% Utilities for coloring with MATLAB by Carlos Vargas.
% COLORMAP utilites:
% cmapping - Colormap linear mapping/interpolation. v1.1 (Sep 02, 2009)
% cmfit - Sets the COLORMAP and CAXIS to specific color bands. v1.0 (Jun 08, 2009)
% cmjoin - Joins colormaps at certain levels. v2.0 (Jun 08, 2009)
% cmlines - Change the color of plotted lines using the colormap. v1.0 (Jun 08, 2009)
% COLORBAR utilities:
% cbfit - Changes COLORMAP and CAXIS to fit between colorbar's ticks. v3.0 (Jun 05, 2014)
% cbfreeze - Freezes the colormap of a colorbar. v2.1 (Jul 03, 2014)
% cbhandle - Gets the handle of current colorbar or its peer axes. v2.1 (Jul 03, 2014)
% cblabel - Adds a label to the colorbar. v2.2 (Jul 03, 2014)
% cbunits - Adds units (and ISU prefixes) to the colorbar ticklabels. v4.4 (Jul 03, 2014)
% Jul 03, 2014