// $Id: col.hoc,v 1.83 2011/03/23 15:36:33 samn Exp $
//* globals
declare("UNIF",0) //use roughly uniform prob. distrib for div
declare("NEGEXP",1) //use neg exp. with mean=div prob. distrib in setdvi
declare("PARETO",2) //use pareto (scalefree) distrib with mean=div prob., shape=2
declare("NORM",3) //use normal distrib with mean=div, stdev=div/5
declare("DVFIXED",4) //use fixed divergence ( no variability )
declare("PARETOSH",4.5)//shape for pareto (scalefree) distrib -- low value will produce fatter/higher tails
//* template CSTIM
begintemplate CSTIM
double wmatex[1][1],ratex[1][1],EIBalance[1]
public wmatex,ratex,setwm,vq,col,sgrhzdel,sgrdur,setspks,pushspks,savewt,restorewt,turnoff,mulwts,sgrdel,EIBalance,shock
external CTYP,CTYPi,STYPi,AM,AM2,NM,NM2,GA,GA2,case,nil,allocvecs,dealloc,nqsdel
objref this,vq,col,vsgrpp,vsgrsidx,vwt
double iseed[1],sgrhzdel[1],sgrdur[1],sgrdel[1],usens[1]
objref ncl,nsl,rsl,vrse // <-- objects for external inputs via NetCon(ncl)+NetStim(nsl)
// with Random(rsl), Random sead(vrse)
public ncl,nsl,rsl,vrse,usens,sgrcells,initrands
//* clrwm - reset wmatex to 0
proc clrwm () { local ct,sy
for ct=0,CTYPi-1 for sy=0,STYPi-1 wmatex[ct][sy]=0
//* new CSTIM(COLUMN,iseed,sgrdur[,sgrhzdel,EIBalance,usens])
// iseed = seed for random # generator, sgrdur = duration of persistent stims
// sgrhzdel = variability of stim rates, EIBalance = make E,I inputs balanced
// usens = whether to use NetStim instead of vq for persistent stims
proc init () {
double wmatex[CTYPi][STYPi]
double ratex[CTYPi][STYPi]
double EIBalance[1]
clrwm() col=$o1 col.cstim=this
if(numarg()>1) iseed=$2 else iseed=1234
sgrdur=$3 sgrdel=0
vsgrpp=new Vector(CTYPi) //% X 100 of cells of a type to stim, used in stim,sgrcells
vsgrsidx=new Vector(CTYPi) //startind index of cell to stim when using topstim
vq=new NQS("ind","time","wt","sy")
if(numarg()>3)sgrhzdel=$4 else sgrhzdel=0.2
if(numarg()>4)EIBalance=$5 else EIBalance=0
if(numarg()>5)usens=$6 else usens=0
//** setwm - set weights of external inputs to INTF6s
proc setwm () { local i,sz,ct,sy localobj nq,vct,vsy,vw,vr
{nq=$o1 nq.tog("DB") vct=nq.getcol("ct")}
{vsy=nq.getcol("sy") vw=nq.getcol("w") vr=nq.getcol("rate")}
for ct=0,CTYPi-1 for sy=0,STYPi-1 wmatex[ct][sy]=ratex[ct][sy]=0
for i=0,nq.v.size-1 {
//** setspks - set time of the external inputs to cells, can still call shock later
proc setspks () { local se,ndx localobj rdm,ce,intf
if(ce.count<=0) { //need INTFs to stim
printf("CSTIM: no cells to stim!\n")
intf=ce.o(0) rdm=new Random() rdm.ACG(iseed) //initialize Random object
if(vq==nil) vq=new NQS("ind","time","wt","sy") else vq.clear() //NQS storing INTF6 spike times
intf.clrvspks() //clear INTF6 spike times
if(sgrdur>0) {
if(usens) nsstim(rdm) else popstim(rdm) //add random firing of INTF6 cells
// for ndx=1,MAXNP-1 if(npulse[ndx]!=0) pulsestim(rdm,ndx) //add pulse-like firing of INTF6 cells
// if(usevpl && VPLGain>0) vplstim(rdm) // VPL inputs
if(vq.v.size>0) pushspks()
//** pushspks() - finalize spike times to INTF6 cells
// (useful, since after calls to shock/pulsestim, vq is modified)
proc pushspks () { localobj ce,intf
ce=col.ce intf=ce.o(0)
vq.sort("time") vq.sort("ind") //finalize INTF6 spike times
intf.initvspks(vq.v,vq.v[1],vq.v[2],vq.v[3]) // single global call
//** savewt - initialize temporary storage space to allow modifications to vq weight column
proc savewt () {
if(vwt==nil) vwt=new Vector(vq.v.size)
//** restorewt - restore weights in vq to original values
proc restorewt () {
if(vwt==nil) return
//** mulwts(celltype,synapsetype,scaling factor,[skippush]) - scale weights of cell and synapse type by factor
proc mulwts () { local ct,sy,fctr,i,j localobj ce
ct=$1 sy=$2 fctr=$3 ce=col.ce vq.select(-1,"sy",sy)
for i=0,vq.ind.size-1 {j=vq.ind.x(i)
if(ce.o(vq.v[0].x(j)).type==ct) vq.v[2].x(j)*=fctr
if(numarg()>3) { if(!$4) pushspks() } else pushspks()
//** turnoff(celltype,synapsetype,[skippush]) - turn off spikes by setting weights to 0
proc turnoff () {
if(numarg()>2) mulwts($1,$2,0,$3) else mulwts($1,$2,0)
//** pulsestim(rate[,maxt,clear,seed]) - stim using pulses @ specified rate - doesn't work correctly now
proc pulsestim () { local nspk,tt,i,j,nrate,ti,maxt localobj rdp,vqtmp
rdp=new Random() nrate=$1
if(numarg()>1) maxt=$2 else maxt=tstop
if(numarg()>2) {
if($3) vq.clear()
} else vq.clear()
if(numarg()>3) rdp.ACG($4) else rdp.ACG(1234)
vqtmp=new NQS()
tt=1 rdp.poisson(1000/nrate)
while(tt<=maxt) {
while(ti <= 0) ti=rdp.repick()
if(vqtmp.size(-1)==0) vqtmp.cp(vq) else vqtmp.append(vq)
print tt
tt += ti
vq.cp(vqtmp) nqsdel(vqtmp)
vq.sort("time") vq.sort("ind")
//** initrands() - initialize Random # objects used by NetCon/NetStim for external inputs
// this function should be called in init -- at the start of each run to ensure same random # stream each time
proc initrands () { local i,se localobj rds
if(vrse==nil) return
for i=0,vrse.size-1 {
rds = rsl.o(i) // go thru Random objects
se = vrse.x(i) // seed previously used
rds.MCellRan4(se,se) // initialize MCellRan4 Random # generator
rds.negexp(1) // must be called this way
//** nsstim(Random) - setup random external inputs via NetStims
proc nsstim () { local a,sy,sdx,idx,sglo,sghi,hzlo,hzhi,ct,se localobj rdm,vsy,vhz,nc,ns,rds
rdm=$o1 vsy.append(GA) vsy.append(GA2) vsy.append(AM2) vsy.append(NM2)
sglo=1-sgrhzdel sghi=1+sgrhzdel if(sglo<0) sglo=0
{nsl=new List() ncl=new List() rsl=new List() vrse=new Vector() se=10}
for sdx=0,vsy.size-1 { sy=vsy.x(sdx) // go through synapse types
for ct=0,CTYPi-1 if(col.numc[ct] && wmatex[ct][sy] && ratex[ct][sy]) {//go through cell types, check weights,rates of inputs
vhz.resize(col.numc[ct]) //set vector to # of cells of type ct
{hzlo=MAXxy(ratex[ct][sy]*sglo,1) hzhi=MAXxy(ratex[ct][sy]*sghi,1)}//find min,max frequencies
rdm.discunif(hzlo,hzhi) //set random # generator to frequency btwn hzlo,hzi
vhz.setrand(rdm) //set rate of inputs to each synapse
for idx=col.ix[ct],col.ixe[ct] { // for each cell of type ct (idx is id of the cell)
nsl.append( ns = new NetStim(0.5) ) // NetStim is source
ns.number = int( 0.5 + vhz.x(idx-col.ix[ct]) * sgrdur / 1e3 ) // # of inputs
ns.start = sgrdel // approx start of first input
ns.noise = 1 // make it fully random
ns.interval = 1e3 / vhz.x(idx-col.ix[ct]) // avg interval btwn the inputs
rsl.append( rds = new Random() )
rds.negexp(1) // set random # generator using negexp(1) - avg interval in NetStim.interval
rds.MCellRan4(se,se) // seeds are in order, shouldn't matter
ns.noiseFromRandom(rds) // use random # generator for this NetStim
vrse.append(se) // save random # seed
ncl.append( nc = new NetCon(ns,col.ce.o(idx)) ) // set the connection (netstim->postsynaptic INTF6 cell)
nc.delay = 0
nc.weight(sy) = wmatex[ct][sy]
se += 10 // increment seed for NetStim random # generator
//** popstim(Random) - setup random external synaptic inputs
proc popstim () { local a,se,sy,sz,sdx,idx,jdx,pos,sglo,sghi,hzlo,hzhi,nspk,ct,mxr localobj rdm,vsy,vnspks,vtmp,vfctr
rdm=$o1 vsy.append(GA) vsy.append(GA2) vsy.append(AM2) vsy.append(NM2)
pos=mxr=0 sglo=1-sgrhzdel sghi=1+sgrhzdel if(sglo<0) sglo=0
for ct=0,CTYPi-1 for sy=0,STYPi-1 mxr=MAXxy(mxr,ratex[ct][sy])
if(EIBalance) { vfctr.resize(col.allcells) // flag for excit/inhib inputs to be balanced
{rdm.uniform(sglo,sghi) vfctr.setrand(rdm) jdx=pos=0}
for idx=0,col.allcells-1 { ct=col.ce.o(idx).type
for sdx=0,vsy.size-1 { sy=vsy.x(sdx)
if(wmatex[ct][sy] && ratex[ct][sy]) {
if((nspk=int(ratex[ct][sy]*vfctr.x(idx)*sgrdur/1e3))<1) {nspk=1}
if(sy==GA||sy==GA2) {
} else vq.v[2].fill(wmatex[ct][sy],pos,pos+nspk-1)
pos += nspk
} else { // default here
for sdx=0,vsy.size-1 { sy=vsy.x(sdx) // go through synapse types
for ct=0,CTYPi-1 if(col.numc[ct] && wmatex[ct][sy] && ratex[ct][sy]) {//go through cell types, check weights,rates of inputs
vnspks.resize(col.numc[ct]) //set vector to # of cells of type ct
{hzlo=MAXxy(ratex[ct][sy]*sglo,1) hzhi=MAXxy(ratex[ct][sy]*sghi,1)}//find min,max frequencies
rdm.discunif(hzlo,hzhi) //set random # generator to frequency btwn hzlo,hzi
{vnspks.setrand(rdm) vnspks.mul(sgrdur/1e3) vnspks.apply("int")} //set # of spikes per intf in vnspks
jdx = 0 // pointer into vnspks
for idx=col.ix[ct],col.ixe[ct] { // for each cell of type ct (idx is id of the cell)
vq.v[0].fill(idx,pos,pos+vnspks.x(jdx)-1) //fill vq.v[0] with ID of cell
if(sy==GA||sy==GA2) { //is synapse inhibitory? if so, use negative weights
} else vq.v[2].fill(wmatex[ct][sy],pos,pos+vnspks.x(jdx)-1) //use positive weights for excit. synapses
vq.v[3].fill(sy,pos,pos+vnspks.x(jdx)-1)//fill corresponding entries in vq.v[3] with synapse type
pos += vnspks.x(jdx) //increment pointer into vq row
jdx += 1 //move jdx to next cell
vq.pad(pos)//set all vq vectors to right size
rdm.uniform(sgrdel,sgrdel+sgrdur) vq.v[1].setrand(rdm) // set times of inputs in vq.v[1]
//** shock(duration,percent,type[,time,seed,sy,wt])
// shock random % of cells
// single shock so duration means it spreads it out over eg 5 ms in terms of delivery to different cells
// % > 100 means multiple stime eg 200% will stim each cell 2 times in that interval
// sy specifies which synapse to stim, default is AM2
// wt specifies weight of inputs -- default is 1e9 for guaranteed spiking @ AM2 synapses. otherwise
// will provide a wt-dependent stim
proc shock () { local ct,startt,sy,wt
if(numarg()>3) startt=$4 else startt=0
if(numarg()>4) mc4seed_stats($5) else mc4seed_stats(5974302451)
if(numarg()==7) {
{sy=$6 wt=$7 sgrcells($1,$2,$3,startt,1,0,sy,wt)}
} else sgrcells($1,$2,$3,startt)
//* sgrcells(dur,percent,stimcelltype,starttime[,burst#,ISI,sy,wt]) - stim the cells
// sgrcells(dur,percent,stimcelltype,starttime[,burst#,ISImin,ISImax])
// if numarg == 8, uses specified sy,wt for sub-threshold stim
proc sgrcells () { local ii,sgrdur,sgrpp,sgrpsz,stimcc,startt,a,bst,sy,wt localobj v1,v2,v3,vqtmp,dnq,vid,str
if (vq==nil) vq=new NQS("ind","time","wt","sy")
sgrdur=$1 sgrpp=$2 stimcc=$3 startt=$4 str=new String()
bst=1 v3.resize(bst) // number of spikes/cell -- default 1
if (argtype(5)==0) {
bst=$5 v3.resize(bst)
if (argtype(7)==0) { v3.setrnd(4.5, $6, $7) // interval of intervals
} else if (argtype(6)==0) { v3.fill($6)
} else v3.fill(4) // default 250 Hz without randomization
if(numarg()==8) {sy=$7 wt=$8 } else {sy=AM2 wt=1e9} // use specified wt,sy?
v3.x[0]=0.0 // so first one delivered at start time
vqtmp=new NQS("ind","time","wt","sy")
v1.setrnd(6,col.ix[stimcc],col.ixe[stimcc])//unique random ints in range
} else {
v1.setrnd(5,col.numc[stimcc]) v1.add(col.ix[stimcc])
} else {
if(col.div[stimcc][stimcc][0]>0)sprint(str.s,"to%s",CTYP.o(stimcc).s) else str.s="toE4"
{dnq.select("type",stimcc) dnq.sort(str.s) vid=dnq.getcol("id")}
} else v1.copy(vid,0,sgrpsz-1)
v2.resize(v1.size) // same size as v1
v2.setrnd(4.5,startt,startt+sgrdur)// at some random time between startt and startt+sgrdur
for ii=1,bst {vqtmp.v[0].append(v1) vqtmp.v[1].append(v2.add(v3.x[ii-1]))}
{vqtmp.pad() vqtmp.v[2].fill(wt) vqtmp.v[3].fill(sy) }
vq.append(vqtmp) // need to call pushspks after call to shock/sgrcells
endtemplate CSTIM
//* template COLUMN
begintemplate COLUMN
external CTYPi,STYPi,ice,DEND,SOMA,IsLTS,CTYP,STYP,allocvecs,vrsz,dealloc,nil,NM,NM2,AM,AM2,GA,GA2,vlk,nqsdel
double numc[50]
double ix[50],ixe[50] //start,end IDs of types in a column
double div[50][50]//div[i][j]==# of outputs from type i->j
double wmat[50][50][25] // wmat[i][j][k]==weight from type i->j for synapse k
double wd0[50][50][25] // wmat[i][j][k]==weight from type i->j for synapse k
double delm[50][50]//avg. delay from type i->j
double deld[50][50]//delay variance from type i->j
double conv[50][50]
double pmat[50][50]
double synloc[50][50]//location of synapses
double allcells[1],ecells[1],icells[1],setdviPT[1],dgcor[1],xpos[1],ypos[1],wseed[1],verbose[1]
double syty1[50][50] //synapse type lookup table
double syty2[50][50] //synapse type lookup table
public id,wmat,wd0,pmat,wire,div,delm,deld,conv,numc,setdviPT,allcells,ecells,icells,xpos,ypos,wire2col
public setwmat,setpmat,setdelmats,setsynloc,ix,ixe,cstim,defsynloc,wseed,verbose,syty1,syty2
public mknetnqss
objref this,ce,intf,cstim
objref cellsnq,connsnq,xcolconnsnq
strdef name
public ce,intf,allwtsoff,allwtson,inhibon,inhiboff,name
public ctt,cttr,stt
public cellsnq,connsnq,xcolconnsnq,mkcellsnq
proc setstim () {
//** allwtson -- turn all internal weights on
proc allwtson () { local i,j,s
for i=0,CTYPi-1 for j=0,CTYPi-1 for s=0,STYPi-1 if(wmat[i][j][s]>0) wd0[i][j][s]=1
//** allwtsoff -- turn all internal weights off
proc allwtsoff () { local i,j,s
for i=0,CTYPi-1 for j=0,CTYPi-1 for s=0,STYPi-1 wd0[i][j][s]=0
// ** inhiboff -- turn inhibition off -- only call after setting up network
proc inhiboff () { local i,from,to
for i=0,allcells-1 if(ice(ce.o(i).type)) ce.o(i).prune(1) //prune all inhib cells
for from=0,CTYPi-1 if(ice(from)) for to=0,CTYPi-1 wd0[from][to][GA]=0
// ** inhibon -- turn inhibition on
proc inhibon () { local i,from,to
for i=0,allcells-1 if(ice(ce.o(i).type)) ce.o(i).prune(0) //unprune all inhib cells
for from=0,CTYPi-1 if(ice(from)) for to=0,CTYPi-1 wd0[from][to][GA]=1
//** getNdv - gets # of outputs based on divergence settings, always returns at least 1
// $o1 = random object, $2 = avg. # of outputs
func getNdv () { local dv,N localobj rdm
rdm=$o1 dv=$2
if(setdviPT==PARETO) {
rdm.avg=dv N=int(rdm.pick+0.5)
} else if(setdviPT==NEGEXP) {
} else if(setdviPT==UNIF) {
} else if(setdviPT==NORM) {
} else if(setdviPT==DVFIXED) {
return dv
return N
//** defsynloc - set default values in synloc
proc defsynloc () { local from,to
for from=0,CTYPi-1 for to=0,CTYPi-1 {
if(ice(from)) {
if(IsLTS(from)) {
synloc[from][to]=DEND // distal [GA2] - from LTS
} else {
synloc[from][to]=SOMA // proximal [GA] - from FS
} else synloc[from][to]=DEND // E always distal. use AM2,NM2
//** setsynloc - sets synapse location - not modifiable for now
proc setsynloc () { local i,sz,from,to,sy localobj nq,vfrom,vto,vloc
if(numarg()==0) {
} else {
{nq=$o1 nq.verbose=0 nq.select("dist",0)}
{vfrom=nq.getcol("from") vto=nq.getcol("to") vloc=nq.getcol("loc")}
for i=0,sz-1 synloc[vfrom.x(i)][vto.x(i)]=vloc.x(i)
{nq.tog("DB") nq.verbose=1}
//** prdiv - prints div info
proc prdiv () { local i,j,k
for i=0,CTYPi-1 for j=0,CTYPi-1 for k=0,STYPi-1 if(wmat[i][j][k]>0) if(div[i][j]) {
//** scalepmat - scales entries in pmat by $1
proc scalepmat () { local fctr,from,to
for from=0,CTYPi-1 for to=0,CTYPi-1 pmat[from][to] *= fctr
//** clrpmat - sets pmat entries to 0
proc clrpmat () { local from,to
for from=0,CTYPi-1 for to=0,CTYPi-1 pmat[from][to]=0 // clear it
//** setpmat(nqs with from,to,pij columns) - from=presynaptic type,
// to=postsynaptic type, pij=connection probability
proc setpmat () { local i,sz,from,to localobj nq,vfrom,vto,vpij
{nq=$o1 nq.verbose=0 nq.select("dist",0)}
clrpmat() // clear it
{vfrom=nq.getcol("from") vto=nq.getcol("to") vpij=nq.getcol("pij")}
for i=0,sz-1 pmat[vfrom.x(i)][vto.x(i)]=vpij.x(i)
setdivmat() // set divergence vectors based on pmat
{nq.tog("DB") nq.verbose=1}
//** setdivmat - sets div/conv based on values in pmat
proc setdivmat () { local from,to,cl
for from=0,CTYPi-1 for to=0,CTYPi-1 if(pmat[from][to]) {
div[from][to] = ceilg(pmat[from][to]*numc[to])
conv[from][to] = int(0.5 + pmat[from][to]*numc[from])
//** clrwmat - sets wmat entries to 0
proc clrwmat () { local from,to,sy
for from=0,CTYPi-1 for to=0,CTYPi-1 for sy=0,STYPi-1 wmat[from][to][sy]=0
//** clrwmd0 - sets wd0 entries to 0
proc clrwd0 () { local from,to,sy
for from=0,CTYPi-1 for to=0,CTYPi-1 for sy=0,STYPi-1 wd0[from][to][sy]=0
//** clrsyty - sets syty1,sty2 entries to -1
proc clrsyty () { local from,to
for from=0,CTYPi-1 for to=0,CTYPi-1 syty1[from][to]=syty2[from][to]=-1
//** setwmat(nqs with from,to,sy,w columns) - from=presynaptic type,
// to=postsynaptic type, sy=synapse type, w=weight
proc setwmat () { local i,sz,from,to,sy localobj nqwm,vfrom,vto,vsy,vw
{nqwm=$o1 nqwm.verbose=0 nqwm.select("dist",0) clrwmat() clrwd0()}
{vfrom=nqwm.getcol("from") vto=nqwm.getcol("to")}
{vsy=nqwm.getcol("sy") vw=nqwm.getcol("w") sz=vfrom.size}
for i=0,sz-1 {
{sy=vsy.x(i) from=vfrom.x(i) to=vto.x(i)}
{wmat[from][to][sy]=vw.x(i) wd0[from][to][sy]=1}
if(sy==NM2) syty2[from][to]=sy else syty1[from][to]=sy
{nqwm.tog("DB") nqwm.verbose=1}
//** setdelmats(nqs with from,to,delm,deld columns) - from=presynaptic type,
// to=postsynaptic type, sy=synapse type, delm=avg. delay, deld=variation in delay
proc setdelmats () { local i,sz,from,to localobj nq,vfrom,vto,vdelm,vdeld
{nq=$o1 nq.verbose=0 nq.select("dist",0)}
{vfrom=nq.getcol("from") vto=nq.getcol("to") vdelm=nq.getcol("delm") vdeld=nq.getcol("deld")}
for i=0,sz-1 {delm[vfrom.x(i)][vto.x(i)]=vdelm.x(i) deld[vfrom.x(i)][vto.x(i)]=vdeld.x(i)}
{nq.tog("DB") nq.verbose=1}
//** clrnqss - clear nqs objects used for storing cell/connectivity info
proc clrnqss () {
{nqsdel(cellsnq) cellsnq=nil}
{nqsdel(connsnq) connsnq=nil}
{nqsdel(xcolconnsnq) xcolconnsnq=nil}
//** new COLUMN(ID,vnumc,[nqwiring,wiringseed,xpos,ypos,setdviPT,mknetnqss]])
proc init () {
{id=$1 dgcor=0 setdviPT=DVFIXED wseed=1234 verbose=0}
if(numarg()>=8) mknetnqss=$8 else mknetnqss=0
double numc[CTYPi],ix[CTYPi],ixe[CTYPi],div[CTYPi][CTYPi]
double wmat[CTYPi][CTYPi][STYPi],wd0[CTYPi][CTYPi][STYPi],delm[CTYPi][CTYPi],deld[CTYPi][CTYPi]
double conv[CTYPi][CTYPi],pmat[CTYPi][CTYPi],synloc[CTYPi][CTYPi],syty1[CTYPi][CTYPi],syty2[CTYPi][CTYPi]
{clrsyty() mkcells($o2) sprint(name,"C%d",id) clrnqss()}
if(mknetnqss) mkcellsnq() // make cellsnq and connsnq
if(numarg()>2) {
{setpmat($o3) setwmat($o3) setsynloc($o3) setdelmats($o3)}
if(numarg()>=6) {xpos=$5 ypos=$6 sprint(name,"C%d_X%d_Y%d",id,xpos,ypos)} // position in 2D grid
if(numarg()>=7) setdviPT=$7 // wiring scheme
if(numarg()>3) wire(wseed=$4)
//** initdivrnd(seed) - initializes random object for wiring
obfunc initdivrnd () { local s localobj rd
if(setdviPT==PARETO) rd=new rdmpareto(1,PARETOSH,s) else {rd=new Random() rd.ACG(s)}
return rd
//** wire([seed]) - wires the column using div matrix
proc wire () { local x,y,z,ii,jj,a,del,prid,prty,poty,dv,dvt,lseed,dvrand,szo\
localobj v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,vdvd,vidx,vdel,vdist,vwt1,vwt2,vtmp,opr,opo,st,l,rdm
if(verbose) printf("wiring COLUMN %d",id)
a=allocvecs(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,vidx,vdel,vdvd,vtmp,vdist,vwt1,vwt2) z=0 l=new List() l.append(v1) l.append(v4)
if (argtype(1)==0) lseed=$1 else lseed=1234
if(dgcor) { // div variability of 20% when dgcor==1
dvrand=0.2 vdvd.setrnd(4,2*dvrand) vdvd.sub(dvrand)
rdm=initdivrnd(lseed)//initialize random # generator for use when dgcor==0
// Create the connectivity NQS table.
if(mknetnqss) {nqsdel(connsnq) connsnq=new NQS("id1","id2","del","dist","wt1","wt2")}
for y=0,ce.count-1 { opr=ce.o(y)
if(verbose) if(y%100==0)printf(".")
prid=opr.id prty=opr.type
for poty=0,CTYPi-1 if (numc[poty]!=0 && (dv=int(div[prty][poty]))>0) {
if(!dgcor) dv=getNdv(rdm,dv) else dv*=(1+vdvd.x[y])
v3.setrnd(5,numc[poty]) v3.add(ix[poty]) // flag 5 provides integers
if(prty==poty) {v1.cull(v3,prid) v3.copy(v1) v2.resize(v3.size)} // get rid of self connect
if( (cnt=v3.uniq(l,1)) > dv){ cnt = dv } // puts unsorted uniq vals into v4
vrsz(cnt,v2,v4,v5,v6,v7) // v4 has poids
v2.setrnd(4,2*deld[prty][poty]) // flag 4 provides doubles
v2.abs() // no negative delays
if(synloc[prty][poty]==DEND) v5.fill(1) else v5.fill(0)
vidx.append(v4) vdel.append(v2) vdist.append(v5) // vidx.append(v1) will give sorted bug
if(mknetnqss) {
if(syty1[prty][poty]>=0) v6.fill(wmat[prty][poty][syty1[prty][poty]]) else v6.fill(0)
if(syty2[prty][poty]>=0) v7.fill(wmat[prty][poty][syty2[prty][poty]]) else v7.fill(0)
vwt1.append(v6) vwt2.append(v7)
}//end poty
if(vidx.size>0) {
if(mknetnqss) for ii=0,vidx.size-1 connsnq.append(prid,vidx.x(ii),vdel.x(ii),vdist.x(ii),vwt1.x(ii),vwt2.x(ii))
}//end cell loop
if(verbose) printf("\n")
//** wire2col(targetcol,nq,distance,ncl) - connect this COLUMN to another COLUMN
func wire2col () { local d,from,to,sz,dvm,dv,pij,dlym,dlyd,w1,w2,sy1,sy2,loc,i,idx,jdx,kdx,gid1,gid2,cnt,a\
localobj tcol,nq,ncl,vfrom,vto,vdelm,vdeld,vw,vsy,vpij,vloc,rdm,vidx,vdel,v1,v2,v3,v4,l,nc,prx,pox
{tcol=$o1 nq=$o2 d=$3 ncl=$o4 nq.verbose=0}
if(verbose) print "wiring COLUMN ", id, " to COLUMN ",tcol.id
if(!nq.select("dist",d)) {nq.verbose=1 printf("wire2col WARNA: none found @ d=%d!\n",d) nq.tog("DB") return 0}
a=allocvecs(vidx,vdel,v1,v2,v3,v4) l=new List() l.append(v1) l.append(v4)
{vfrom=nq.getcol("from") vto=nq.getcol("to") vsy=nq.getcol("sy")}
{vdelm=nq.getcol("delm") vdeld=nq.getcol("deld") vw=nq.getcol("w")}
{vpij=nq.getcol("pij") vloc=nq.getcol("loc")}
if(verbose) print "tcol.wseed = ",tcol.wseed, " vfrom.size = ",vfrom.size
rdm=initdivrnd(tcol.wseed)//initialize random # generator
if (mknetnqss && xcolconnsnq!=nil) xcolconnsnq=new NQS("id1","col2","id2","del","wt1","wt2")
while(i<vfrom.size) {
{from=vfrom.x(i) to=vto.x(i) dlym=vdelm.x(i) dlyd=vdeld.x(i)}
{w1=vw.x(i) sy1=vsy.x(i) sy2=w2=-1 pij=vpij.x(i) loc=vloc.x(i)}
dvm = ceilg(pij*tcol.numc[to]) // divergence
if((sy1==AM || sy1==AM2) && i+1<vfrom.size) { // check for NMDA, which follows AMPA
if(vfrom.x(i+1)==from && vto.x(i+1)==to && (vsy.x(i+1)==NM || vsy.x(i+1)==NM2)) {
sy2=vsy.x(i+1) w2=vw.x(i+1)
for idx=ix[from],ixe[from] { // go thru presynaptic cells
hashseed_stats(ce.o(idx).gid,from,to,tcol.wseed) // why not call hashseed here?
v3.setrnd(5,tcol.numc[to]) v3.add(tcol.ix[to])
if(verbose && v3.size<1) print "dv=",dv," from ",CTYP.o(from).s, " to ",CTYP.o(to).s," numc=",tcol.numc[to]," ix=",tcol.ix[to]
if((cnt=v3.uniq(l,1))>dv) cnt=dv
{vrsz(cnt,v2,v4) v2.setrnd(4,2*dlyd) v2.add(dlym-dlyd)}
v2.abs() // no negative delays
if(verbose>1) {
print CTYP.o(from).s, " -> ", CTYP.o(to).s, ": pij ", pij, ", dvm ", dvm, ", dv ", dv, ", v4.size ", v4.size
printf("v4: ") vlk(v4)
printf("v2: ") vlk(v2)
ce.o(idx).flag("out",1) // make sure NetCon events enabled from this cell
for jdx=0,v4.size-1 {
prx = ce.o(idx)
pox = tcol.ce.o(v4.x(jdx))
ncl.append(nc=new NetCon(prx,pox))
if(sy2!=-1) nc.weight(sy2)=w2
if(mknetnqss) {
if(sy2!=-1) {
} else {
if(sy2!=-1) i+=2 else i+=1 // if used NMDA, skip it
{nq.verbose=1 nq.tog("DB") dealloc(a) return 1}
//** setarrs(vector of num per type) - sets up arrays/numc/cell counts
proc setarrs () { local ct,cnt,cl,ii localobj vnumc
{vnumc=$o1 cnt=allcells=icells=ecells=0}
for ct=0,CTYPi-1 if (vnumc.x(ct)>0) { numc[ct]=vnumc.x(ct)
ix[ct]=cnt ixe[ct]=cnt+numc[ct]-1 cnt+=numc[ct]
if(ice(ct))icells+=numc[ct] else ecells+=numc[ct]
} else numc[ct]=0
//** mkcells(vector of num per type) - make the cells
proc mkcells () { local ct,idx,jdx,ty,nc,ic localobj vnumc,xo,st
if(ce==nil) ce=new List()
{vnumc=$o1 setarrs(vnumc) }
idx=0 // starting ID for cells in column - assumes all columns same size
for ct=0,CTYPi-1 if(vnumc.x(ct)>0) { ic=ice(ct)
for jdx=ix[ct],ixe[ct] {
ce.append(xo=new INTF6(jdx,ct,ic,this.id))
if(!ce.count) return
st=new String()
if(verbose) print st.s
{sprint(st.s,"%s.intf.flag(\"jcn\",1,1)",this) execute(st.s)}
if(verbose) print " finished mkcells "
//** mkcellsnq() -- make NQS table for all of the cells in the column
proc mkcellsnq () { local ii localobj xo
cellsnq=new NQS("gid","id","col","ty","ice","xloc","yloc","zloc")
for ii=0,ce.count - 1 {
xo = ce.o(ii)
//*** ctt(&i) - iterate over cell types in increasing CTYPi order
iterator ctt () { local i
for i=0,CTYPi-1 if(numc[i]>0) {
//*** cttr(&i) - iterate over cell types in decreasing CTYPi order
iterator cttr () { local i
for(i=CTYPi-1;i>=0;i-=1) if(numc[i]>0) {
//*** stt(&i,&j,&k) - iterate over active synapses types in order
iterator stt () { local i,j,k
for i=0,CTYPi-1 if(numc[i]>0) for j=0,CTYPi-1 if(numc[j]>0 && div[i][j]>0) {
for k=0,STYPi-1 if(wmat[i][j][k]>0) {
$&1=i $&2=j $&3=k
endtemplate COLUMN