#encoding: utf-8
tools.path -- Toolbox functions for creating or handling paths
Exported namespace: unique_path
Written by Joe Monaco
Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Columbia Unversity. All Rights Reserved.
import os.path as _path
def unique_path(stem, ext="", fmt="%s%02d", reverse_fmt=False):
"""Insert a unique identifier into a file or directory path
Required argument:
stem -- the full path up until a unique identifier is needed
Optional keyword arguments:
ext -- this extension will be added to the path (default none)
fmt -- format specification with one string (%s) and one integer (%d) for
the stem and unique identifier; an extension may be included, but then
**ext** should not be specified (default '%s%02d')
reverse_fmt -- specify whether the stem string and the unique id integer
are reversed in the *fmt* specification (i.e., %d before %s)
Returns a modified path based on **stem**, a unique identifier and **ext**,
as formatted by **fmt**.
if ext:
if ext[0] != '.':
ext = '.' + ext
if reverse_fmt:
head, tail = _path.split(stem)
filename = lambda i: _path.join(head, fmt%(i, tail)) + ext
filename = lambda i: fmt%(stem, i) + ext
i = 0
while _path.exists(filename(i)):
i += 1
return filename(i)