc TinePctRemap() { local cr,s,i,j,n,k,tn,nTine,nTrial,avgpct,isp,pcts localobj inFile, S,r,r2, mvd, Ssyn
// TinePctRemap( filename, trial, scaling, fCrand )
// Reads file "filename" which contains a list of Tine numbers and a percent of synapses 
// to move from those sections to field C
// if optional 2nd argument is given and >=0, sets which column of file to use (otherwise chosen at random)
// if 3rd argin is given and >0, scales gmax of moved excitatory synapses
// if 4th argin input and >0, all synapses are moved to FieldC[21]
	filename = $s1
	inFile = new File(filename)
	flag = inFile.ropen()
	if (flag==0) {
		sprint( strtmp, "%s%s", syndir, filename)
		inFile = new File(strtmp)
		flag = inFile.ropen()
		if (flag==0) {
			sprint( filename, "%s/%s", syndir, filename)
			inFile = new File(filename)
			flag = inFile.ropen()
		if (flag==0) {
			printf("Error: File not found. in TinePctRemap\n")

	if (numarg() > 3) {
		cr = $4
	} else cr=-1
	if (numarg() > 2) {
		s = $3
	} else s=-1
	flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
	num = sscanf(tmpstr, "%f %f", &nTine, &nTrial)
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("TinePctRemap: nTine = %d\n", nTine)

	mvd = new List()
	if ( (numarg() > 1)&&($2>=0) ) {
	} else {
		r = new Random()
		r.discunif(0, nTrial-1)
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("TinePctRemap: using trial %d\n", k)
	if (issplit() == 1) {
		isp = 1
	strtmp = "%d"
	for n=0,k {
		sprint(strtmp, "%s%s", strtmp, "%f")
	S = new String(strtmp)
	r2 = new Random()
	r2.discunif(0, SectionListCount(Ctines)-1)
	for n=0,nTine-1 {	// iterate through field A sections
		flag = inFile.gets(tmpstr)
		num = sscanf( tmpstr, S.s, &i, &pcts, &pcts, &pcts, &pcts, &pcts, &pcts, &pcts, &pcts, &pcts, &pcts)
// 		if the same var is specified repeatedly, it will be the last value set by the format string
		avgpct += pcts/nTine
		sprint(tmpstr, "Tines[%d]", i)
		Ssyn = get_subset(esyn, tmpstr) // List of synapses in specified section
		mN = Ssyn.count()*pcts		// number of synapses to move (unrounded)
		if (verbosity > 3) printf("TinePctRemap: moving %d of %d excitatory synapses in Tines[%d]\n", mN, Ssyn.count(), i)
// 		r.discunif(0, Ssyn.count()-1)	// random var of synapse indices
		for j=0,mN-1 {	// iterate through synapses to move

			if (cr>0 ) {
				FieldC[21] Ssyn.o(k).loc(0.5)	// move synapse to fixed field C section

			} else {
				forsec Ctines {
					if (i==tn) {
						Ssyn.o(k).loc(0.5)	// move synapse to random field C section
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("TinePctRemap: moved %d excitatory synapses (%f%)\n", mvd.count(), avgpct*100)

	if (s>0)  {
		RandRemove(mvd,s, esyn)
// 		adjparams(mvd, "gmax", s, 1)
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("TinePctRemap: removed %g% of excitatory synapses\n", $3*100)
	// move corresponding percent of inhibitory synapses to field B
	mN = isyn.count()*avgpct	// number of synapses to move

	r2 = new Random()
	r2.discunif(0, SectionListCount("FieldB")-1)
	for n=0,mN-1 {
		forsec "FieldB" {
			if (i==tn) isyn.o(k).loc(0.5)	// move synapse to random field B section
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("TinePctRemap: moved %d inhbitory synapses\n", mN)

	if (isp==1) startPar()
	//return &synvec
	//return count

proc SynScrambler() {local count, n, i, k, ms	localobj r, sl, pc
// SynScrambler( synlist, possible sections, seed )
// SynScrambler( esyn, "Tines" )

	ms = issplit()
	if (ms) stopPar()
	if (numarg()<3) {
		pc = new ParallelContext()	// only known object in nrn verse with clock function
		r = new Random(pc.time)	// random object with unique seed
	} else r = new Random($3)	// random object with specific seed
	if (argtype(2)==2)	{
		sl = new SectionList()
		forall ifsec $s2 sl.append()
	} else if (argtype(2)==1)	sl = $o2
	r.discunif(0, SectionListCount(sl)-1)	// discrete uniform with 1 val per section

	for n=0,$o1.count()-1 {	// loop through synapse list
		k=r.repick()	// get rand index for that synapse
		forsec sl {
			if (i==k) $o1.o(n).loc(0.5)	// move synapse to section with random index
	if (ms) startPar()


proc ListSubset() {local i, n, nmv	localobj r
// ListSubset(existing list, percent to transfer, new list)

	r = new Random()
	r.discunif(0, $o1.count()-1)
	nmv = $o1.count()*$2
	while (n<int(nmv)) {
		i = r.repick()
		if ($o3.index($o1.o(i))==-1) {

proc FieldSynShift() {localobj subE, subI
// procedure to move synaptic inputs between dendritic fields
// FieldSynShift(move, remove)
// 	both inputs are 0-1 (0 does nothing, 1 (re)moves 100%)
// 	if no inputs are given, 100% are moved and 60% are then removed

	if ((numarg()==0) || ($1==1)) {		// if all synapses are to be moved
		SynScrambler( esyn, Ctines )	// move excitatory synapses to random field C sections
		SynScrambler( isyn, "FieldB" )	// move inhibitory synapses to random field B sections
		if (numarg()==2) {
		} else {
			RandRemove(esyn,0.6 )
	} else {	// if a subset of synapses are to be moved
		subI = new List()
		subE = new List()
		SynScrambler( subE, Ctines)
		if (verbosity > 2) printf("FieldSynShift: moved %d synapses ... \n", subE.count())
		SynScrambler( subI, "FieldB" )
		if (verbosity > 2) printf("FieldSynShift: moved %d synapses ... \n", subI.count())

		if (numarg()==2) {
			RandRemove(subE,$2, esyn)
		} else {
			RandRemove(subE,0.6, esyn)

proc FieldCcluster() {local tot,n,i,x,k,j,ms,S	localobj V,ix,tx,syns
// FieldCcluster(steepness(µm))

	ms = issplit()
	if (ms) stopPar()
	if (numarg()>0) S=$1 else S=75
	n = SectionListCount("FieldC")	// number of sections in field
	syns = new List()
	V = new Vector(n)
	for i = 0,esyn.count()-1 {
		// get synapses in each field C section
		{ esyn.o(i).get_loc() {if (sscanf(secname(), "FieldC[%d]", &j)) syns.append(esyn.o(i))} pop_section() }
	tot = syns.count()	// total number of synapses to be moved
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("FieldCcluster: center section is %s \n", secname())
	if (tot==0) {
	mx = tot/(S/2)
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("FieldCcluster: moving %d synapses with max of %d... \n", tot,mx)

	V = new Vector(tot)
	ix = new Vector(tot)
	for i = 0,tot-1 V.x(i)=syns.o(i).onset	// onset time of each synapse
	V.sortindex(ix)	// get order of onset times
	V = new Vector(n)
	forsec "FieldC" {
		D = distance(0.5)	//distance to each field C section from central section
		V.x(i) = int(mx/(1+exp((75-D)/S)))
	tx = new Vector(n)
	for i=0,n-1 {
		if (k>=tot) { // already moved all synapses
		} else if (k+V.x(i)<tot) {//plenty left to move
			if (verbosity > 3) printf("FieldCcluster: moving %d synapses to FieldC[%d]\n",V.x(i),tx.x(i))
			FieldC[tx.x(i)] for j = k,k+V.x(i)-1 syns.o(ix.x(j)).loc(0.5)
		} else { // this is the last section to move them to
			if (verbosity > 3) printf("FieldCcluster: moved %d synapses to FieldC[%d]\n", tot-k,tx.x(i))
			FieldC[tx.x(i)] for j = k,tot-1 syns.o(ix.x(j)).loc(0.5)
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("FieldCcluster: moved %d synapses to %d sections\n", k,i+1)
	if (ms) startPar()


proc RandRemove() {local nmv,n,i,k,ms	localobj sub, r,V
// procedure to remove a random subset of list items. set ratio to remove (0-1)
// RandRemove(List, [0-1], secondary list)

	if ($2==0) {
		if (verbosity > 2) printf("RandRemove: removing 0 items from %s... \n", $o1)

	ms = issplit()
	if (ms) stopPar()
	sub = new List()
	r = new Random()
	r.discunif(0, $o1.count()-1)
	nmv = int($o1.count()*$2)
	V = new Vector(nmv)
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("RandRemove: removing %d items from %s... \n", nmv, $o1)
	for n=0,nmv-1 {
		if (V.x(n)>$o1.count())	k=$o1.count() else K=V.x(n)
		if (numarg()>2) $o3.remove($o3.index($o1.o(k)))
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("RandRemove: removed %d items ... \n", nmv)
	if (ms) startPar()	

func SpontSyns() { local nSyn,ms,k,i,nt, seed,mint,maxt,fs	localobj pc, r,r2, sl,SN
// SpontSyns(synlist, sections, syn, rate, max time, seed, min time)
// 	create spontaneous synapses to sections (2nd argin) with the same tau and conductance as syn (3rd argin)
// 	and add them to the specified synlist (1st argin). The spontaneous rate is per ms (4th argin)

	maxt = $5
	if ((numarg()>6) && (argtype(7)==0)) {
		mint = $7
	} else {

	if (argtype(2)==2)	{
		sl = new SectionList()
		forall ifsec $s2 sl.append()
	} else if (argtype(2)==1)	sl = $o2

	SN= new String()
	syn = $o3
	classname(syn, SN.s)
	MS_ = new MechanismStandard(SN.s)

	fs = 20	//sampling rate (/ms)
	nt = (maxt-mint)*fs
	nSyn = int($4*(maxt-mint))
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("SpontSyns: creating %g synapses ... \n", nSyn)

	if ((numarg()>5) && (argtype(6)==0)) {
		seed = $6
	} else {
		pc = new ParallelContext()
		seed = pc.time()
	r = new Random(seed)	//random object for sampling uniform distribution
	r2 = new Random(seed)	//2nd random object

	ms = issplit()
	if (ms) stopPar()
	r.discunif(0, nt)	// discrete uniform sampling time steps
	r2.discunif(0, SectionListCount(sl)-1)	// discrete uniform sampling sections

	sprint( SN.s, "syn = new %s()", SN.s)
	for n=0,nSyn-1 {	// loop through synapse list

// 		syn = new AlphaSynapse()
		MS_.set("onset", r.repick()/fs+mint)
// 		syn.onset = r.repick()/fs+mint	// get rand time index for synapse
		k=r2.repick()	// get rand section index for synapse
		forsec sl {
			if (i==k) {
				syn.loc(0.5)	// move synapse to section with random index
		$o1.append(syn)		// add synapse to list
	objref syn
	if (ms) startPar()

	return seed

proc adjparams() {local mult	localobj tmplist
// adjparams(synlist, synapse parameter, new value, multiply)

	mult = 0
	tmplist = $o1
	val = $3
	if (numarg()>3) mult = $4
	//classname(tmplist.o(0), strtmp)
	//ms = new MechanismStandard(strtmp)
	for i=0,tmplist.count()-1 {
		syn = tmplist.o(i)
		if (mult == 0) {
			sprint(tmpstr, "syn.%s = val", $s2)
		} else sprint(tmpstr, "syn.%s = syn.%s*val", $s2, $s2)
		//sprint(tmpstr, "tmplist.o(i).%s = val", $s2)
// 		ms.set($s2, val)
// 		ms.out(tmplist.o(i))


proc genbursts() {local ns,k,a,scale	localobj sub
// genbursts( val, rescale )
// val is multiple of change within burst periods
// scale is multiple of percent of change to cancel out in non-burst periods (0-1)
// used to produce onset responses to new coarse pixels matching the data.

	//	t0 = 2500 4400 4770 4930 5010 5080, t1=t0+25
	//	2040 2550 4160 4560 4715 4790 4860
	if (numarg() > 0) a=$1
	if (numarg() > 1) scale=$2
	sub = new List()
	ns = esyn.count()
	findobj( sub, esyn, "onset", 2160, 2230)
	findobj( sub, esyn, "onset", 2680, 2720)
	findobj( sub, esyn, "onset", 4370, 4410)
	findobj( sub, esyn, "onset", 4750, 4780)
	findobj( sub, esyn, "onset", 4915, 4945)
	findobj( sub, esyn, "onset", 5000, 5020)
// 	findobj( sub, esyn, "onset", 5040, 5060)
	k = sub.count()
	if (scale>0)  adjparams(esyn, "gmax", (ns-k*scale*(a-1))/ns, 1)
	adjparams(sub,"gmax", a, 1)

proc adjsynswindow() {local mult, t1, t2	localobj tmplist, sub
// adjsynswindow( synlist, synapse parameter, t1, t2, new value, multiply)

	mult = 0
	tmplist = $o1
	val = $5
	t1 = $5
	t2 = $5
	if (numarg()>5) mult = $6
	sub = new List()
	//classname(tmplist.o(0), strtmp)
	//ms = new MechanismStandard(strtmp)
	findobj( sub, tmplist, "onset", t1, t2 )
	for i=0,sub.count()-1 {
		syn = sub.o(i)
		if (mult == 0) {
			sprint(tmpstr, "syn.%s = val", $s2)
		} else sprint(tmpstr, "syn.%s = syn.%s*val", $s2, $s2)
		//sprint(tmpstr, "tmplist.o(i).%s = val", $s2)
// 		ms.set($s2, val)
// 		ms.out(sub.o(i))


proc VisualStim() { local i, n, count, newesyn, newisyn, ims,sca, tmp,tmp2,tmp3	localobj sl
// VisualStim( filename, esynfile, isynfile, section list, tstop)
// VisualStim( filename, 0, 0 (, section list, tstop) )

	tmp = dt		// store dt value to reset at end
	tmp2 = steps_per_ms
	tmp3 = seclist
	steps_per_ms = 0.25		// set plotting and gvec interval (1/ms)
	dt = 0.02		// set dt step to short interval (ms)
// 	seclist = 1
	subdir = "visual"
	sprint(strtmp,"mkdir %s/%s", DATADIR, subdir)
	n = numarg()
	datafile = $s1

	if (argtype(2)==2)	{
		esynfullpath = $s2
		esyn = new List()
	} else newesyn=0
	if (argtype(3)==2)	{
		isynfullpath = $s3
		isyn = new List()
	} else newisyn=0
// 	simsecs = $o4

	if (n>=4) {
		if (argtype(4)==1) {
			sl = $o4
		} else if (argtype(4)==0) {
		} else SaveSections()
	if (object_id(sl,1) == -1) {
		sl = simsecs_G_ 
		if (verbosity > 2) printf("VisualStim: using simsecs_G_ ... \n")
	} else {
		simsecs_G_ = sl
		if (verbosity > 2) printf("VisualStim: using new SectionList. Changing simsecs_G_ ... \n")
// 	t_rec = new Vector()
// 	t_rec.record(&t)
// 	objref rvec[count]

	count = SectionListCount(sl)
	objref rvec_G_[count]
	objref objtmp[count]
	forsec sl {
		objtmp[i] = new IClamp(0.5)
		rvec_G_[i] = new Vector()
		if (recCa && ismembrane("ca_ion")) {
			rvec_G_[i].record(objtmp[i], &cai(0.5), RecDt)
		} else {
			rvec_G_[i].record(objtmp[i], &v(0.5), RecDt)

	if (verbosity > 1) printf("loading excitation ... \n")
	if (synCa) sca=1 else sca = 0
	if (verbosity > 2) printf("sca: %g \n",sca)
	if (newesyn) {
		if (AEC) {
		} else SynFileRead(esyn,esynfullpath,sca)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("done.\n")

	if (verbosity > 1) printf("loading inhibition ... \n")
	if (newisyn) SynFileRead(isyn,isynfullpath)
	if (verbosity > 1) printf("done.\n")

	if (n > 4) {
		tstop = $5
	} else tstop = t0+250

	if (verbosity > 1) printf("VisualStim: saving param file ... \n")

	sprint(strtmp, "%s/%s/%s_prm.txt", DATADIR, subdir, datafile )
	SaveParams( strtmp )
	if (verbosity > 0) printf("VisualStim: running simulation ... \n")

	if (verbosity > 0) printf("VisualStim: saving data ... \n")

	sprint( filename, "%s/%s/%s", DATADIR, subdir, datafile )
	sprint( headerstr, "Visual stimulus simulation\nt0=%g\ttstart=%g\nExcitation: %s\nInhibition: %s\n",\
		t0, tstart, esynfullpath, isynfullpath )
	SaveData( filename, headerstr, count, 0, 1 )

	if (verbosity > 1) printf("visual stimuli finished\n")

	dt = tmp
	steps_per_ms = tmp2
	seclist = tmp3
