This simulation was tested/developed on LINUX systems, but may run on Microsoft Windows or Mac OS. To run, you will need the NEURON simulator (available at Unzip the contents of to a new directory. compile the mod files from the command line with (linux): nrnivmodl *.mod That will produce an architecture-dependent folder with a script called special. On 64 bit systems the folder is x86_64. To run the simulation from the command line: ./x86_64/special then NEURON will start and load the mechanisms (cell types, etc.) then from the NEURON prompt: load_file("mosinit.hoc") That will load the simulation and all required files. Network and inputs will be setup. Then the simulation will be run for 20 seconds of simulation time. The simulation duration is modifiable via the mytstop parameter in mosinit.hoc. Note that setup of the network may take 10-30 seconds, depending on your processor speed, amount of RAM, and whether using NetStim (usens flag in mosinit.hoc). Once the simulation has run, two graphs will be displayed, showing the spike raster and LFP from a single column. The spike raster is arranged with y-axis as cell identifier and x-axis as time in milliseconds. The y-axis is further arranged in order of layer/type displayed with labels in the graph (top is layer 2, bottom is layer 6). Once the spikes and LFP are displayed, the multiunit activity vectors for excitatory and inhibitory cells are formed and their power spectra are calculated and displayed in separate plots for raw (if the drawraw variable declared in mosinit.hoc is set to 1 before getpsd is called) and smoothed power spectra. The red (blue) traces indicate power from excitatory (inhibitory) MUAs. The PSD smoothing level is set by the boxszdef variable, and is normalized to the length of the simulation duration within the getpsd function. Note that the paper used Matlab's pmtm and fft functions which are only commercially available. To allow use/test of this demo to the widest available audience, the NEURON spctrm Vector function was used instead. Some differences in spectral output are visible depending on which spectral methods are employed. See the getpsd function in mosinit.hoc for other options for spectral methods that are freely available or contact samn at neurosim dot downstate dot edu for further information and/or help using these other methods, including Matlab. References: This simulation was used in an article at Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, special issue on Structure, dynamics and function of brains: Citation: Neymotin SA, Lee H, Park E, Fenton AA and Lytton WW (2011). Emergence of physiological oscillation frequencies in a computer model of neocortex. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 5:19. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2011.00019 Received: 19 Oct 2010; Accepted: 01 Apr 2011. Edited by: Ad Aertsen, Albert Ludwigs University, Germany Reviewed by: Imre Vida, University of Glasgow, UK Michael Schmuker, Freie UniverstiƤt Berlin, Germany Maxim Bazhenov, University of California, USA article available at: 20110418 Updated to run on mswin. -ModelDB Administrator 20110419 Additional button window for autolaunch. -ModelDB Administrator 20111219 readme reformatted. -ModelDB Administrator 20220517 Updated MOD files to contain valid C++ and be compatible with the upcoming versions 8.2 and 9.0 of NEURON. Updated to use post ~2011 signature of mcell_ran4_init function and fix hashseed2 argument. 20230420 Updated MOD files for compatibility with the new data structures in the upcoming version 9.0 of NEURON.