%  Copyright (c) California Institute of Technology, 2006 -- All Rights Reserved
%  Royalty free license granted for non-profit research and educational purposes.

%  get_neuron_geom
%  This is simply a wrapper around the loading of the geometry data.  It divides
%  the data in starting and ending points and diameters and returns them in separate
%  arrays.  It converts that data from micrometers to meters for the LSA calculation.

function [seg_start, seg_end, start_diams, end_diams] = get_neuron_geom(cellName, session)

fileName = make_file_name(cellName, session, 'geom');

geometryData = load(fileName);

% really this is the number of lines of data

seg_start = geometryData(1:num_rows,1:3);
seg_end = geometryData(1:num_rows,6:8);

start_diams = geometryData(1:num_rows,4);
end_diams = geometryData(1:num_rows,9);

% Points from NEURON are in micro-meters, and we return the data in meters...
seg_start = seg_start * 1e-6;
seg_end = seg_end * 1e-6;
start_diams = start_diams * 1e-6;
end_diams = end_diams * 1e-6;