// This example demonstrates that two effects not discussed in the paper
// can result in slightly greater safety factor. I.e. no ephaptic excitation
// occurs in the model with a ratio of stimulated to unstimulated
// axons of 4. The first change is to ground the extracellular network over
// a small initial region (we also ground the distal region but that is not
// important here) to simulate axons entering a fascicle. This eliminates
// the large response in axon b due to initiation of the spike in axon a.
// (see the black curve in the lower part of fig 3B.)
// The second change is to increase the temperature so that the hh rate constants
// are three times their value for squid at 6.3degrees. This produces narrower
// axon spikes and thus the time that axon b is stimulated ephaptically
// is somewhat shorter, giving it less time to reach threshold.
// Other effects such as increased threshold of receptor cell axons
// or leaky fascicles could also reduce the ephaptic coupling.
forall uninsert pas
forall insert hh
forall nseg*=3
{beta = .05 extcelnet()}
xg(0:.1) = 1:1
xg(.9:1) = 1:1