import dolfin as df
import sys
class Solver():
""" Class for solving the model presented in Sætra et al. (2023)
with unknowns w = (alpha_i, k_r, phi_r, p_e) where:
- alpha_i: intracellular volume fraction
- k_i: concentration of ion species k in compartment r
- phi_r: potential in compartment r
- p_e: extracellular hydrostatic pressure
model: The model
dt_value: The time step
Tstop: End time of simulation
def __init__(self, model, dt_value, Tstop):
""" Initialize solver """
# time variables
self.dt = df.Constant(dt_value) # time step
self.Tstop = Tstop # end time
# get model
self.model = model # model
self.mesh = model.mesh # mesh
self.N_ions = model.N_ions # number of ions
self.N_comparts = model.N_comparts # number of compartments
self.stim_protocol = model.stim_protocol # stimulus protocol
# create function spaces
# create PDE solver
def setup_function_spaces(self):
""" Create function spaces for PDE solver """
N_comparts = self.N_comparts # number of compartments
N_ions = self.N_ions # number of ions
self.N_unknowns = N_comparts*(1 + N_ions) + 3 # number of unknowns
# define function space
CG1 = df.FiniteElement('CG', self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
R = df.FiniteElement("R", self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 0)
elements = [CG1]*(self.N_unknowns - 1) + [R] # for Lagr. mutliplier
ME = df.MixedElement(elements) # mixed element
self.W = df.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, ME) # function space
# initial conditions
inits_PDE = self.model.inits_PDE
self.w_ = df.interpolate(inits_PDE, self.W)
# unknowns (use initial conditions as guess in Newton solver)
self.w = df.interpolate(inits_PDE, self.W)
def PDE_solver(self):
""" Create variational formulation for PDEs """
# get parameters
params = self.model.params
# get number of compartments and ions
N_comparts = self.model.N_comparts
N_ions = self.model.N_ions
# physical parameters
temperature = params['temperature'] # temperature
F = params['F'] # Faraday's constant
R = params['R'] # gas constant
# membrane parameters
gamma_m = params['gamma_m'] # area to volume ratio
K_m = params['K_m'] # membrane stiffness
# ion specific parameters
z = params['z'] # valence of ions
D = params['D'] # diffusion coefficients
# compartmental parameters
a = params['a'] # amount of immobile ions
lambda_i = params['lambdas'][0] # turtuosity - ICS
lambda_e = params['lambdas'][1] # turtuosity - ECS
alpha_i_init = float(self.model.alpha_i_init) # init. volume fraction
# fluid flow parameters
eta_m = params['eta_m'] # membrane water permeability
kappa = params['kappa'] # intra- and extracellular permeability
eps_r = params['eps_r'] # relative permittivity
eps_zero = params['eps_zero'] # vacuum permittivity
zeta = params['zeta'] # zeta-potential
mu = params['mu'] # water viscosity
# intitial hydrostatic pressure difference across the membrane
p_m_init = params['p_m_init']
# split function for unknown solution in current step n+1
ww = df.split(self.w)
# split function for known solution in previous time step n
ww_ = df.split(self.w_)
# define test functions
vv = df.TestFunctions(self.W)
# set transmembrane ion fluxes
# get transmembrane ion fluxes
j_m = self.model.membrane_fluxes
# set the input ion fluxes
# get the input ion fluxes
j_in = self.model.input_fluxes
# initiate variational formulation
A_alpha_i = 0 # for ICS volume fraction
A_k_i = 0 # for ICS conservation of ions
A_k_e = 0 # for ECS conservation of ions
A_phi_i = 0 # for ICS potential
A_phi_e = 0 # for ECS potential
A_p_e = 0 # for ECS hydrostatic pressure
A_lag = 0 # for Lagrange multiplier
# shorthands
a_i = a[0] # amount of immobile ions ICS
a_e = a[1] # amount of immobile ions ECS
alpha_i = ww[0] # ICS volume fraction
v_alpha_i = vv[0] # test function for ICS volume fraction
alpha_i_ = ww_[0] # ICS volume fraction from previous time step
phi_i = ww[-4] # ICS potential
v_phi_i = vv[-4] # test function for ICS potential
phi_e = ww[-3] # ECS potential
v_phi_e = vv[-3] # test function for ECS potential
p_e = ww[-2] # ECS hydrostatic pressure
v_p_e = vv[-2] # test function for ECS hydrostatic pressure
c = ww[-1] # Lagrange multiplier
d = vv[-1] # test function for Lagrange multiplier
# extracellular volume fraction
alpha_e = 0.6 - alpha_i
alpha_e_ = 0.6 - alpha_i_
# intracellular hydrostatic pressure
tau = K_m*(alpha_i - alpha_i_init)
p_i = p_e + tau + p_m_init
# intra- and extracellular fluid velocities
if self.model.model_v == 'M1':
u_i = - kappa[0]*(df.grad(p_i))
u_e = - kappa[1]*df.grad(p_e)
elif self.model.model_v == 'M2':
u_i = - kappa[0]*(df.grad(p_i)
- R*temperature*df.grad(a_i/alpha_i))
u_e = - kappa[1]*df.grad(p_e)
elif self.model.model_v == 'M3':
u_i = - kappa[0]*(df.grad(p_i)
- R*temperature*df.grad(a_i/alpha_i))
u_e = - kappa[1]*df.grad(p_e) \
- eps_r*eps_zero*zeta*df.grad(phi_e)/mu
print('model_v must be "M1", "M2", or "M3"')
# add contribution from ICS fluid velocity to form for ECS pressure
A_p_e += - df.inner(alpha_i*u_i, df.grad(v_p_e))*df.dx
# add contribution from ECS fluid velocity to form for ECS pressure
A_p_e += - df.inner(alpha_e*u_e, df.grad(v_p_e))*df.dx
# add terms from constraint (Lagrange multiplier)
A_phi_e += c*v_phi_e*df.dx
A_lag += phi_e*d*df.dx
# add contributions from immobile ions to transmembrane water flux
w_m = (a_e/alpha_e - a_i/alpha_i)*(R*temperature)
# add contribution from p to transmembrane water flux
w_m += p_i - p_e
# variational formulations for ions and potentials
for n in range(N_ions):
# index for ion n
index_i = N_comparts*(n + 1) - 1
index_e = N_comparts*(n + 2) - 2
# shorthands ICS
k_i = ww[index_i] # unknown ion concentration ICS
k_i_ = ww_[index_i] # previous ion concentration ICS
v_k_i = vv[index_i] # test function ion concentration ICS
D_i = D[n]/lambda_i**2 # effective diffusion coefficients ICS
# shorthands ECS
k_e = ww[index_e] # unknown ion concentration ECS
k_e_ = ww_[index_e] # previous ion concentration ECS
v_k_e = vv[index_e] # test function ion concentration ECS
D_e = D[n]/lambda_e**2 # effective diffusion coefficients ECS
# ICS ion flux for ion n - (mol/m^2*s)
j_i = - D_i*(df.grad(k_i)
+ z[n]*F*k_i/(R*temperature)*df.grad(phi_i)) \
+ u_i*k_i
# ECS ion flux for ion n - (mol/m^2*s)
j_e = - D_e*(df.grad(k_e)
+ z[n]*F*k_e/(R*temperature)*df.grad(phi_e)) \
+ u_e*k_e
# form for conservation of ion n in ICS
A_k_i += 1.0/(self.dt*gamma_m)*df.inner(alpha_i*k_i
- alpha_i_*k_i_, v_k_i)*df.dx \
- 1.0/gamma_m*df.inner(alpha_i*j_i, df.grad(v_k_i))*df.dx \
+ df.inner(j_m[n], v_k_i)*df.dx
# form for conservation of ion n in ECS
A_k_e += 1.0/(self.dt*gamma_m)*df.inner(alpha_e*k_e
- alpha_e_*k_e_, v_k_e)*df.dx \
- 1.0/gamma_m*df.inner(alpha_e*j_e, df.grad(v_k_e))*df.dx \
- df.inner(j_m[n], v_k_e)*df.dx \
- df.inner(j_in[n], v_k_e)*df.dx
# add ion specific part to form for ICS potential
A_phi_i += - df.inner(z[n]*alpha_i*j_i, df.grad(v_phi_i))*df.dx \
+ gamma_m*df.inner(z[n]*j_m[n], v_phi_i)*df.dx
# add ion specific part to form for ECS potential
A_phi_e += - df.inner(z[n]*alpha_e*j_e, df.grad(v_phi_e))*df.dx \
- gamma_m*df.inner(z[n]*j_m[n], v_phi_e)*df.dx
# add contribution from ions to water flux
w_m += (k_e - k_i)*(R*temperature)
# transmembrane water flux
w_m = eta_m*w_m
# form for ICS volume fraction
A_alpha_i += 1.0/self.dt*df.inner(alpha_i - alpha_i_, v_alpha_i)*df.dx \
- df.inner(alpha_i*u_i, df.grad(v_alpha_i))*df.dx \
+ gamma_m*df.inner(w_m, v_alpha_i)*df.dx
# assemble system
self.A = A_alpha_i + A_k_i + A_k_e + A_phi_i + A_phi_e + A_p_e + A_lag
# set boundary conditions for extracellular pressure
point = "near(x[0], %g)" % self.model.L
bcs = [df.DirichletBC(self.W.sub(self.N_unknowns-2), df.Constant(0.0), point)]
# initiate solver
J = df.derivative(self.A, self.w)
model = df.NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.A, self.w, bcs, J)
self.PDE_solver = df.NonlinearVariationalSolver(model)
prm = self.PDE_solver.parameters
prm['newton_solver']['absolute_tolerance'] = 1E-14
prm['newton_solver']['relative_tolerance'] = 1E-4
prm['newton_solver']['maximum_iterations'] = 10
prm['newton_solver']['relaxation_parameter'] = 1.0
def solve_system(self, path_results=False):
""" Solve PDE system with iterative Newton solver """
if self.stim_protocol == 'constant' or self.stim_protocol == None:
# save results at every second
eval_int = float(1.0/self.dt)
# save results at every timestep
eval_int = 1
# initialize saving of results
if path_results:
filename = path_results
self.initialize_h5_savefile(filename + 'PDE/' + 'results.h5')
# initiate iteration number
k = 1
while (float(self.model.t_PDE) <= self.Tstop):
print("Current time:", float(self.model.t_PDE))
# update time and solve PDE system
self.model.t_PDE.assign(float(self.dt + self.model.t_PDE))
self.PDE_solver.solve() # solve
self.w_.assign(self.w) # update previous PDE solutions
# save results every eval_int'th time step
if (k % eval_int == 0) and path_results:
# update iteration number
k += 1
# close results files
if path_results:
def initialize_h5_savefile(self, filename):
""" initialize h5 file """
self.h5_idx_PDE = 0
self.h5_file_PDE = df.HDF5File(self.mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, 'w')
self.h5_file_PDE.write(self.mesh, '/mesh')
self.h5_file_PDE.write(self.w, '/solution', self.h5_idx_PDE)
def save_h5(self):
""" save results to h5 file """
self.h5_idx_PDE += 1
self.h5_file_PDE.write(self.w, '/solution', self.h5_idx_PDE)
def close_h5(self):
""" close h5 file """