function minimizeexample()
%MINIMIZEEXAMPLE: An example of using the panelbox minimize/maximize
% Copyright 2010-2013 The MathWorks Ltd.
width = 200;
pheightmin = 20;
pheightmax = 100;
% Create the window and main layout
fig = figure( 'Name', 'Collapsable GUI', ...'
'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
'Toolbar', 'none', ...
'MenuBar', 'none' );
box = uiextras.VBox( 'Parent', fig );
panel{1} = uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Title', 'Panel 1', 'Parent', box );
panel{2} = uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Title', 'Panel 2', 'Parent', box );
panel{3} = uiextras.BoxPanel( 'Title', 'Panel 3', 'Parent', box );
set( box, 'Sizes', pheightmax*ones(1,3) );
% Add some contents
uicontrol( 'Style', 'PushButton', 'String', 'Button 1', 'Parent', panel{1} );
uicontrol( 'Style', 'PushButton', 'String', 'Button 2', 'Parent', panel{2} );
uicontrol( 'Style', 'PushButton', 'String', 'Button 3', 'Parent', panel{3} );
% Resize the window
pos = get( fig, 'Position' );
set( fig, 'Position', [pos(1,1:2),width,sum(box.Sizes)] );
% Hook up the minimize callback
set( panel{1}, 'MinimizeFcn', {@nMinimize, 1} );
set( panel{2}, 'MinimizeFcn', {@nMinimize, 2} );
set( panel{3}, 'MinimizeFcn', {@nMinimize, 3} );
function nMinimize( eventSource, eventData, whichpanel ) %#ok<INUSL>
% A panel has been maximized/minimized
s = get( box, 'Sizes' );
pos = get( fig, 'Position' );
panel{whichpanel}.IsMinimized = ~panel{whichpanel}.IsMinimized;
if panel{whichpanel}.IsMinimized
s(whichpanel) = pheightmin;
s(whichpanel) = pheightmax;
set( box, 'Sizes', s );
% Resize the figure, keeping the top stationary
delta_height = pos(1,4) - sum( box.Sizes );
set( fig, 'Position', pos(1,:) + [0 delta_height 0 -delta_height] );
end % nMinimize
end % EOF