#encoding: utf-8
tools.cmap_ui -- Mix-in functionality for Chaco interactive colormaps
Classes implementing a Chaco plot in need of interactive colormapping
should inherit from ColormapControl.
See ColormapControl docstring for subclassing usage.
Written by Joe Monaco, 05/13/2008.
Copyright (c) 2008 Columbia University. All rights reserved.
# Library imports
import numpy as N
# Import the matplotlib colormaps and sort the names
from matplotlib import cm
# Package imports
from .images import array_to_rgba
from .colormaps import diffmap
# Traits imports
from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Property, Trait, Bool, Int
from enthought.traits.ui.api import Group, Item
# Chaco imports
from enthought.chaco.api import Plot, ArrayPlotData
class ColormapControl(HasTraits):
Provides instant colormap handling for interactive Chaco plots
Public traits:
colormap -- string name of current colormap; can be set to the name of any
valid matplotlib colormap or 'difference'
reversed_colormap -- whether the map is reversed or not
Public methods for subclass use:
get_rgba_data -- convert an intensity matrix into an RGBA image array
get_colorbar_plot -- get a Plot object containing a new colorbar
get_colormap_object -- get the current MPL colormap object
Update notification:
_cmap_notify_changed -- if defined, this method will listen for changes to the
colormap; it should update and redraw the plot
NOTE: You can include *colormap_group* in a Traits UI View:
from enthought.traits.ui.api import Include
class MyFigure(ColormapControl):
traits_view = View(...
colormap_group = \
Item('colormap', label='Color Map'),
Item('reversed_colormap', label='Reversed'),
# Public traits
colormap = Trait('hot', cm._cmapnames, 'difference')
reversed_colormap = Bool(False)
# Colormap change notifier
cmap_notify = Bool
# Colorbar width and orientation
_cbar_width = Int(30)
_cbar_orientation = Trait('v', 'h')
def get_rgba_data(self, M):
"""Get an RGBA image array based on an array M of intensity values"""
return array_to_rgba(M, cmap=self.get_colormap_object())
def get_colorbar_plot(self, bounds=(0,1)):
Create a colorbar plot to be added to a plot-container
bounds -- (min, max) tuple sets the intensity range for the colormap
Returns a Chaco2 Plot object containing the colorbar.
cb_rgba = array_to_rgba(
N.repeat(N.linspace(1, 0, num=1024)[:,N.newaxis], 20, axis=1),
if self._cbar_orientation is 'h':
cb_rgba = cb_rgba.T[::-1]
data = ArrayPlotData(colorbar=cb_rgba)
# Create the plot object
cb = Plot(data, width=self._cbar_width, resizable=self._cbar_orientation,
padding_left=0, padding_top=0)
cb.img_plot('colorbar', name='colorbar', xbounds=bounds, ybounds=bounds,
origin='top left')
# Plot tweaks
if self._cbar_orientation is 'v':
cb.x_axis.visible = False
cb.y_axis.orientation = 'right'
cb.y_axis.visible = False
cb.x_axis.orientation = 'bottom'
return cb
def get_colormap_object(self):
Return the colormap specified by *colormap* and *reversed_colormap*
cmap_name = self.colormap
if cmap_name == 'difference':
return diffmap()
if self.reversed_colormap:
cmap_name += '_r'
return getattr(cm, cmap_name)
def _anytrait_changed(self, name):
if name in ('colormap', 'reversed_colormap'):
self.cmap_notify = not self.cmap_notify