// (Extended) Mean-Field Network Simulations
// Lausanne, June 3rd 2008 - Michele Giugliano, PhD.
// mgiugliano@gmail.com
// Mac users : download "Xcode" from Apple Web Site
// Win users : download Cygwin from www.cygwin.com - be sure to include 'gcc compiler'
// Linux users : download distribution packages containing the 'gcc compiler'
// Compile with: gcc -o meanfield source/meanfield.c -lm -O
// Matlab plot: x = load('data.x'); figure(1); clf; subplot(2,1,1); plot(x(:,1), x(:,2)); subplot(2,1,2); plot(x(:,1), x(:,3));
#include <stdio.h> // Standard i/o library
#include <stdlib.h> // Standard library
#include <time.h> // Standard time library (for initialization purpouses)
#include <math.h> // Standard math library
#include "../libs/rando_pyl.h" // Needed to use gauss() --> random number generation
#include "../libs/files_pyl.h" // Needed by load_par() --> i/o with parameter file
#include "../libs/nrutil.h" // Numerical Recipes routines [custom library].
#include "../libs/nr.h" // Numerical Recipes routines [custom library].
#include "../libs/rando_pyl.c" // Needed to use gauss() --> random number generation
#include "../libs/files_pyl.c" // Needed by load_par() --> i/o with parameter file
#include "../libs/nrutil.c" // Numerical Recipes routines [custom library].
#include "../libs/nr.c" // Numerical Recipes routines [custom library].
#define USAGE "USAGE: %s T N C I mext sext Use\n\n"
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b)) // Useful macro for getting the maximum of two numbers.
#define PARFILENAME "config_files/ifparbest.par" // Parameter file, for single-neuron properties (from Giugliano et al., 2004).
FILE *fopen(), *fp, *fq; // Output file pointers.
double p[10]; // Array containing the model parameters (5 or 6).
double mi, si, taui; // Actual mean, stdev [pA] and corr. length of I [s].
double mext, sext; // Background activity [pA].
double t, dt, sdt, T; // Actual time, integration step and total simulation time [ms].
double N, C, I; // Network-related parameters..
double noise, R; // Additional state variables.
double taux, alpha, X; // Time constant and scaling coefficients - spike-freq adaptation.
double tauD, tauF, U; // Parameter for short-term depression and facilitation.
double r, u; // State variables for short-term depression and facilitation.
//----- FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------------
double phi(double); // nerf() function, used in if_tf().
double if_tf(double *, double, double, double);// It computes the mean firing rate
// of the Leaky IF neuron without adaptation.
void load_par(char *); // It loads the model parameters from file.
void init(); // Initialization of the simulation.
void print(); // Data output routine
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // main
double m, s;
int bool = 0;
double tlast = -999; // it is initialized to (almost) -infinity
if (argc < 8) { // Should the software be called with a wrong input arguments number
printf(USAGE, argv[0]); // information on its usage are printed on the standard output.
exit(0); // However, in this case the program exits.
init(); // The simulation is being initialized.
load_par(PARFILENAME); // Best fitting parameters are read from file (see Giugliano et al., 2004).
T = atof(argv[1]); // Total simulation lifetime.. [ms].
N = atof(argv[2]); // Size of the simulated network.
C = atof(argv[3]); // Probability of a pair-connection.
I = atof(argv[4]); // Mean of the synaptic efficacy.
mext = atof(argv[5]); // Background synaptic activity [pA].
sext = atof(argv[6]); // Background synaptic activity [pA].
U = atof(argv[7]);
fp = fopen("simulation_results/data.x", "w"); // Output file is opened here..
fq = fopen("simulation_results/bursts.x", "w"); // Output file is opened here..
printf("Mean Field Simulation - (c) 2008 Michele Giugliano, PhD.\n\n");
printf("N = %f, C = %f, I = %f, mext = %f, sext = %f\n\n", N, C, I, mext, sext);
// e.g. ./newmeanfield.exe 10000 100 .38 40 20 90 0.5
// A [pA] U F [ms] D [ms]
// control 173 0.52 26 419
// cnt 64 0.55 104 255
tauF = 1.; // Facilitating time constant [ms]
tauD = 255.; // Depressing time constant [ms]
//U = 0.55; // Usage effective parameter
taui = 10.; // Correlation time length [ms]..
taux = 700.; // Spike-frequency adaptation [ms]..
R = 0.; // Mean firing rate [kHz]
X = 0.; // Spike-frequency adaptation state variable..
r = 0.; //
u = U; //
m = mext; //
s = sext*sext; //
while (t <= T) { // Main simulation cycle..
alpha =0;
// X += (R - X) * dt/taux;
r += (1. - r) * dt/tauD - u * r * R * dt;
r = (r > 0) ? r : 0.;
u += (U - u) * dt/tauF + U * (1. - u) * R * dt;
u = (u > 0) ? u : 0.;
u = (u > 1) ? 1 : u;
m += (N * C * (I*u*r/U) * R * taui - m) * dt/taui;
s += (0.5 * N * C * ((I*u*r/U) * (I*u*r/U)) * R * taui - s) * dt/(taui/2.);
R += dt/(2.) * (0.001 * if_tf(p, m - alpha * X + mext, sqrt(s + sext*sext), taui) - R);
R = R + 1 * gauss() * sqrt(R / N);
R = (R > 0) ? R : 0.;
if ((R > 20.*0.001) & (bool==0) & (t-tlast)>100.) {
fprintf(fq, "%f\n", t);
bool = 1;
if ((R < 20.*0.001) & (bool==1)) {
fprintf(fq, "%f 0\n", t);
bool = 0;
t += dt;
if (fmod(t,1*dt)<=dt) { print(); fflush(NULL); }
} // end while()
return 0;
} // end main()
void init() {
time_t t1;
t = 0.; // Current time.. [ms].
dt = 1.; // Integration time step.. [ms].
sdt= sqrt(dt/1000.); // Square root of the 'dt' [ms^0.5].
//alpha = 6.232447;
(void) time(&t1);
srand49((long) t1);
//printf(">>> %d\n", (long) t1);
} // end init()
void print() {
fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f %f\n", t, 1000*R, X, r*u/U);
double phi(double x) { // nerf() function, used in evaluating if_tf()
return (1.772453851*nerf(x)); // note: sqrt(pi) = 1.77245..
} // end phi()
// if_tf() computes the mean firing rate of the IF neuron without adaptation. [return Hz]
double if_tf(double *p, double mi, double si, double taui) {
// mu : expected value of the experimentally injected gauss-distributed current (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process).
// sigma : standard deviation of the exp. injected gauss-distributed current (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process).
// Tm [ms]: parameter of the IF model (it represents the passive membrane time constant).
// Tarp [ms]: parameter of the IF model (it represents the absolute refractory period of the spike emission process).
// theta [mV] : parameter of the IF model (it represents the excitability threshold). (NOTE: this is fixed @ 20 mV).
// double H [mV]: parameter of the IF model (it represents the reset hyperpolarizing voltage).
// freq [Hz] : output mean firing rate, function of the input (mu,sigma) and the model parameters.
// Tm = p[1]; (if model == 1, i.e. IF has been chosen)
// beta = p[1]; (if model == 0, i.e. LIF has been chosen)
// C = p[2];
// H = p[3];
// Tarp = p[4];
// theta = 20.;
// mi = DATA[i][0]; si = DATA[i][1]; taui = DATA[i][2];
double freq, a, b, integ, tmp, Tm, C, mu, sigma, Tarp, theta, H;
Tm = p[1];
C = p[2];
mu = (mi)/C;
sigma = si/C;
//sigma = si*sqrt(2*taui)/C;
H = p[3];
Tarp = p[4];
theta = 20.;
if (sigma <= 0.) { // if the stdev is < 5pA, don't use Ricciardi's TF, but assume sigma = 0.
freq = 1000. / (Tarp + Tm * log((H-mu*Tm)/(theta-mu*Tm)) );
return freq;
tmp = (sigma*sqrt(Tm));
a = (H-mu*Tm)/tmp;
b = (theta-mu*Tm)/tmp; // integration boundaries definition.
if (a > 4.9 || b > 4.9) // if the integral boundaries are too large, the int. --> +infty
return 0.; // freq = 0.;
integ = qsimp(phi, a, b, 1.e-6);
if(integ == -1.) {
fprintf(stderr,"(if_tf(): (WARNING): 'qsimp' returned -1.. [%f %f; %f %f %f %f]\n",mi,si,Tm,C,H,Tarp);
return 0.; // freq = 0.; [AS A DEFAULT IN SUCH A CASE]
freq = 1000./(Tarp + Tm*integ); // [Hz]
if (freq<0.) return 0.;
else return freq;
} // end if_tf()
void load_par(char *filename) { // Function to read best pars from file..
readline(filename, p); // Par parsing [see 'files.c' for more details..].
alpha = p[0];
} // end load_par()