#encoding: utf-8
tools.interp -- Several tools for doing 2D interpolation over data samples
These objects return interpolated values by being called with the query point
after object creation with the set of data samples.
Exported namespace: BilinearInterp2D, GSmoothInterp2D
Created by Joe Monaco, 09-17-2008
(c) Copyright 2008 Columbia University. All Rights Reserved.
import numpy as N
from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Array, Int, Float, Tuple
class BilinearInterp2D(HasTraits):
Grid-based 2D piece-wise bilinear interpolation
Required keyword arguments:
x -- 1D array of x-values (should be sorted ascending)
y -- 1D array of y-values (should be sorted ascending)
z -- flattened 1D array of data values f(x,y) for x,y pairs
Optional keyword arguments:
fill_value -- out of bounds queries will return this value (0.0)
x = Array
y = Array
z = Array
_x = Array
_y = Array
_sx = Int
_sy = Int
fill_value = Float
def __init__(self, **traits):
HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits)
xgrid, ygrid = N.meshgrid(self.x, self.y)
self._x, self._y = xgrid.flatten(), ygrid.flatten()
self._sx, self._sy = self.x.size, self.y.size
def __call__(self, xt, yt):
# Handle out of bounds points
if xt < self.x[0] or xt > self.x[-1]:
return self.fill_value
if yt < self.y[0] or yt > self.y[-1]:
return self.fill_value
# Indices into x and y for lower-left cell vertex
x_ix = (xt >= self.x).nonzero()[0][-1]
y_ix = (yt >= self.y).nonzero()[0][-1]
# Force upper and right bounds to be part of existing cells
if x_ix == self._sx - 1:
x_ix -= 1
if y_ix == self._sy - 1:
y_ix -= 1
# Index into z for lower-left cell vertex
z_00_ix = x_ix + self._sx * y_ix
# Function values at each corner of cell bounds
z_00 = self.z[z_00_ix]
z_10 = self.z[z_00_ix + 1]
z_01 = self.z[z_00_ix + self._sx]
z_11 = self.z[z_00_ix + self._sx + 1]
# X- and Y-values of cell bounds
x0, x1 = self.x[x_ix], self.x[x_ix + 1]
y0, y1 = self.y[y_ix], self.y[y_ix + 1]
# Linear weights for query position within cell
C_x = 1 - (xt - x0) / (x1 - x0)
C_y = 1 - (yt - y0) / (y1 - y0)
# Return bilinear weighting of grid vertices as interpolated value
return C_y * (C_x * z_00 + (1-C_x) * z_10) + \
(1-C_y) * (C_x * z_01 + (1-C_x) * z_11)
def _process_z_data(self):
Take z data passed into constructor and properly flatten it for the
interpolation algorithm.
self.z = N.squeeze(self.z)
if self.z.ndim == 1:
if self.z.size != self._sx * self._sy:
raise AttributeError, "incorrect size for flattened z data"
elif self.z.ndim == 2:
if self.z.shape != (self._sx, self._sy):
raise AttributeError, "size mismatch for z matrix data"
self.z = self.z.flatten()
elif self.z.ndim == 3:
if self.z.shape[1:] != (self._sy, self._sx):
raise AttributeError, "size mismatch for rank-3 z data"
print "Flattening rank-3 array for vectorized interpolation..."
_sz = self.z.shape[0]
_z = N.empty((self._sx*self._sy, _sz), 'd')
ix = 0
for i in xrange(self._sy):
for j in xrange(self._sx):
_z[ix] = self.z[:,i,j]
ix += 1
self.z = _z
raise AttributeError, "z data must be rank-3 or less"
class GSmoothInterp2D(HasTraits):
A simple but robust 2D interpolation from random grid samples based on
a Gaussian kernel averaging nearest neighbors.
If the 2D range of interpolation is not 1:1, you may specify the *aspect*
keyword argument. This will correct for unequal x and y scaling. Make sure
that *k* is in units relative to the y-range.
If Voronoi tiling is apparent, k is too small. If details are washed over,
k is too large. Generally, k ~ 0.1 * (y.max()-y.min()).
x = Array
y = Array
z = Array
k = Float(1)
aspect = Float(1)
neighbors = Int(10)
def __call__(self, xt, yt):
# Distances square
d = N.sqrt(((self.x - xt)/self.aspect)**2 + (self.y - yt)**2)
# Indices for nearest neighbors
ix = N.argsort(d)[:self.neighbors]
# Gaussian coefficients
c = N.exp(-(d[ix]+self.k)**2/(2*self.k**2))
# Weighted neighborhood average
return (c*self.z[ix]).sum() / c.sum()