% Copyright (c) California Institute of Technology, 2006 -- All Rights Reserved
% Royalty free license granted for non-profit research and educational purposes.
% find_detail_column
% Returns the column number for a specified element of the detailed data.
function col = find_detail_column(cellName, trial, var_name)
curr_types_file = make_file_name(cellName, trial, 'ctyp');
curr_types = textread(curr_types_file, '%s');
mech_gates_file = make_file_name(cellName, trial, 'mgts');
mech_gates = textread(mech_gates_file, '%s');
match_curr_type = find(strcmp(curr_types,var_name)==1);
match_mech_gate = find(strcmp(mech_gates,var_name)==1);
col = 0;
% in the details files the list of current types comes first, followed
% by the list of mechanism gates/variables
% +1 is because first column is the time, which is not listed in either file
if (~isempty(match_curr_type))
col = 1+match_curr_type;
elseif (~isempty(match_mech_gate))
col = 1+size(curr_types,1)+match_mech_gate;