function [ out ] = calibrate_trajectory( pts, cal_data )
%CALIBRATE_TRAJECTORY Calibrates a set of points using linear interpolation
%defined by the calibration data
% calibration data should be a Nx4 matrix where each row has format
% (x, y, dx, dy)
warning('off', 'MATLAB:scatteredInterpolant:DupPtsAvValuesWarnId');
Fx = scatteredInterpolant(cal_data(:,1), cal_data(:,2), cal_data(:,3), 'linear', 'linear');
Fy = scatteredInterpolant(cal_data(:,1), cal_data(:,2), cal_data(:,4), 'linear', 'linear');
x = pts(:,2) + Fx(pts(:, 2), pts(:, 3));
y = pts(:,3) + Fy(pts(:, 2), pts(:, 3));
warning('on', 'MATLAB:scatteredInterpolant:DupPtsAvValuesWarnId');
out = [pts(:,1), x, y];