import os
os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = "1"
from joblib import Memory
from pypesto.sample.auto_correlation import autocorrelation_sokal
from itertools import starmap
import pickle
from AlonsoMarderModel import AlonsoMarderModel
import pypesto
import numpy as np
import pypesto.sample as sample
from pypesto.objective.priors import get_parameter_prior_dict
import pandas as pd
from typing import Dict, Union
import datetime
import h5py
from multiprocess import Manager, Process, Pool, get_context
import multiprocessing as mp
import warnings
import copy
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MEM_CACHE = Memory('./cache/')
def generated_fn(sample_params: np.ndarray, step: float, stop: float, current_injected: float = 0.0,
candidate_model_output: Union[dict, None] = None,
del_ty: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Union[bool, np.ndarray, float]]:
calculates estimated spike times using estimated params
:param sample_params: estimated parameters
:param step: time stepping
:param stop: time stopping
:param current_injected: time steps
:param del_ty:
:param candidate_model_output:
:return: estimated model
conductances = {
'g_Na': sample_params[0], # 1.0764e3, # uS, transient sodium conductance
'g_CaT': sample_params[1], # 6.4056e0, # uS, low-threshold calcium conductance
'g_CaS': sample_params[2], # 1.0048e1, # uS, slow calcium conductance
'g_A': sample_params[3], # 8.0384e0, # uS, transient potassium conductance
'g_KCa': sample_params[4], # 1.7584e1, # uS, calcium-dependent potassium conductance
'g_Kd': sample_params[5], # 1.240928e2, # uS, potassium conductance
'g_H': sample_params[6], # 1.1304e-1, # uS, hyperpolarization-activated cation conductance
'g_L': sample_params[7], # 1.7584e-1, # uS, leak conductance
time_steps = np.arange(0.0, stop, step)
the_model = AlonsoMarderModel(injected_current=current_injected,
with warnings.catch_warnings():
model_out = the_model.run_simulation(time_steps)
model_out['success'] = True
except ValueError as e:
model_out = {'success': False}
return model_out
if del_ty:
del model_out['t']
del model_out['y']
if candidate_model_output is not None:
candidate_model_output[current_injected] = model_out
logging.debug(f'generated_fn {current_injected}: {conductances} complete...')
logging.debug(f'generated_fn {current_injected}: {conductances} complete...')
return model_out
def calc_alonso_marder_loss(true_data: dict, # dict of currents, then
candidate_data: dict,
gamma=0., # gamma=100.,
delta=0., # delta=100.,
nu=0.) -> float:
Calculate Alonso Marder loss using their loss function
@param true_data: true data
@param candidate_data: estimated data
@param alpha: coefficient for error burst frequency
@param beta: coefficient for error duty cycle
@param gamma: coefficient for error mid crossings
@param delta: coefficient for error slow wave crossings
@param nu: coefficient for error lag
@return: loss
if 'success' in candidate_data and candidate_data['success'] is False:
logging.debug('discarding bad solver solution')
return 9.001e9
e_f = np.power((true_data['burst_frequency_mean'] - candidate_data['burst_frequency_mean']) * 1e3, 2)
# print(f"true: {true_data['burst_frequency_mean']}; candidate: {candidate_data['burst_frequency_mean']}")
e_dc = np.power(true_data['duty_cycle_mean'] - candidate_data['duty_cycle_mean'], 2)
# print(f"true: {true_data['duty_cycle_mean']}; candidate: {candidate_data['duty_cycle_mean']}")
# e_f = np.power((0.001 - candidate_data['burst_frequency_mean']) * 1e3, 2)
# e_dc = np.power(0.2 - candidate_data['duty_cycle_mean'], 2)
# e_mid = np.sum([np.power(nspike_mid - candidate_data['spike_per_burst'][:nspike_mid.size], 2)
# for nspike_mid in candidate_data['spike_per_burst_mid']])
# e_mid = np.sum(
# [np.power(nspike_mid[:np.min([nspike_mid.size, candidate_data['spike_per_burst'].size])] -
# candidate_data['spike_per_burst'][:np.min([nspike_mid.size, candidate_data['spike_per_burst'].size])],
# 2).sum()
# for nspike_mid in candidate_data['spike_per_burst_mid']])
# TODO: use log-barrier function instead of if, for both e_mid and num_bursts
# if e_mid == 1.0:
# e_mid = 0.0
e_sw = np.power(candidate_data['num_sw'], 2)
e_lag = candidate_data['e_lag']
return alpha * e_f + beta * e_dc + delta * e_sw + nu * e_lag # + gamma * e_mid
def calc_mse_loss(true_data: dict, candidate_data: dict) -> float:
calculate mean squared error loss
@param true_data: true data
@param candidate_data: estimated data
return np.square(true_data['y'] - candidate_data['y']).mean()
def calc_alonso_marder_loss_overall(true_data: dict, # dict of currents, then
candidate_data: dict,
print_losses: bool = False) -> float:
calculate max overall loss from 5 injected currents
@param true_data: true data
@param candidate_data: estimated data
@param print_losses: choose whether to print logging info
@return: overall loss
total_loss = [calc_alonso_marder_loss(true_data[current_used], candidate_data[current_used])
for current_used in candidate_data.keys()]
# return np.sum(total_loss)
if print_losses:
_ = ['TRUE {list(candidate_data.keys())[idx]} loss: {loss}') for idx, loss in enumerate(total_loss)]
return np.max(total_loss)
def calc_mse_loss_overall(true_data: dict, # dict of currents, then
candidate_data: dict) -> float:
calculate max overall loss from 5 injected currents
@param true_data: true data
@param candidate_data: estimated data
@return: overall loss
total_loss = [calc_mse_loss(true_data[current_used], candidate_data[current_used])
for current_used in candidate_data.keys()]
# return np.sum(total_loss)
return np.max(total_loss)
def easy_neg_log_likelihood(sample_params: np.ndarray, true_data: dict,
sigma_d: float, random_seed: int,
loss_fn: str) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
likelihood function to compare actual vs estimated params with negative log
:param sigma_d: standard deviation
:param sample_params: estimated parameters
:param true_data: true metric
:param random_seed: the random number generator random seed
:param loss_fn: loss function, either 'mse' or 'AlonsoMarder'
:return: loss
# with mp.get_context('spawn').Pool(len(list(true_data.keys()))) as pool:
# currents_used = true_data.keys()
# cached_generated_fn = MEM_CACHE.cache(generated_fn, verbose=0)
# candidate_model_outputs = pool.starmap(
# cached_generated_fn,
# [(sample_params, true_data[current_used]['t_step'],
# true_data[current_used]['t_end'], current_used) for current_used in currents_used])
# candidate_model_output = {current: outputs for current, outputs in zip(currents_used, candidate_model_outputs)}
currents_used = [0.30000000000000004]
cached_generated_fn = MEM_CACHE.cache(generated_fn, verbose=0)
candidate_model_outputs = starmap(
[(sample_params, true_data[current_used]['t_step'],
true_data[current_used]['t_end'], current_used) for current_used in currents_used])
candidate_model_output = {current: outputs for current, outputs in zip(currents_used, candidate_model_outputs)}
if loss_fn == 'AlonsoMarder':
loss = np.clip(np.nan_to_num(calc_alonso_marder_loss_overall(true_data, candidate_model_output),
0.0, 9.001e8) # + the_rng.normal(0, 1) * 1e3)
loss = np.nan_to_num(calc_mse_loss_overall(true_data, candidate_model_output),
nan=9.001e8) # + the_rng.normal(0, 1) * 1e3)
if loss >= 9e8:
logging.debug('discarding bad solver solution')
elif loss < 1.0:'Reached loss {loss} using {sample_params}')
return loss
# # discard unstable solutions
# if np.std(candidate_model_output['burst_frequency']) >= candidate_model_output['burst_frequency_mean'] * 0.1 or \
# np.std(candidate_model_output['duty_cycle']) >= candidate_model_output['duty_cycle_mean'] * 0.2:
# print('discarding unstable solution',
# np.std(candidate_model_output['burst_frequency']) >= candidate_model_output['burst_frequency_mean'] * 0.1,
# np.std(candidate_model_output['duty_cycle']) >= candidate_model_output['duty_cycle_mean'] * 0.2)
# return 9.0010e20 + the_rng.normal(0, 1) * 1e3
# else:
# return calc_alonso_marder_loss(true_data, candidate_model_output) * sigma_d
def easy_neg_log_prior(num_params: int, lb_param: np.ndarray, ub_param: np.ndarray) -> pypesto.objective.NegLogParameterPriors:
prior distribution or prior knowledge about parameters
@param num_params: number of parameters
:param ub_param:
:param lb_param:
@return: negative log prior
# NOTE: the prior's default is log(max(parameter_prior_dict)), so default prior value is log(10000.)
prior_list = []
for i in range(num_params):
prior_list.append(get_parameter_prior_dict(i, 'uniform', [0.0, 10000.0]))
# create the prior
neg_log_prior = pypesto.objective.NegLogParameterPriors(prior_list)
return neg_log_prior
def clear_t_y(model_output_dict: Dict[str, Dict]):
for model in model_output_dict.keys():
for current in model_output_dict[model].keys():
model_output_dict[model][current]['t_step'] = model_output_dict[model][current]['t'][1] - model_output_dict[model][current]['t'][0]
model_output_dict[model][current]['t_end'] = model_output_dict[model][current]['t'][-1]
del model_output_dict[model][current]['t']
del model_output_dict[model][current]['y']
return model_output_dict
def run_simulation(sigma_d=0.1, num_chains=12, n_iterations=600, loss='AlonsoMarder') -> sample.sample:
starts simulation
@param sigma_d: standard deviation
@param num_chains: number of chains
@param n_iterations: number of iterations
@param loss: loss function type
@return: sampler result
model_output = pd.read_pickle('AlonsoMarderModel_generated_data.pkl', compression='infer')
model_output = clear_t_y(model_output)
model_output_a = model_output['a']'model loss (AlonsoMarder): {calc_alonso_marder_loss_overall(model_output_a, model_output_a, True)}')
# initialization
dim_full = 9 # number of parameters to solve for"iterations: {n_iterations}; num_chains: {num_chains}")
lb = 1e-2
ub = 2e3
lb_param = np.array([800., 1., 1., 1.00, 1., 1., 0.01, 0.01, 100.])
ub_param = np.array([2000., 10., 15., 200., 20., 200., 0.5, 0.5, 900.])
random_seed = 7
the_rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=random_seed)
likelihood = pypesto.Objective(easy_neg_log_likelihood,
fun_args=(model_output_a, sigma_d, random_seed, loss))
prior_term = easy_neg_log_prior(dim_full, lb_param, ub_param)
objective1 = pypesto.objective.AggregatedObjective([likelihood, prior_term]) # TODO: look at prior term
problem = pypesto.Problem(objective=objective1, lb=lb_param, ub=ub_param)
test = problem.objective(np.array([1169.641161, 7.617402, 10.412423, 146.423677, 13.193662, 72.802222, 0.15638, 0.064663, 648.934408]))'check that this number (bad params loss) is positive: {test}')'finished problem setup')
with Pool(num_chains) as pool:
sampler = sample.PoolAdaptiveParallelTemperingSampler(
)'finished sampler setup')
x0 = [np.array([the_rng.uniform(low=lb_param[i], high=ub_param[i]) for i in range(dim_full)])
for _ in range(num_chains)]'starting sampler')
result_sampler = sample.sample(problem, n_iterations,
sampler, x0=x0)
sample.geweke_test(result=result_sampler)'finished result sampler')
save_estimated_data(result_sampler)'saved data')
return result_sampler
except Exception as e:
dump_filename ='%Y-%b-%d_%H-%M.error.pkl')
pickle.dump(sampler, open(dump_filename, "wb"))'dumped result_sampler to: {dump_filename}')
raise e
def generate_summary_dataframe(sample_result: pypesto.sample.McmcPtResult,
remove_burn_in=True, is_manifold=False) -> pd.DataFrame:
generate sorted dataframe with/without burn in
@param sample_result: sample results
@param remove_burn_in: chose to remove burn in
@return: sorted data
all_x = sample_result['trace_x']
all_post = sample_result['trace_neglogpost']
if remove_burn_in:
full_x = np.empty((0, all_x.shape[2]))
full_post = np.empty((0, ))
for chain_id, fp32_burn_in_idx in enumerate(sample_result['burn_in']):
burn_in_idx = int(fp32_burn_in_idx)
full_x = np.concatenate((full_x, all_x[chain_id, burn_in_idx:, :]))
full_post = np.concatenate((full_post, all_post[chain_id, burn_in_idx:]))
full_x = all_x.reshape((all_x.shape[0] * all_x.shape[1], all_x.shape[2]))
full_post = all_post.ravel()
full_sort_idx = np.argsort(full_post)
full_x_sort = full_x[full_sort_idx]
# grabs optimal params. change fullsortidx to look at "less optimal" params
# opt_param = full_x[full_sort_idx[0]]
if is_manifold:
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
'neglogpost': full_post[full_sort_idx],
'g_Na': full_x_sort[:, 0],
'g_Kd': full_x_sort[:, 1],
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
'neglogpost': full_post[full_sort_idx],
'g_Na': full_x_sort[:, 0],
'g_CaT': full_x_sort[:, 1],
'g_CaS': full_x_sort[:, 2],
'g_A': full_x_sort[:, 3],
'g_KCa': full_x_sort[:, 4],
'g_Kd': full_x_sort[:, 5],
'g_H': full_x_sort[:, 6],
'g_L': full_x_sort[:, 7],
'tau_ca': full_x_sort[:, 8]
def save_estimated_data(result_sampler: pypesto.Result) -> None:
save estimated data in hdf5
@param result_sampler: sample results
@return: None
result_sampler_dict = result_sampler.sample_result
with h5py.File('AlonsoMarderModel_estimated_data.hdf5', 'w') as le_file:
for key, value in result_sampler_dict.items():
le_file.create_dataset(key, data=value)
# Note: how to open file example - list(F['trace_x'])
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p',
result = run_simulation(n_iterations=14000, num_chains=40, loss='AlonsoMarder')
# df = generate_summary_dataframe(result.sample_result)
# now =
# df.to_hdf('mcmc_results.h5', key=f'{now:result_%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M}')
dump_filename ='%Y-%b-%d_%H-%M.pypesto_results.pkl')
pickle.dump(result.sample_result, open(dump_filename, "wb"))