// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// config.hoc
// Configuration settings
// 2007-06-28, Christoph Schmidt-Hieber, University of Freiburg
// accompanies the publication:
// Schmidt-Hieber C, Jonas P, Bischofberger J (2007)
// Subthreshold Dendritic Signal Processing and Coincidence Detection
// in Dentate Gyrus Granule Cells. J Neurosci 27:8430-8441
// send bug reports and suggestions to christoph.schmidt-hieber@uni-freiburg.de
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
verbose = 1 // 0: no output
// 1: print essential information during simulations (default)
debug_mode = 0 // 0: no debug information (default)
// 1: show debug information
accuracy = 0 // 0: compromise between accuracy and simulation speed (default)
// 1: Obsessively high level of accuracy
// Note that some simulations may take hours to run
// with this setting.
celsius = 24 // This is to roughly account for the effects of temperature on
q10_g_pas = 1.98 // simulations. Passive membrane parameters (Ra, cm, g_pas)
q10_Ra = 0.80 // have no built-in temperature dependence. Instead, they
q10_cm = 0.96 // will be scaled when calling membrane.hoc using Q10 values
// according to:
// Trevelyan AJ, Jack JJB (2002), J Physiol 539:623-636
// Note that these Q10 values have been obtained for LII/III
// pyramidal cells, not for granule cells.
// defaults:
// celsius = 24 (our recording temperature)
// q10_g_pas = 1.98
// q10_Ra = 0.80
// q10_cm = 0.96