Construct bulb network with round-robin gid distribution and
mitral-centric synapse distribution.
The mitrals have already been constructed.
from common import *
from util import elapsed
from split import wholemitral, mpiece_exists
t_begin = h.startsw()
import determine_connections as dc
import mgrs
elapsed('net_mitral_centric after import mgrs')
import params
import granules
def register_mitrals(model):
'''register mitrals'''
for gid in model.mitrals:
if h.section_exists("initialseg", model.mitrals[gid]):
s = model.mitrals[gid].initialseg
pc.set_gid2node(gid, rank)
pc.cell(gid, h.NetCon(s(1)._ref_v, None, sec=s))
if not mpiece_exists(gid): # must not be doing multisplit
wholemitral(gid, model.mitrals[gid])
elapsed('mitrals registered')
def mkgranule(gid):
# calculate the dendrite length
# def granule_priden_length(ggid):
# from misc import distance, Ellipsoid
# pos = granules.ggid2pos[ggid]
# prj = Ellipsoid(params.bulbCenter, params.somaAxis[1]).project(pos)
# return distance(pos, prj)
g = h.Granule()
# set length
# g.priden2[0].L = params.granule_priden2_len
# g.priden2[0].nseg = int(g.priden2[0].L / 10.) + 1
# g.priden.L = granule_priden_length(gid)
# g.priden.nseg = int(g.priden.L / 15.) + 1
# g.memb()
return g
def build_granules(model):
'''build granules'''
model.granules = {}
for gid in model.granule_gids:
g = mkgranule(gid)
model.granules.update({gid : g})
elapsed('%d granules built'%int(pc.allreduce(len(model.granules),1)))
def register_granules(model):
for gid in model.granules:
g = model.granules[gid]
pc.set_gid2node(gid, rank)
pc.cell(gid, h.NetCon(g.soma(.5)._ref_v, None, sec=g.soma))
elapsed('granules registered')
def build_synapses(model):
'''construct reciprocal synapses'''
model.mgrss = {}
for r in model.rank_gconnections:
for ci in model.rank_gconnections[r]:
rsyn = mgrs.mk_mgrs(*ci[0:7])
if rsyn:
model.mgrss.update({rsyn.md_gid : rsyn})
for mgid in model.mconnections:
for ci in model.mconnections[mgid]:
#do not duplicate if already built because granule exists on this process
if not model.mgrss.has_key(mgrs.mgrs_gid(ci[0], ci[3], ci[6])):
rsyn = mgrs.mk_mgrs(*ci[0:7])
if rsyn:
model.mgrss.update({rsyn.md_gid : rsyn})
nmultiple = int(pc.allreduce(mgrs.multiple_cnt(), 1))
if rank == 0:
print 'nmultiple = ', nmultiple
detectors = h.List("ThreshDetect")
elapsed('%d ThreshDetect for reciprocalsynapses constructed'%int(pc.allreduce(detectors.count(),1)))
def read_mconnection_info(model, connection_file):
#model.mconnections = { mgid:[] for mgid in model.mitral_gids }
from struct import unpack
fi = open(connection_file, 'rb')
rec = fi.read(22)
while rec:
md_gid, mgid, isec, xm, ggid, xg = unpack('>LLHfLf', rec)
if mgid in model.mitral_gids:
slot = mgrs.gid2mg(md_gid)[3]
cinfo = (mgid, isec, xm, ggid, 0, xg, slot, (0.,0.,0.))
if not model.mconnections.has_key(mgid):
model.mconnections.update({ mgid:[] })
rec = fi.read(22)
def build_net_round_robin(model, mitral_gids=set(range(params.Nmitral)), connection_file=''):
enter = h.startsw()
for mgid in mitral_gids:
if rank != (mgid % nhost):
model.mitral_gids.add(mgid) # add mitral
# gen. mitrals
if len(connection_file) > 0:
# read connection file
read_mconnection_info(model, connection_file)
if rank == 0: print 'build_subnet_round_robin ', h.startsw()-enter
def build_round_robin(model):
model.gids = model.mitral_gids.copy()
if rank == 0: print "round robin setuptime ", h.startsw() - t_begin
if __name__ == '__main__':
from util import serialize
model = getmodel()
for r in serialize():
print "rank %d %d mitrals %d granules %d MGRS nmultiple=%d max_multiple=%d" % (r,len(model.mitrals),len(model.granules), len(mgrss), mgrs.nmultiple, mgrs.max_multiple)