#encoding: utf-8
grid.analysis.map_funcs -- A repository for standalone functions useful for
performing various computations on spatial map arrays.
Exported namespace: remap_quiver_plot, spatial_corr, linearize_spatial_corr,
peak_vs_neighbors, input_vs_output_norms, haff_vs_r_peaks,
field_comparison_matrix, linear_rate_corr_matrix
Written by Joe Monaco, 10/21/2008
Copyright (c) 2008 Columbia Unversity. All Rights Reserved.
# Library imports
import scipy.signal, numpy
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
def get_tuned_weights(pmap, W, EC, alpha=0.5, grow_synapses=False):
Perform afferent tuning on the weight matrix and return new weights
Required parameters:
pmap -- a PlaceMap object resulting from the spatial map simulation
W0 -- the afferent weight matrix used in the simulation
EC -- the GridCollection instance used as input in the simulation
Keyword arguments:
alpha -- 0.0 to 1.0 value of how much tuning to (default 0.5)
norm = numpy.sqrt((W[0]**2).sum(axis=0))
W0 = W / norm
W1 = numpy.empty((pmap.num_maps, EC.num_maps), 'd')
for i in xrange(pmap.num_maps):
W1[i] = numpy.tanh(3*(pmap.maxima[i,2]-0.5)) * \
EC.map_value(pmap.maxima[i,0], pmap.maxima[i,1])
if not grow_synapses:
W1[i] *= W0[i] > 0.0
W1[i] /= numpy.sqrt((W1[i]**2).sum(axis=0)) # normalize
W2 = (1.0-alpha)*W0 + alpha*W1 # mixed old and tuned matrices
for i in xrange(pmap.num_maps):
W2[i] *= norm / numpy.sqrt((W2[i]**2).sum(axis=0)) # hetersynaptic LTD
return W2
def remap_quiver_plot(cmp_AB, ax=None, rate_colors=False,
border_style=True, arrow_width=None, **kwextra):
Draw a remapping quiver plot for spatial map comparison data
Requires a compare_AB dictionary as first argument.
Keyword arguments:
ax -- if specified, quiver plot is drawn to the given axes, otherwise
a new figure and axes are created
rate_colors -- whether to color the arrows based on rate remapping
border_style -- if *rate_colors* is True, whether to use a black-bordered
arrow or not (if so, the Reds colormap is used; otherwise, a RKB
diffmap is used)
Additional keywords are passed to the quiver call.
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, axes, draw
if ax is None:
f = figure()
ax = axes()
# Set vector components for drawing arrows
X, Y = cmp_AB['A_xy']
U, V = cmp_AB['B_xy'] - cmp_AB['A_xy']
args = (X, Y, U, V)
# Calculate rate remapping vector for colors: (max-min)/max
if rate_colors:
C = cmp_AB['R_AB']
args += (C,)
# Set keyword arguments to format the quiver field
if arrow_width is None:
set_width = 0.5 # set width here
set_width = arrow_width
kwargs = { 'units':'x', # scale based on data range
'scale':1, # data per arrow unit
'width':set_width, # arrow units
'headwidth':4, # width units
'headlength':5, # width units
'headaxislength':4, # width units
'minshaft':1, # headlength units, scaling threshold
'minlength':2.5/set_width } # width units, display threshold
if rate_colors:
color_lims = numpy.array([0.0, 1.0])
if border_style:
from matplotlib import cm
'cmap':cm.Reds, # colormap for arrows
'clim':color_lims, # colors on a (0,1) scale
'edgecolor':'k', # arrow outline color
'lw':0.5 }) # arrow outline line-width
from ..tools.colormaps import diffmap
'headwidth':4.0, # scale up head with no borders
'headlength':5.0, #
'headaxislength':3.8, #
'clim':color_lims, # colors on a (0,1) scale
'lw':0.0 }) # arrow outline line-width
# Execute the quiver command and draw the plot
q = ax.quiver(*args, **kwargs)
ax.axis([0, 100, 0, 100])
return q
def scatter_linreg_plot(x, y, ax=None, label='data', d_fmt='b.', l_fmt='k-',
d_kw={}, l_kw={}):
"""Draw a scatter plot with linear regression fit line
Keyword arguments:
ax -- if specified, scatter plot is drawn to the given axes, otherwise
a new figure and axes are created
label -- label for this scatter data if a legend is created
d_fmt/l_fmt -- format specifier for data and line, respectively
d_kw/l_kw -- additional keyword dictionaries for the plot calls
Prints Pearson r and corresponding p-value to console.
Returns the Pearson r coefficient.
assert len(x) == len(y), 'scatter data must be same length'
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, axes, draw
from scipy.stats import linregress
if ax is None:
f = figure()
ax = axes()
# Draw the scatter data
ax.plot(x, y, d_fmt, label=label, **d_kw)
# Get the linear regression
m, b, r, p, sem = linregress(x, y)
print '(r = %.4f, p = %.4e)' % (r, p)
x0 = numpy.array([x.min(), x.max()], 'd')
y0 = m * x0 + b
# Plot the regression line
ax.plot(x0, y0, l_fmt, zorder=-1, label='_nolegend_', **l_kw)
return r
def spatial_corr(*args):
"""2D spatial autocorrelation of rank-3 population arrays
Pass in a single z-stack [(num_maps, H, W)-shaped rank-3] array to compute
and return its spatial autocorrelogram.
Pass in two z-stack maps (e.g., A and B) to compute the cross-correlogram
of A with respect to B.
# Handle input arguments
if len(args) == 0 or len(args) > 2:
raise ValueError, 'requires one or two arguments'
if len(args) == 1:
A = B = args[0]
A, B = args
assert A.shape == B.shape, 'shape mismatch between input arrays'
assert A.ndim == 3, 'input arrays must be rank-3'
# Map and correlogram dimensions
num_maps, H, W = A.shape
corr_shape = 2*H-1, 2*W-1
# Fourier transforms
A_ = scipy.signal.fft2(A, shape=corr_shape)
B_ = scipy.signal.fft2(B[:, ::-1, ::-1], shape=corr_shape)
AB_conv = (A_ * B_).sum(axis=0)
return scipy.signal.real(scipy.signal.ifft2(AB_conv))/num_maps
def linearize_spatial_corr(Mcorr):
"""Perform a radial collapse of a 2D spatial autocorrelation to get a
linear autocorrelation
NOTE: This should not be used for cross-correlations!
Mcorr should be a 199x199 autocorrelogram of a 100x100 map.
Returns 2-row autocorrelation (lag, corr) array.
assert type(Mcorr) is numpy.ndarray, 'bad type for matrix argument'
assert Mcorr.shape == (199,199), 'invalid shape for autocorrelation matrix'
# Scan the correlogram and compute the radius from the midpoint
n = numpy.zeros(101, 'h')
c = numpy.zeros(101, 'd')
mid_x, mid_y = 99.5, 99.5
for i in xrange(199):
for j in xrange(199):
d = numpy.sqrt((mid_y - i)**2 + (mid_x - j)**2)
if d > 100:
d = 100
n[int(d)] += 1
c[int(d)] += Mcorr[i, j]
c /= n # get the sample means
# Create the return array: reflect 0->Max correlations to -Max->0
Lcorr = numpy.zeros((2,201), 'd')
Lcorr[0] = numpy.arange(-100, 101)
Lcorr[1] = numpy.r_[c[::-1], c[1:]]
return Lcorr
def peak_vs_neighbors(pmap, k=4, median_dist=True, use_primary=False):
"""Compute scatter data for looking at the relationship between field peak
rates and a measure of nearest neighbor distance.
A PlaceMap (or subclass) instance must be passed in.
Keyword arguments:
k -- number of nearest neighbors to factor into the measure
median_dist -- use the median neighbor distance (if False, the maximum
distance of the k-neighbors is used)
use_primary -- only use primary place fields (most active field per unit)
Returns 2-row concatenation of peaks and neighbor-distance arrays.
# Get field centroids and peak rates from the spatial map
if use_primary:
udata = pmap.get_unit_data()
x, y, peaks = udata['max_x'], udata['max_y'], udata['max_r']
nfields = len(udata)
fdata = pmap.get_field_data()
x, y, peaks = fdata['x'], fdata['y'], fdata['peak']
nfields = len(fdata)
# Main loop through place fields
neighbor_dists = numpy.empty(nfields, 'd')
for f in xrange(nfields):
d = numpy.sqrt((x - x[f])**2 + (y - y[f])**2)
nearest_k = numpy.argsort(d)[1:k+1]
if median_dist:
neighbor_dists[f] = numpy.median(d[nearest_k])
neighbor_dists[f] = d[nearest_k[-1]]
return numpy.c_[peaks, neighbor_dists].T
def peaks_vs_area(pmap):
"""Get scatter data for field peak rates vs field area in cm^2
A PlaceMap (or subclass) instance must be passed in.
Returns 2-row (peak, area) array.
fdata = pmap.get_field_data()
return numpy.c_[fdata['peak'], fdata['area']].T
def secondary_field_data(pmap):
"""Get scatter data for normalized secondary peak vs. distance from primary
A PlaceMap (or subclass) instance must be passed in.
Returns 2-row (primary normed rate, primary distance) array.
# Get place field data from spatial map
fdata = pmap.get_field_data()
units = numpy.unique(fdata['unit'])
# Find dual fields and store data
norm_peak = []
primary_dist = []
for u in units:
ix = (fdata['unit'] == u).nonzero()[0]
if len(ix) <= 1:
fields = fdata[ix]
sort_ix = numpy.argsort(fields['peak'])
P = fields[sort_ix[-1]]
for S in fields[sort_ix[:-1]]:
numpy.sqrt((P['x']-S['x'])**2 + (P['y']-S['y'])**2))
# Return array data
return numpy.c_[numpy.array(norm_peak), numpy.array(primary_dist)].T
def input_vs_output_norms(EC, R):
"""Get scatter data for input and output population vector norms
EC -- the GridCollection cortical object used in the simulation
R -- the PlaceMap object containing the output spatial map
Returns 2-row (|EC|, |R|) scatter array.
return numpy.c_[numpy.sqrt((EC.Map * EC.Map).sum(axis=0)).flatten(),
numpy.sqrt((R.Map * R.Map).sum(axis=0)).flatten()].T
def haff_vs_r_peaks(ca3, pmap=None):
"""Get input-output per-field scatter data to show effects of competition
ca3 -- PlaceNetwork model instance to run comparison data
pmap -- precomputed PlaceMap for ca3 [optional: if omitted, the spatial
map is computed]
Returns 2-row concatenation of field h_aff^i vs. r_i scatter points.
# Deprecate norm keyword
if norm:
import warnings
warnings.warn('The \'norm\' keyword argument is deprecated.')
# Compute the spatial map if not passed in
if pmap is None:
from ..ratemap import CheckeredRatemap
pmap = CheckeredRatemap(ca3)
# Get field data
fdata = pmap.get_field_data()
x, y, peaks, unit = fdata['x'], fdata['y'], fdata['peak'], fdata['unit']
nfields = len(fdata)
# Main loop through place fields
h_aff = numpy.empty(nfields, 'd')
beta = ca3.gamma * ca3.beta_EC
for f in xrange(nfields):
r_EC = ca3.get_afferent_input(x[f], y[f])
h_aff[f] = beta * numpy.dot(ca3.W[unit[f]], r_EC)
return numpy.c_[h_aff, peaks].T
def field_comparison_matrix(pmap, which='overlap'):
"""Get a matrix of pair-wise comparisons of single-max fields
A PlaceMap (or subclass) instance must be passed in. The units are sorted
by the quadrant into which their respective peaks fall.
Keyword arguments:
which -- what sort of comparison to perform: 'overlap' (default) for
a pixel overlap count, 'sim' for cosine similarity
Returns a NxN matrix where N is the number of active place-units.
if which not in ('overlap', 'sim'):
raise ValueError, 'invalid comparison type specified by which keyword'
# Get indices of active units
udata = pmap.get_unit_data()
x, y, units = udata['max_x'], udata['max_y'], udata['unit']
# Spatial sort of units based on peak location
AND = numpy.logical_and
mid_x, mid_y = 50.0, 50.0
ll = AND(x<mid_x, y<mid_y).nonzero()[0]
lr = AND(x>=mid_x, y<mid_y).nonzero()[0]
ul = AND(x<mid_x, y>=mid_y).nonzero()[0]
ur = AND(x>=mid_x, y>=mid_y).nonzero()[0]
units = units[numpy.r_[ll, lr, ul, ur]]
# Set up the matrix
nfields = pmap.num_active
M = numpy.empty((nfields,)*2, 'd')
# Main loop pair-wise for fields
if which is 'overlap':
print 'Pixel overlap matrix...'
for i in xrange(nfields):
i_map = pmap.single_maps[units[i]].astype(bool)
for j in xrange(i, nfields):
j_map = pmap.single_maps[units[j]].astype(bool)
M[i, j] = M[j, i] = (i_map * j_map).sum()
elif which is 'sim':
print 'Field vector cosine matrix...'
for i in xrange(nfields):
i_map = pmap.single_maps[units[i]].flatten()
i_norm = numpy.sqrt(numpy.dot(i_map, i_map))
for j in xrange(i, nfields):
j_map = pmap.single_maps[units[j]].flatten()
j_norm = numpy.sqrt(numpy.dot(j_map, j_map))
M[i, j] = M[j, i] = numpy.dot(i_map, j_map) / (i_norm * j_norm)
return M
def linear_rate_corr_matrix(R, which='corrcoef'):
"""Get a correlation matrix of the population rate vector for a line
scanned through the environment (a diagonal by default)
R -- the 3-index population rate matrix of responses
which -- specify 'corrcoef' for Pearson correlations or 'sim' for cosine
vector similarities
Returns a NxN matrix where N is the number of pixel in a diagonal scan.
if which not in ('corrcoef', 'sim'):
raise ValueError, 'invalid comparison type specified by which keyword'
# Set us up the matrix
npixels = 100
M = numpy.empty((npixels,)*2, 'd')
# Scan the diagonal from (0,0) to (100,100)
if which is 'corrcoef':
print 'Pearson correlation matrix...'
for i in xrange(npixels):
r_i = R[:,npixels-i-1, i]
for j in xrange(npixels):
r_j = R[:,npixels-j-1, j]
r_corr = pearsonr(r_i, r_j)[0]
if numpy.isnan(r_corr) or r_corr < 0:
M[i, j] = M[j, i] = 0.0
M[i, j] = M[j, i] = r_corr
elif which is 'sim':
print 'Cosine similarity matrix...'
for i in xrange(npixels):
r_i = R[:,npixels-i-1, i]
r_i_norm = numpy.sqrt(numpy.dot(r_i, r_i))
for j in xrange(npixels):
r_j = R[:,npixels-j-1, j]
r_j_norm = numpy.sqrt(numpy.dot(r_j, r_j))
r_sim = numpy.dot(r_i, r_j) / (r_i_norm * r_j_norm)
if numpy.isnan(r_sim):
M[i, j] = M[j, i] = 0.0
M[i, j] = M[j, i] = r_sim
raise ValueError, 'invalid correlation measure specified: \'%s\''%which
return M