% Copyright (c) California Institute of Technology, 2006 -- All Rights Reserved
% Royalty free license granted for non-profit research and educational purposes.
% plot_eap_grid
% This script produces a 2D plot of a cell and the extraceullar action potentials
% in a plane around the cell, similar to figures 1-3 in Gold, Henze, Koch and Buzsaki
% (2006) and figures 3-6 in Gold, Henze and Koch (2007). It assumes that these voltages
% have already been previously calculated with zplane_eap_calc. The cell is plotted with
% the plot_cell_flat procedure and the waveform for each point is plotted in a separate
% axis and the rescaled and moved to the correct position on the main axis. The
% parameters given the script are the same parameters as are given to zplane_eap_calc.
% Some additional constant parameters (of the plot) are defined in the top of the file.
% The script will also save the plot to one or more files with types given by the
% save_types variable (in the top of the script; use an empty cell array for no save.)
% One small note: the script assumes the soma is centered at (0,0,0) and does not
% plot data for that point. If you are using a cell where the soma is not at (0,0,0)
% you may want to alter this (in the main loop, below.)
% Example Use
% ------------
% plot_eap_grid('d151', [], [], 0.3, [-100 100 -100 100], 0, 20);
function plot_eap_grid(cellName, trial, start_end_times, sigma, xyMax, Z, gridSize)
% Constant Parameters used in plotting
% this is helpful for the line simulation
% voltageScales = [0.001 0.002 0.004 0.008 0.012];
% good for a CA1 pyramidal cell
voltageScales = [0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.16];
voltageColors = {'b'; 'g'; 'y'; 'm'; 'r'};
xgrid_plot_pcnt = .8;
track_color = 'w';
eap_line_width = 1;
volt_text_size = .015;
save_types = {'epsc'}; % use empty cell array for no save
% Default the trial number if necessary
if (isempty(trial))
trial = get_last_trial_num(cellName);
% Load Voltage Data & Check Times
disp('loading voltages...');
% load the times, and check the request start/end against them
sim_times = load(make_file_name(cellName, trial, 'time'))';
if (isempty(start_end_times))
calc_length = 4;
time_before_ic_peak = 1;
[start_end_times start_end_indices] = pick_start_end(cellName, trial, calc_length, time_before_ic_peak);
[start_end_times start_end_indices] = check_start_end(sim_times, start_end_times);
[Voltages, volt_pts, volt_times] = load_voltage_data_2d(cellName, trial, xyMax, Z, gridSize, start_end_times, sigma);
plot_times = sim_times(start_end_indices(1):start_end_indices(2));
% Load the cell geometry
disp('Loading cell geometry...');
[start_segs end_segs start_diams end_diams] = get_neuron_geom(cellName, trial);
% Make list of all point coordinates
disp('making pts...');
% for calculation, we want to convert these from micro-meters to meters
pt_coord = make_2D_pt_coords(xyMax, Z, gridSize)*1e-6;
% Make the main axes
main_fig_h = figure(get_next_fig);
main_ax_h = axes;
% adding some extra room to the xyMax
axis(main_ax_h, [xyMax(1) - gridSize xyMax(2) + gridSize xyMax(3) - gridSize xyMax(4) + gridSize]);
hold on;
set(main_ax_h, 'XTickMode', 'manual');
set(main_ax_h, 'YTickMode', 'manual');
set(main_ax_h, 'Color', [.5 .5 .5]);
% Plot the cell
disp('Plotting cell...');
flatten_cell = 1;
plot_cell(start_segs, end_segs, start_diams, end_diams, xyMax, main_ax_h, flatten_cell);
% Make Each Plot
disp('Plotting Waveforms...');
scrap_fignum = get_next_fig;
for plotNum = 1 : size(pt_coord,1)
fig_h = figure(scrap_fignum);
% if its (0,0,0) its in the soma and not a real point - skip it
% (this may or may not be Nan depending on exactly where the soma 3D points lie,
% but it almost certainly lies within the soma in which case the LSA is not
% valid)
if (pt_coord(plotNum,1)==0 & pt_coord(plotNum,2) ==0 & pt_coord(plotNum,3) == 0) continue; end
[volt_trace, plot_times] = get_voltage_trace(Voltages, volt_pts, volt_times, start_end_times, pt_coord(plotNum,:));
% check this in case the pt was on a line in the calculation
if (any(volt_trace)== NaN) continue; end
[ymin ymax clr] = voltage_plot_scale(volt_trace, voltageScales, voltageColors);
line_hs = plot(plot_times, volt_trace, clr);
for i = 1 : size(line_hs,1)
y_rescale = gridSize/(ymax-ymin);
x_rescale = (gridSize/(start_end_times(2) - start_end_times(1)))*xgrid_plot_pcnt;
orig_xs = get(line_hs(i), 'XData');
orig_ys = get(line_hs(i), 'YData');
new_xs = (orig_xs * x_rescale) + pt_coord(plotNum, 1)*1e6 - start_end_times(1)*x_rescale - gridSize/2;
new_ys = (orig_ys * y_rescale) + pt_coord(plotNum, 2)*1e6;
set(line_hs(i), 'XData', new_xs);
set(line_hs(i), 'YData', new_ys);
set(line_hs(i), 'LineWidth', eap_line_width);
% Move the Line to the Main Axes...
set(line_hs(i), 'Parent', main_ax_h);
% reset to work on the main figure...
% Set ticks and title
disp('Adding Ticks and Title');
set(main_ax_h, 'XTick', [xyMax(1) : gridSize : xyMax(2)]);
set(main_ax_h, 'YTick', [xyMax(3) : gridSize : xyMax(4)]);
title(sprintf('Cell=%s.%d, Z=%.0f, sig=%.2f',cellName,trial, Z, sigma), 'Interpreter', 'none');
xlabel('\mu m');
ylabel('\mu m');
set(gca, 'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1]);
% Add Time Scale explanation
time_line_h = line([xyMax(1)-gridSize/2 xyMax(1)+gridSize*xgrid_plot_pcnt-gridSize/2], ...
[xyMax(3)-gridSize/4 xyMax(3)-gridSize/4], ...
'Color', 'w');
time_text_h = text(xyMax(1)-gridSize/2, xyMax(3)-gridSize/2, ...
sprintf(' %.2f ms', start_end_times(2)-start_end_times(1)), 'Color', 'w', 'FontUnits', 'normalized', 'FontSize', .025);
% Add Voltage Scale explanation
disp('Adding scale bars...');
% choose a spacing for the voltage scale text
xGrid = [xyMax(1) : gridSize: xyMax(2)]; % how many x pts did we make?
textGrid = floor(length(xGrid)/length(voltageScales));
for i = 1 : length(voltageScales)
if (length(voltageScales)>2)
volt_line_h = line([xyMax(1)-gridSize/4 + gridSize*i*textGrid xyMax(1)-gridSize/4 + gridSize*i*textGrid ],...
[xyMax(3)-3*gridSize/4 xyMax(3)-gridSize/4], ...
'Color', char(voltageColors(i)));
volt_text_h = text(xyMax(1) + gridSize*i*textGrid, xyMax(3)-gridSize/2, strcat(sprintf('=%.1f', ....
1000*voltageScales(i)), ' \mu V'), 'Color', char(voltageColors(i)), 'FontUnits', 'normalized', 'FontSize', volt_text_size, 'Interpreter','tex');
x_line = [xyMax(1)-gridSize/4 + gridSize*i*textGrid/2 ...
xyMax(1)-gridSize/4 + gridSize*i*textGrid/2 ];
y_line = [xyMax(3)-3*gridSize/4 xyMax(3)-gridSize/4];
x_text = xyMax(1) + gridSize*i*textGrid/2;
y_text = xyMax(3)-gridSize/2;
volt_line_h = line(x_line, y_line, 'Color', char(voltageColors(i)));
volt_text_h = text(x_text, y_text, sprintf('=%.1f \muV', 1000*voltageScales(i)), 'Color', ...
'b', 'FontUnits', 'normalized', 'FontSize', .025);
% Save Figure as File
if (~exist(make_file_name(cellName, trial, 'mout', [], {}) , 'dir'))
status = mkdir(make_file_name(cellName, trial, 'pout'), 'mat');
for s = 1 : length(save_types)
save_file = make_file_name(cellName, trial, 'eapg', [Z gridSize sigma], {char(save_types(s))});
saveas(gcf, save_file, char(save_types(s)));