%COPYFIG Create a copy of a figure, without changing the figure
% Examples:
%   fh_new = copyfig(fh_old)
% This function will create a copy of a figure, but not change the figure,
% as copyobj sometimes does, e.g. by changing legends.
% IN:
%    fh_old - The handle of the figure to be copied. Default: gcf.
% OUT:
%    fh_new - The handle of the created figure.

% Copyright (C) Oliver Woodford 2012

function fh = copyfig(fh)
% Set the default
if nargin == 0
    fh = gcf;
% Is there a legend?
if isempty(findall(fh, 'Type', 'axes', 'Tag', 'legend'))
    % Safe to copy using copyobj
    fh = copyobj(fh, 0);
    % copyobj will change the figure, so save and then load it instead
    tmp_nam = [tempname '.fig'];
    hgsave(fh, tmp_nam);
    fh = hgload(tmp_nam);