# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')
from fns import *
from fns.functionsTF import *

# In[2]:

config = load_config()

res = []
T = 5000

# run two simulations, first without shared gap junctions, then with 40 shared gap junctions
for sG in [0,40]:
    gpu = TfConnEvolveNet(config=config, T=T)

    # number of cross-network gap junctions
    gpu.sG = sG

    NE = 800
    NI = 200
    ## input network
    # number of excitatory neurons
    # number of inhibitory neurons

    ## gamma network
    # number of excitatory neurons
    # number of inhibitory neurons

    ### input to the input-network
    seed = 0
    # input amplitude
    A = 400
    x = generateInput2(seed, T, tau=100)[np.newaxis, :]
    w0 = np.random.rand(1, 2*(NE+NI)) * 2
    w0 = w0 * A
    w0 = w0 * np.concatenate([np.ones((1, NE+NI)), np.zeros((1, NE+NI))], axis=1)
    INP = w0.T @ x + 200

    ### small constant drive to the output-network
    # k = np.ones((1, T)) * 200
    # w1 = np.concatenate([np.zeros((1, NE+NI)), np.ones((1, NE+NI))], axis=1)
    # INP2 = w1.T @ k

    # feed input to network
    gpu.input = INP 

    # choose hardware
    gpu.device = '/gpu:0'

    # mean initial gap junction coupling
    gpu.g1 = 5.5
    gpu.g2 = 5.5

    # do not save the spikes
    gpu.spikeMonitor = False
    # do not save the individual voltages, currents, etc.
    gpu.monitor_single = False

    # iteration 
    gpu.stabTime = np.inf

    # rule: g0 = 0 for no bound rule, g0 = 10 for softbound rule
    gpu.g0 = 10


    del gpu

# ## Reconstruction input

# In[3]:

s = 0
e = T

for i in range(2):
    # input signal to input-network
    inp = res[i].input[0,s:e]/np.max(res[i].input[0,s:e])
    # population activity of inhibitory neurons of the output-network
    ifr = res[i].vvmI2[s:e] 

    spikes, xdec, ydec, corr_predict = decode(inp, ifr )
    # rescale signals for plotting
    inp -= np.min(inp)
    inp /= np.max(inp)
    ydec -= np.min(ydec)
    ydec /= np.max(ydec)
    # plot input
    plt.plot(xdec, inp, color='r', label='input')
    # plot decoded input
    plt.plot(xdec,ydec, color=snCol, label='decoded input')
    plt.legend(fontsize=18, loc='best', handlelength=1)
    plt.xlabel('Time [%d ms]'%int((e-s)*res[i].dt))
    plt.title('Input vs Decoded Input')
    if i==0:
        plt.suptitle(r'\textbf{No cross-network GJs}', y=1.05, fontsize=22)
        plt.suptitle(r'\textbf{40 cross-network GJs}', y=1.05, fontsize=22)


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