These simulations accompany the publication: Schmidt-Hieber C, Jonas P, Bischofberger J (2007) Subthreshold Dendritic Signal Processing and Coincidence Detection in Dentate Gyrus Granule Cells. J Neurosci 27:8430-8441 For installation instructions, see INSTALL.txt Simulations have been tested using NEURON 5.9 and 6.0 under Windows and GNU/Linux. The gnuplot script has been tested with gnuplot 4.2 ( Once the simulation starts you can click on buttons in the guito generate selected figures in the paper: Figure 6a
Figure 6b
Figure 6c
Figure 7ab
Figure 7ac
Figure 7d
Figure 8ab
Figure 8cd
Send bug reports and comments to at Description of files: ./gc.hoc Starts the simulations. Requires mod files to be compiled. ./asin.mod arcsine function, forwarded to hoc from math.h ./spines.mod Introduces spine area scale factor as a range variable (scale_spines). Optionally, spine counts can be used as a range variable as well (count_spines). ./synampa.mod Synaptic conductance change with a biexponential time course. ./share/calcSpines.hoc Calculate spine area scale factor from spine counts. Corrects for spines hidden behind the shaft in 2D projections. ./share/config.hoc Simulation configuration settings. ./share/controlpanel.hoc Main control panel allowing cell and figure selection. ./share/figures.hoc Procedures reproducing figures. ./share/fixnseg.hoc d_lambda rule implementation. ./share/genutils.hoc Some general-purpose routines. ./share/spine.hoc Creates a spine, consisting of a neck (spine[0]) and a head (spine[1]) ./share/template.plt Template script file for creating a gnuplot script that will show a 3D plot as in figure 6D. ./cell_x/membrane.hoc Loads cell morphology and connections, initializes spines, inserts passive membrane properties. Uses a class "cell_x" so that you can easily toggle between cells or use multiple objects for network simulations. ./cell_x/morpho.hoc Loads morphology and spines without making use of a class. Intended for standalone use of cells. ./cell_x/morpho.txt Coordinates and diameters of 3D points as plain text. Needed by membrane.hoc to load 3D morphology from a procedure. 20071005 Cell templates now adhere to the "NetworkReadyCell" syntax - fixed some minor bugs. Schmidt-Hieber. 20170328 * Added a new cell (cell_9) and an artificial cell (cell_10) that were not part of the original 2007 publication. * Added CA1 PC model (cell_11) for consistency. See Golding NL, Mickus TJ, Katz Y, Kath WL, Spruston N (2005) Factors mediating powerful voltage attenuation along CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites. J Physiol 568:69-82. To run the original simulations as shown in the paper, use the original model from