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4.5: uiextras.get Go back up one level

Retrieve a default property value from a parent object

propValue = uiextras.get( hObj, propName )
retrieves a default property value from the object hObj. Note that the hObj must be a valid graphics container object such as a uipanel, figure or the special flag 0 (the overall environment). The property name should take the form "DefaultClassProperty", for example to get the default "TitleColor" for the class "uiextras.BoxPanel", use "DefaultBoxPanelTitleColor".If no default has been set for the specified property an error is thrown.

For example:

p = uiextras.get( gcf(), 'DefaultBoxPanelTitleColor' )
p = uiextras.get( 0, 'DefaultHBoxPadding' )

See also:
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