%% Visualization of correlation results
% This function should present the result of correlations in a figure with table-like
% structure. Visualize the result of: *corr[X]*
% R values and Signuficance levels (range of P values) are visualized
% as the color and sizes of circle. User can also chose to see
% scatterplots, and/or text with R and P values on one triangle.
%%  Using [mycorrplot_1]
% *Syntax*
% mycorrplot_1(X,xnames,type, colorbaron,textin)
% * X : data; we are interested in correlation between each pair of columns in X; as in corr(X)
% * xnames : name of each column in X, stored in cell array of strings; default is {'1','2','3',....}
% * type :  style of output, can be 'C','T','S','B'; default is 'B'
% * colorbaron : 0 or 1; whether to plot out the legend or not; default is 0
% * textin : 0 or 1; whether to put labels in the diagnal; default is 1 if
% xnames not specified, 0 otherwise
%%% More about types
% * *'C'* means put all circles
% * *'T'* means put text and circles
% * *'S'* means put scatterplot and circles
% * *'B'* means put "Both" scatter plot and text. In this case, text will be put on top of the circles. 
% Example of usage: *[X_corrplots.m]*
%% File info.
% Author: *Wei-Ting Lin* (_2014/10/15_)
% *Inspeired by* 
% * corrplot : from Matlab econometrics tool box
% * correlationCircles:by David Legland http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/45698-correlation-circles
% * R package corrplot: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/corrplot/vignettes/corrplot-intro.html
% * num2cellstr.m : by Andrew Watson http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/20639-num2cellstr
% *Dependent files*
% * plot_circle.m
% * my_colorplates.mat
% _The file was farmatted in a way to give better view when published._
%% The function
 function mycorrplot_1(X,xnames,type, colorbaron,textin)
 % for corr(X)
 [Rvals, Pvals] = corr(X);
 [n, p] = size(X);
 load my_colorplates  % Use my color plates
%%% Setting up default values
if (nargin < 5), textin = 0; end;
if (nargin < 4), colorbaron= 0 ; end;
if (nargin < 3), type = ('B'); end;
if (nargin < 2), % Create a cell array of strings {'1','2',...,'p'} 
    for i=1:p       
    xnames{i} = num2str(i); 
    textin = 1; % the default name is short enough

%%% Error Message
if iscellstr(xnames)==0
    error('Names of variable should be in cell array of strings')

%%% Setting up the "subplot" parameters
XRange = 0.8/(p+1);
XBox = XRange*0.95;  
% Range = Box + Gap

Xss(1)=0.1+XBox;% Starting points of X   
         for j = 2:p
             Xss(j) = Xss(j-1) + XRange;
Yss(1)=0.9-XRange; % starting points of Y
        for i = 2:p
            Yss(i) = Yss(i-1) -  XRange;

%%% Setting size and color for the circle plots
Csize = ones(p,p);
    Csize(Pvals>=0.05) = 0.4;
    Csize(Pvals<0.05 & Pvals > 0.01) = 0.8;
Ccolor = 1+floor((Rvals+1)*32);
    % eventhough unlikely, this code prevent P=1 to have the 65th color

%%% Making the main figure    
for j=1:p % each row  of subplot
    for i=1:p % each col of subplot
        % setting up the subplot frame and location
        axes('position',[Xss(i) Yss(j) XBox XBox]);
        %%% The lower-left triangle
       if i<j % the lower-left  triangle
            axis([-1 1 -1 1])
            % Plotting with circle
            if Csize(j,i) >= 0.8 % Significant
                plot_circle([0 0],Csize(j,i),myredblues(Ccolor(j,i),:),[0 0 0])   
            else % Not significant
                plot_circle([0 0],Csize(j,i),myredblues(Ccolor(j,i),:))   
            % Printing text on top of circles
                 if type=='B'
                 text(0,0,['R:' num2str(Rvals(j,i),'%.3f')],'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom','fontsize',8)
                 text(0,0,['p:' num2str(Pvals(j,i),'%.3f')],'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top','fontsize',8)
        end % if i>j
        %%% The diagnal
        if i==j
            axis([-1 1 -1 1])
            if textin==1            
            elseif type=='C' % Put all blue circle ( R=1 ) for self-correllation        
                plot_circle([0 0],Csize(j,i),myredblues(Ccolor(j,i),:))     
        end % if i==j
        %%%  The upper-right triangle
        if i>j  % upper-right triangle
            if type=='C' % Plotting with circle
                 axis([-1 1 -1 1])                            
                 if Csize(j,i) >= 0.8 % significant
                     plot_circle([0 0],Csize(j,i),myredblues(Ccolor(j,i),:),[0 0 0])   
                 else % not significant
                     plot_circle([0 0],Csize(j,i),myredblues(Ccolor(j,i),:))   
            end % if type=='C'
            if type=='T' % print out the R and P
                axis([-1 1 -1 1])
                text(0,0,['R:' num2str(Rvals(j,i),'%.3f')],'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom','fontsize',8)
                text(0,0,['p:' num2str(Pvals(j,i),'%.3f')],'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top','fontsize',8)
            end % if type=='T'
            if type=='B'||type=='S' % print out scatter plot
                 plot(X(:,i),X(:,j),'.k');hold on
                 h =lsline;
                 set(h, 'linewidth',2,'color','b')
            end %  if type==...
        end % if i<j
        %%%  Put on labels on the margin boxes
        if textin==0       
               if i==1 % Y- labels on the left; names of input X           
                    if max(cellfun('length',xnames))<=10  %%%%% Rotate if string is short; 
                        set(h, 'rotation', 90,'HorizontalAlignment','center');
                end % if i==
                if j==p % X- labels on the bottom; names of input Y                            
                    if max(cellfun('length',xnames))>=10 %%%%% Rotate if string is too long
                        set(h, 'rotation', -90)
                end % if j==
        end % if texton==
    end % for i=
end % for j=

%%% Print a colorbar for the R values 
if colorbaron==1    
    temp = [-1:0.04:1];
 axes('position',[0.1 0.6 0.8 0.1]);
        colormap(myredblues) % set color mat to a red-blue scale
    set(gca,'YTick',[],'Xtick',[1 13 26 39 51],'Xticklabel',{'-1','-0.5','0','0.5','1'},'fontsize',14)
    xlabel('Correlation Coefficient','fontsize',15)

 axes('position',[0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2]); 
    plot_circle([0 0],1,mycolor(17,:),[0 0 0])  
        axis([-1 1 -1 1])
        xlabel('p < 0.01','fontsize',12)
 axes('position',[0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2]); 
    plot_circle([0 0],0.8,mycolor(17,:),[0 0 0])
         axis([-1 1 -1 1])
         xlabel(' 0.01 < p < 0.05','fontsize',12)
 axes('position',[0.7 0.2 0.2 0.2]); 
    plot_circle([0 0],0.4,mycolor(17,:))
         axis([-1 1 -1 1])
         xlabel('p > 0.05','fontsize',12)