if (!name_declared("pc")) {
	execute1("objref pc")
	execute1("pc = new ParallelContext()")

proc sortspikes() {local res, i, j, k, imin, x, nbin, tmin, tmax, tvl, spikecount \
  localobj srt, s1, s2, cnts, d1, d2, gs
	s1 = $o1
	s2 = $o2
	d1 = $o3
	d2 = $o4
	nbin = $5 // number of ranks (from 0) to do the sorting
	if (nbin > pc.nhost) { nbin = pc.nhost }
	// for testing, round to the file output resolution
	if (1) {
		res = .00001
	spike_count = pc.allreduce(s1.size, 1)
	//if (pc.id == 0) {printf("spike_count %d, sort using %d ranks\n", spike_count, nbin)}
	if (spike_count == 0) { return }

	// not always sorted even on per processor basis
	srt = s1.sortindex
	s1.index(s1, srt)
	s2.index(s2, srt)
	if (pc.nhost == 1) {
		// should also sort gid

	// min and max spike time
	if (s1.size) {
		tmin = s1.x[0]
		tmax = s1.x[s1.size-1]
		tmin = 1e9
		tmax = 0
	tmin = pc.allreduce(tmin, 3)
	tmax = pc.allreduce(tmax, 2) + 1
	// exchange
	tvl = (tmax - tmin)/nbin
	cnts = new Vector(pc.nhost)
	j = 0
	for i=0, nbin - 1 {
		x = tmin + (i+1)*tvl
		k = 0
		while (j < s1.size) {
			if (s1.x[j] < x) {
				j += 1
				k += 1
		cnts.x[i] = k
	pc.alltoall(s1, cnts, d1)
	pc.alltoall(s2, cnts, d2)

    if (d1.size) {
	srt = d1.sortindex
	d1.index(d1, srt)
	d2.index(d2, srt)
	// now sort the gids without destroying the spiketime sort
	gs = new Vector()
	imin = 0
	n = d1.size
	for i=1, n {
		if (i < n) if (d1.x[imin] == d1.x[i]) {
		if (i - imin > 1) {
			gs.copy(d2, imin, i-1)
			d2.copy(gs, imin, 0, gs.size-1)
		imin = i

spike2file_time = 0
spike2file_ncall = 0
proc spike2file() { local i, j, nf, me, ts, nbin, nspike, nbinperfile \
   localobj outf, s, vs, vg
        // os $s1 the filename prefix for output
	ts = startsw()
	nbin = pc.nhost // everybody sorts
	nf = 1 // everybody (nbin consecutive ranks) serialized into one file
	// nbin/nf should be an integer
	if (numarg() >= 4) { nbin = $4 }
	if (numarg() == 5) { nf = $5 }
	if (nbin > pc.nhost) {
		nbin = pc.nhost
	if (nf > nbin) {
		nf = nbin
	nbinperfile = int(nbin/nf)
	if (nbinperfile*nf < nbin) { nbinperfile += 1 }
	// nhost ranks sort into ranks 0...nbin
	// those ranks write into nf files. ie. rank r writes to file
	// int(rank/(nbinperfile))
	vs = new Vector()
	vg = new Vector()
	sortspikes($o2, $o3, vs, vg, nbin)
	nspike = pc.allreduce(vs.size, 1)
	//if (pc.id == 0) printf("spike2file %d spikes sorted in %g sec on %d ranks\n", nspike, startsw() - ts, nbin)
	s = new String()
	// nothing beyond nbin will write a file
	outf = new File()
	for j=0, nbinperfile-1 { // adjacent ranks that serialize into same file
		sprint(s.s, "%s.spikes.dat.%03d", $s1, int(pc.id/nbinperfile))
		if (pc.id < nbin && pc.id%(nbinperfile) == j) {
			if (j == 0 && spike2file_ncall == 0) {
			for i=0, vs.size-1  {
				//outf.printf("%.5f %d\n", vs.x[i], vg.x[i])
				outf.printf("%.10g %d\n", vs.x[i], vg.x[i])
	spike2file_ncall += 1
	ts = startsw() - ts
if (pc.id == 0) printf("spike2file call#%d spikes=%d sorted using %d ranks, writing to %d files in %g sec\n", spike2file_ncall, nspike, nbin, nf, ts)
	spike2file_time += ts

proc spiketest() {localobj sp, id
	sp = new Vector(10)
	id = sp.c.add(1000*pc.id)
	spike2file(sp, id, $1, $2)