% Copyright (c) California Institute of Technology, 2006 -- All Rights Reserved
% Royalty free license granted for non-profit research and educational purposes.
% search_smse
% This function takes two waveforms (defined on the same sset of times) and
% searches for the optimal (lowest MSE) alignment. It performs a simple
% (brute force) comparison of all the options given by a range of steps in
% both time and the y axis. The error returned is the square root of the
% mean square error. The second return argument is the 2nd input trace
% with the optimal time and Y offset applied, suitable for plotting in a
% comparison with the first. This is used both in compare_intra_trials and
% compare_extra_trials.
% There is also an option to weight the peak: the "peak_weight_params" should
% be a two element vector where the first is how much to weight the sample
% with peak amplitude, and the second is a decay factor to reduce the weight
% on neighboring points. For example, peak_weight_parms of [10 0.5] would
% mean that the peak sample is weighted 10x, the two neighboring samples
% are weighted 5x, the two samples two places from the peak are weighted 2.5x,
% and the two samples three places from the peak are weighted 1.25x. The
% remaining samples would get a standard weight of 1x. After weighting the
% total MSE is renormalized.
% Note that this measure is actually asymmetric: the two traces start out
% the same length. Then the first trace is held fixed while the second is
% shifted in time. When the second trace is shifted in time it is padded by
% repeating its first/last element in order to keep the total length the
% same. Consequently the result will be slightly different depending on
% which trace is held fixed and which is shifted. (This is not a consequence
% of the padding: even if more original data was provided for the shifted
% trace the same asymmetry would exist.) The solution to this (used in
% compare_intra_trials and compare_extra_trials) is simply to search the
% error twice with the order reversed and average the htwo results.
% Also note that this is unsuitable for comparing SIMULTANEOUS intra-
% and extracellular recordings as in Gold, Henze, Koch and Buzsaki (2006)
% and this is not the method used there: If the intra- and extra- recordings
% are _separately_ shifted in time to find two different optimal alignments
% then the temporal relationship between the intra- and extracellular
% recordings is destroyed. In order to preserve this information the
% two waveforms must be shifted together and a single optimal temporal
% alignment determined.
function [smse, shifted_trace1] = search_smse(trace_1, trace_2, trace_times, max_y_off, y_step, max_t_shift, peak_weight_params)
% set up the Y-shifts to use
y_shifts = [-max_y_off : y_step : max_y_off];
num_y_shifts = size(y_shifts,2);
% set up the T-shifts to use
tstep_size = trace_times(2)-trace_times(1);
max_tshift_steps = round(max_t_shift / tstep_size);
t_shifts = [-max_tshift_steps : max_tshift_steps];
num_t_shifts = size(t_shifts,2);
% space for the results
smses = zeros(num_t_shifts, num_y_shifts);
length_tcomp = size(trace_times,2);
compare_recs = zeros(num_t_shifts, num_y_shifts, length_tcomp);
% if we are using weighted mse...
samp_step = 1e-3*(trace_times(2)-trace_times(1)); % convert to seconds from msecs
if (~isempty(peak_weight_params))
[na_peak na_peak_i] = min(trace_1);
na_peak_weight = peak_weight_params(1);
weight_decay = peak_weight_params(2);
weights = zeros(1,length_tcomp);
for n = 1 : length_tcomp
weights(n) = max(na_peak_weight*(weight_decay^abs(n-na_peak_i) ) ,1);
weights = ones(1,length_tcomp);
total_weight = sum(weights);
% Loop searching different waveform alignments...
for t = 1 : num_t_shifts
for i = 1 : num_y_shifts
compare_rec = zeros(1, length_tcomp);
overlap = length_tcomp - abs(t_shifts(t));
if (t_shifts(t) > 0)
% shift it forwards
compare_rec(t_shifts(t)+1:length_tcomp) = trace_1(1:length_tcomp-t_shifts(t));
compare_rec(1:t_shifts(t)) = trace_1(1); % fill with the first value
elseif (t_shifts(t) < 0)
% shift it back
abs_toff = abs(t_shifts(t));
compare_rec(1:length_tcomp-abs_toff) = trace_1(abs_toff+1:length_tcomp);
compare_rec(length_tcomp-abs_toff+1:length_tcomp) = trace_1(length_tcomp); % fill with the last value
compare_rec = trace_1;
compare_rec = compare_rec + y_shifts(i);
compare_recs(t,i,1:length_tcomp) = compare_rec;
smses(t,i) = sqrt((1/total_weight)*sum( weights.*((compare_rec - trace_2).^2)));
[mins min_t_indices]=min(smses);
[min_smse min_y_shift_index]=min(mins);
min_t_shift_index = min_t_indices(min_y_shift_index);
min_y_shift = y_shifts(min_y_shift_index);
min_t_shift = t_shifts(min_t_shift_index);
% this seems to be necessary, or plot gets confused by the 3-D array
shifted_trace1 = zeros(size(trace_1));
shifted_trace1(1,:) = compare_recs(min_t_shift_index,min_y_shift_index,:);
smse = smses(min_t_shift_index, min_y_shift_index);