// assign_NMDA_tau.hoc
// assigns the time constants to those given by Gidon (personal communication):
// The NMDA synapse is a standard two exponential with Jahr and Stevens Mg gate.
// mggate = 1 / (1 + exp(0.062 (/mV) * -v) * (mg / 3.57 (mM)))
// g = gmax*(B - A)*mggate
// ... Sarid et al., 2007 used
// syn.gmax = 0.5e-3//15e-3
// syn.tau_r = 0.5
// syn.tau_d = 44
// syn.mg = 1
tau_up = 0.5
tau_down = 44

objref nmda_list
nmda_list = new List("NMDA")

proc assign_NMDA_tau() {
    nmda_list = new List("NMDA")
    for i=0, nmda_list.count()-1 {
        nmda_list.object(i).tau1 = tau_up
        nmda_list.object(i).tau2 = tau_down