% Copyright (c) California Institute of Technology, 2006 -- All Rights Reserved
% Royalty free license granted for non-profit research and educational purposes.
% check_current_balance
% This is essentially a debugging utility: The total membrane current of all
% compartments in a NEURON simulation should equal zero (or equal the current
% injection, if there is any.) This script plots the net current for all
% compartments and compares it to the somatic membrane current. If the NEURON
% code is correct then the net current should be vanishingly small in comparison
% to the somatic membrane current. It will never be exactly zero due to numerical
% rounding errors in the simulation, but if the error is less than something
% like one 1000th of the somatic membrane current the error will not perturb the
% LSA calculation in any meaningful way. (It actually should be much smaller than
% this: on the order of one 100,000th.)
% If you add any additional currents to the NEURON model, such as chlorine, synaptic
% currents, non-specific ionic currents, a shunt, etc. you will have to modify the
% the neuron file current_util to correctly account for them. After doing so this
% script is a good check that you have done so correctly.
% Adding a current injection does not require a change in the current_util.hoc file
% - the result should be that the net current plotted here will now EQUAL the current
% injection! In that case you should probably subtract the current injection from
% the net current in this script in order to assess the error.
% Example Use:
% ------------
% check_current_balance('d151',[]);
function check_current_balance(cellName, trial_num)
% plot the last trial if no trial was given
if (isempty(trial_num))
trial_num = get_last_trial_num(cellName);
% Constants
vmemb_axis_limits = [-70 30];
x_tick_space = 2;
% Setup
if (isempty(trial_num))
trial_num = get_last_trial_num(cellName);
sim_times = load(make_file_name(cellName, trial_num, 'time'))';
disp(sprintf('Checking current balance for %s.%d... t=%.2f-%.2f', cellName, trial_num, sim_times(1), sim_times(end)));
% Loop calculating total current at all times
all_i_total = [];
for t = 1 : length(sim_times)
tcheck = sim_times(t);
I_segs = get_neuron_current(cellName, trial_num, tcheck)*1e9; % convert to nA
total_current = sum(I_segs);
% disp(sprintf('\tI_tot=%.3e', total_current));
all_i_total = [all_i_total total_current];
% Load the detailed data for the soma
soma_data = load(make_file_name(cellName, trial_num, 'dtls', 0.5, {'soma'}));
soma_itotal_col = find_detail_column(cellName, trial_num, 'I_tot');
soma_vmemb_col = find_detail_column(cellName, trial_num, 'V');
% Plot
plot(sim_times, soma_data(:,soma_vmemb_col),'k');
legend('Soma Membrane Potential',2);
set(gca,'XLim',[round(sim_times(1)) round(sim_times(end))]);
set(gca,'YLim', vmemb_axis_limits);
title(sprintf('Check of Current Conservation, %s.%d', cellName, trial_num));
set(gca,'XTick',[round(sim_times(1)) : x_tick_space: round(sim_times(end))]);
grid on;
hold on;
plot(sim_times, soma_data(:,soma_itotal_col), 'b');
plot(sim_times, all_i_total,'r');
legend({'Total Soma Membrane Current';'Total Cell Membrane Current'},3);
set(gca,'XLim',[round(sim_times(1)) round(sim_times(end))]);
set(gca,'XTick',[round(sim_times(1)) : x_tick_space: round(sim_times(end))]);
grid on;
plot(sim_times, all_i_total,'k');
legend('Total Cell Membrane Current (Enlarged)',2);
set(gca,'XLim',[round(sim_times(1)) round(sim_times(end))]);
set(gca,'XTick',[round(sim_times(1)) : x_tick_space: round(sim_times(end))]);
grid on;
plot(sim_times, abs(100*all_i_total./soma_data(:,soma_itotal_col)'),'k');
set(gca,'XLim',[round(sim_times(1)) round(sim_times(end))]);
set(gca,'XTick',[round(sim_times(1)) : x_tick_space: round(sim_times(end))]);
grid on;