NEURON mod files from the paper: Sonia Gasparini, Michele Migliore, and Jeffrey C. Magee On the initiation and propagation of dendritic spikes in CA1 pyramidal neurons, J.Neurosci. 24:11046-11056 (2004). The paper investigates the dendritic spike probability as a function of the number of activated synaptic input and their spatial and temporal distribution. The results suggest that highly synchronized and moderately clustered inputs have the highest probability to generate a dendritic spike. The main effect is demonstrated here by reproducing the simulations in Fig.5A of the paper, in which 5 synapses were activated in the same compartment with different time delays. Simulations can be run for different kind of synaptic input: - current pulses - AMPA - AMPA+NMDA Under unix systems: to compile the mod files use the command nrnivmodl and run the simulation hoc file with the command nrngui forfig5A.hoc Under Windows systems: to compile the mod files use the "mknrndll" command. A double click on the simulation file forfig5A.hoc will open the simulation window. Questions on how to use this model should be directed to