#encoding: utf-8
grid.place_network -- Place network model driven by grid-cell inputs, with
competition mediated by global inhibtion
Written by Joe Monaco
Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Columbia University. All rights reserved.
# Library imports
import numpy as N
# Package imports
from .dmec import GridCollection
from .core.api import AbstractModel, TSPostMortem
from .trajectories import BaseTrajectory, RandomWalk, BipartiteRaster
from .tools.integrate import integrator
# Traits imports
from enthought.traits.api import Delegate, Instance, Property, Trait, Array, \
Range, Enum, Float, CInt, Int, true, false
class PlaceNetwork(AbstractModel):
Simple CA3 model with global inhibition; no excitatory recurrence
Model parameters and other attributes are Traits, so values should be set
as keywork argumnets to the class constructor.
Trial setup computes a new weight matrix (self.W) only if refresh_weights
is True. The MEC input is modified according to refresh_orientation,
refresh_phase, phi and psi. The phi and psi Property traits allow direct
specification of cortical input alignment arrays (you should also then
set refresh_orientation and/or refresh_phases to False).
Model settings and parameters:
EC -- GridCollection instance to be used as input (required)
traj_type -- type of trajectory to traverse (default RandomWalk)
phi_lambda -- field nonlinearity threshold (default 1.5)
phi_sigma -- field nonlinearity smoothness (default 0.1)
J0 -- gain of global inhibition (default 2.5)
tau_r -- time constant for input integration (default 0.05)
C_W -- fraction of afferent connectivity (default 0.5)
mu_W -- mean of afferent weight distribution (default 0.5)
dwell_factor -- duration of pixel dwell in tau (default 5.0)
Simulation control settings (per trial):
refresh_traj -- new trajectory (default False)
refresh_weights -- new network weights (default True)
refresh_orientation -- randomize cortical orientation array (default False)
refresh_phase -- new random array of cortical input phases (default False)
Cortical input alignment:
phi -- directly set the cortical phase array; shape: (2, num_maps)
psi -- directly set the cortical orientation array; shape: (num_maps,)
label = 'Grid Model'
app_name = label
evolve = Instance(integrator)
# Trajectory traits
traj_type = Trait(['randwalk', 'checker'], user=True)
traj = Instance(BaseTrajectory)
refresh_traj = false(user=True)
dwell_factor = Range(low=0.0, value=5.0, exclude_low=True, user=True)
x = Property(Float, track=True)
y = Property(Float, track=True)
# Network and input traits
EC = Trait(None, Instance(GridCollection), user=True)
get_afferent_input = Delegate('EC', prefix='map_value')
N_EC = Delegate('EC', prefix='num_maps')
N_CA = CInt(500, user=True)
refresh_orientation = false(user=True)
refresh_phase = false(user=True)
# Nonlinearity definition
phi_lambda = Float(0.2, user=True)
phi_sigma = Range(low=0.0, value=0.015, exclude_low=True, user=True)
# Weights and rates traits :-)
W = Array
refresh_weights = true(user=True)
C_W = Range(low=0.0, high=1.0, value=0.5, user=True)
mu_W = Float(0.5, user=True)
r = Array(track=True)
r_EC = Array
i_aff = Array
tau_r = Float(0.05, user=True)
dt = 0.005
# Synaptic gains
J0 = Float(250, user=True)
beta = Float
# AbstractModel override methods
def trial_setup(self):
self.r = self._r_default()
self.beta = self._beta_default()
self.evolve = integrator(self.drdt, self.r, dt=self.dt)
if self.refresh_traj:
self.out('Creating new stage trajectory')
self.traj = self.new_trajectory()
self.out('Reseting current stage trajectory')
if self.refresh_weights:
self.out('Computing a new weight matrix')
self.W = self.new_weights()
if self.refresh_phase:
self.out('Computed new spatial phase vector')
if self.refresh_orientation:
self.out('Computed new orientation vector')
def run_timestep(self):
"""Simulation time-step computation
self.r_EC = self.get_afferent_input(self.x, self.y) # MEC input
self.i_aff = N.dot(self.W, self.r_EC) # afferent current
self.evolve() # evolve rates
self.traj.advance() # move trajectory
def drdt(self, r, t0):
"""Rate equation: dr/dt = (Phi[h - lambda] - r)/tau
return (self.phi_h( self.beta * self.i_aff -
self.J0 * r.mean() -
self.phi_lambda) - r) / self.tau_r
# Field nonlinearity
def phi_h(self, h):
phi = N.tanh(h/self.phi_sigma)
phi[phi<0] = 0
return phi
# Create new trajectory, weight matrix
def new_trajectory(self):
"""Get a new trajectory instance
traj = None
if self.traj_type == 'randwalk':
traj = RandomWalk(dt=self.dt, T=self.T)
elif self.traj_type == 'checker':
traj = BipartiteRaster( dt=self.dt,
self.T = traj.T
return traj
def new_weights(self):
"""Get a new weight matrix
from scipy.stats import uniform
from numpy.random import permutation
W = N.empty((self.N_CA, self.N_EC), 'd')
Wdist = uniform.rvs(size=self.N_EC, loc=0, scale=2*self.mu_W)
Wdist[int(self.C_W*self.N_EC):] = 0
for Wi in W:
Wi[:] = permutation(Wdist)
return W
# Property getters for current position
def _get_x(self):
return self.traj.x
def _get_y(self):
return self.traj.y
# Trajectory and rate vectors are available by default
def _traj_default(self):
return self.new_trajectory()
def _W_default(self):
return self.new_weights()
def _r_default(self):
return N.zeros(self.N_CA, 'd')
def _i_aff_default(self):
return N.zeros(self.N_CA, 'd')
def _r_EC_default(self):
return N.zeros(self.N_EC, 'd')
# Normalizing factor for feedforward input current
def _beta_default(self):
return 1 / float(self.C_W * self.N_EC * self.mu_W)
class PlaceNetworkRaster(PlaceNetwork):
PlaceNetwork variant optimized for raster-based trajectories
It provides a modified timestep kernel and turns off trajectory and rate
data tracking. This method uses significantly less memory and should serve
as the superclass for PlaceNetwork subclasses primarily intended for use with
raster trajectories.
Setting dwell_factor determines pixel dwell-time (xTau).
# Redefine x, y, r traits to disable data tracking
x = Float(track=False)
y = Float(track=False)
r = Array(track=False)
# Default to BipartiteRaster trajectory
traj_type = 'checker'
# Matrix structure to hold results of raster scan
scan = Array
scan_ix = Int
trial_result = 'scan'
zero_start = false
# Counter for dwell-time clamp
dwell = Int
dwell_count = Int
def trial_setup(self):
self.scan = self.new_scan()
self.dwell = int(self.traj._init_factor * self.dwell_count)
self.scan_ix = 0
def set_input(self):
"""Set cortical input according to current scan_ix
x, y = self.scan[self.scan_ix, :2]
self.r_EC = self.get_afferent_input(x, y)
self.i_aff = N.dot(self.W, self.r_EC)
def run_timestep(self):
"""Non-tracking simulation timestep kernel
if self.dwell:
self.dwell -= 1
# Store network state
self.scan[self.scan_ix, 2:] = self.r
# Advance the scan and set inputs
self.scan_ix += 1
# Reset dwell-time counter
self.dwell = self.dwell_count
# Reset rate vector
if self.zero_start:
self.r[:] = 0.0
def new_trajectory(self):
if self.traj_type is 'randwalk':
self.out('Forcing bipartite raster trajectory')
self.traj_type = 'checker'
return PlaceNetwork.new_trajectory(self)
def new_scan(self):
points = self.traj.get_points().T
return N.c_[points, N.zeros((points.shape[0], self.N_CA), 'd')]
def post_mortem(self, trial=1):
"""Modified post_mortem to properly return single-trial scan data
assert self.done, 'model simulation must be finished running'
assert trial <= self.num_trials, 'invalid trial number specified'
scan = self.results[trial-1]
return TSPostMortem(x=scan[:,0], y=scan[:,1], r=scan[:,2:], ntrials=1)
def _run_trial(self):
"""Overload AbstractModel._run_trial to use a scan-based while condition
while self.scan_ix < self.scan.shape[0] - 1:
def _dwell_count_default(self):
return int(N.round(self.dwell_factor * (self.tau_r / self.dt)))
class PlaceNetworkStd(PlaceNetworkRaster):
Resets default dynamic parameter values to the maximum fit achieved during
the PlaceNetworkSearch genetic search.
J0 = 45.0
N_CA = 500
C_W = 0.33
phi_lambda = 0.04
phi_sigma = 0.02