function dout = adaptiveLQG(xinit,xfinal,xvia,simdata)

%   XINI: Initial condition for the state vector
%   XFINAL: Target state
%   XVIA: Coordinate of the via point
%   SIMDATA: Structure with parameters for the simulation (check
%   adaptiveReaching.m)
%   DOUT: Output data with simulation parameters.

ACont = simdata.A;% Model Matrices
BCont = simdata.B;
ANullCont = simdata.ANull;
AClamp = simdata.AClamp;
if simdata.Clamp>0
    ACont = AClamp;
    disp('Was Here: Clamp')

AestCont = simdata.AestCont;        % Estimated Model
BestCont = simdata.BestCont;
AParamCont = simdata.AParamCont;
time = simdata.time;                % Time free and stabilization time   
stab = simdata.stab;
delta =;              % Integration step
alpha = simdata.alpha;              % Cost Parameter [position(x,y) - speed(x,y) - force(x,y)]
r = simdata.r;                      % Cost parameter for control action
p = simdata.p;                      % Number of simulation runs
gamma = simdata.gamma;              % Learning rates for A and B
pert = simdata.pert;
m = simdata.m;

nstate = size(ACont,1);
ncontr = size(BCont,2);
nStep = round((time+stab)/delta)-1;
nMove = round(time/delta);
Q = zeros(3*nstate,3*nstate,nStep+1);
R = zeros(ncontr,ncontr,nStep);

% Transform continuous time representation into discrete time for actual and
% estimated matrices
A = [ACont,zeros(nstate,2*nstate);zeros(2*nstate,3*nstate)];
A = eye(size(A))+delta*A;

ANull = [ANullCont,zeros(nstate,2*nstate);zeros(2*nstate,3*nstate)];
ANull = eye(size(ANull))+delta*ANull;

B = delta*[BCont;zeros(2*nstate,ncontr)];

AParam = [AParamCont,zeros(nstate,2*nstate);zeros(2*nstate,3*nstate)];
AParam = eye(size(AParam))+delta*AParam;

Aest = [AestCont,zeros(nstate,2*nstate);zeros(2*nstate,3*nstate)];
Aest = eye(size(Aest))+delta*Aest;
Best = delta*[BestCont;zeros(2*nstate,ncontr)];

% Cost Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------
% Filling in the cost matrices: Q and R - 
% Final Target
xg0 = eye(nstate);
xg = [xg0;-xg0;0*xg0];
for ii = nMove+1:nStep+1
    for i = 1:size(alpha,2)
        Q(:,:,ii) = Q(:,:,ii)+ alpha(i)*xg(:,i)*xg(:,i)';

% Uses polynomial buildup for cost matrices during movement
if simdata.buildup > 0
    for ii = 1:nMove
        Q(:,:,ii) = (ii/nMove)^simdata.buildup*Q(:,:,end);

%Via point - uses the same alpha-parameter for the via point
xg = [xg0;0*xg0;-xg0];
tvia = simdata.tvia;
if tvia >0
    tvia = round(simdata.tvia/delta);
    for i = 1:size(alpha,2)
        Q(:,:,tvia) = Q(:,:,tvia)+ alpha(i)*xg(:,i)*xg(:,i)';

% Cost of Control
for i = 1:nStep
    R(:,:,i) = r*eye(ncontr);

% Compute LQG controller---------------------------------------------------
x0 = [xinit;xfinal;xvia];
oZeta = B*B';
[L,~] = basicLQG(Aest,Best,Q,R,x0,oZeta);

% Perturbation Vector
vPert = zeros(size(x0,1),1);
trig = false;
iTrig = 0;

for i = 1:p

    % initializing
    xall = zeros(3*nstate,nStep,p);
    xallest = zeros(3*nstate,nStep,p);
    call = zeros(ncontr,nStep,p);
    AestAll = zeros(nstate,nstate,nStep); % Single Simulation run for the moment
    BestAll = zeros(nstate,ncontr,nStep);
    currentState = x0;
    currentEstimate = x0;
    for t = 1:nStep
        % Control
        u = -L(:,:,1)*currentState;
        [L,~] = basicLQG(Aest,Best,Q(:,:,t+1:end),R(:,:,t+1:nStep),currentEstimate,zeros(size(Aest)));
        % Trigger perturbation when crossing the midline
        if norm(currentState(1:2)) > norm(xfinal)/2 && ~trig
            vPert(4) = delta*pert/m;
            iTrig = t;
            trig = true;
        if t >= iTrig+10
            vPert(4) = 0;
        % Turn off the force filed at via-point experiment
        if tvia > 0 && t == 80
            A = ANull;
            disp('Was here !')
        % Update of state and estimated state
        nextState = A*currentState + B*u + mvnrnd(zeros(size(A,1),1),oZeta)' + vPert;
        nextEstimate = Aest*currentState + Best*u;
        % Estimation error
        eps1 = nextState(1:nstate)-nextEstimate(1:nstate);
        % Updating Model Matrices
        theta_t = [Aest(3,4),Aest(4,3)]';
        psy = zeros(2,nstate);
        psy(1,3) = nextState(4);
        psy(2,4) = nextState(3);
        theta_up = theta_t + gamma(1)*psy*eps1;
        Aest(3,4) = theta_up(1);
        Aest(4,3) = theta_up(2);
        AestCont = (Aest(1:6,1:6)-eye(6))/delta;
        % Updating variables
        currentState = nextState;
        currentEstimate = nextEstimate;
        % filling in output vectors
        xall(:,t,i) = currentState;
        xallest(:,t,i) = currentEstimate;
        call(:,t,i) = u;

        AestAll(:,:,t) = AestCont;
        BestAll(:,:,t) = BestCont;

% output simulation resutls
dout.state = xall;
dout.estimate = xallest;
dout.control = call;
dout.AestCont = AestAll;
dout.BestCont = BestAll;
dout.Clamp = simdata.Clamp;