#encoding: utf-8
radians.py -- A radian numerical type and various angle-handling functions
Written by Joe Monaco
Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Columbia Unversity. All Rights Reserved.
This software is provided AS IS under the terms of the Open Source MIT License.
See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
# Library imports
from math import atan
from numpy import (pi, dot, cos, sin, fmod, absolute, logical_and, empty,
arange, histogram)
from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Trait, Property, Float, TraitError
# Constants
TWO_PI = 2*pi
# Validation function for radian values
def radian_domain(object, name, value):
value = fmod(float(value), TWO_PI)
except ValueError:
raise TraitError
if value < 0:
value += TWO_PI
return value
class radian(HasTraits):
Radian angle numeric type
_r = Trait(0.0, radian_domain)
degree = Property(Float)
def __init__(self, r0=0.0, **traits):
HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits)
self._r = r0
def _get_degree(self):
return (180/pi) * self._r
def subtract(self, oper):
return radian(circle_diff(self, oper))
def __add__(self, y): return radian(self._r + float(y))
def __sub__(self, y): return radian(self._r - float(y))
def __mul__(self, y): return radian(self._r * float(y))
def __div__(self, y): return radian(self._r / float(y))
def __radd__(self, x): return radian(float(x) + self._r)
def __rsub__(self, x): return radian(float(x) - self._r)
def __rmul__(self, x): return radian(float(x) * self._r)
def __rdiv__(self, x): return radian(float(x) / self._r)
def __iadd__(self, o): self._r += float(o); return self
def __isub__(self, o): self._r -= float(o); return self
def __imul__(self, o): self._r *= float(o); return self
def __idiv__(self, o): self._r /= float(o); return self
def __eq__(self, y): return self._r == float(radian(y))
def __ne__(self, y): return self._r != float(radian(y))
def __ge__(self, y): return self._r >= float(radian(y))
def __gt__(self, y): return self._r > float(radian(y))
def __le__(self, y): return self._r <= float(radian(y))
def __lt__(self, y): return self._r < float(radian(y))
def __abs__(self): return self
def __repr__(self): return str(self)
def __str__(self): return str(self._r) + 'r'
def __float__(self): return self._r
# Convenience functions for computations on radian angles
def rot2D_vec(v, psi):
"""v, psi => v' rotated in plane by psi radians
assert v.shape[0] == 2, 'first dimension of points array must have length 2'
assert v.ndim <= 2, 'array must be a single point or array of points'
return dot([[cos(psi), -sin(psi)], [sin(psi), cos(psi)]], v)
def rot2D_pt(x, y, psi):
"""x, y, psi => x', y' rotated in plane by psi radians
return dot([[cos(psi), -sin(psi)], [sin(psi), cos(psi)]], [x, y])
def circle_diff(a, b):
"""Difference on the semi-circle
delta = fmod(a, TWO_PI) - fmod(b, TWO_PI)
mag = abs(delta)
if mag > pi:
if delta > 0:
return delta - TWO_PI
return TWO_PI - mag
return delta
def circle_diff_vec(u, v):
"""Element-wise circle_diff for arrays of radian values
delta = fmod(u, TWO_PI) - fmod(v, TWO_PI)
mag = absolute(delta)
res = empty(delta.shape, 'd')
# cond 1: mag > pi, delta > 0
ix = logical_and(mag>pi, delta>0)
res[ix] = delta[ix] - TWO_PI
# cond 2: mag > pi, delta <= 0
ix = logical_and(mag>pi, delta<=0)
res[ix] = TWO_PI - mag[ix]
# cond 3: mag <= pi
ix = (mag<=pi)
res[ix] = delta[ix]
return res
def shortcut(a, b):
"""Smallest angle (<pi) between two radian values
a = float(radian(a))
b = float(radian(b))
delta = abs(a - b)
if delta > pi:
delta = TWO_PI - delta
return delta
def rad_avg(a, b, weight=0.5):
"""Semi-circle average, optionally weighted
a = float(radian(a))
b = float(radian(b))
delta = a - b
if abs(delta) < pi:
sc = radian(weight*a + (1-weight)*b)
elif a < b:
sc = radian(weight*a + (1-weight)*(b-TWO_PI))
sc = radian(weight*(a-TWO_PI) + (1-weight)*b)
return sc
def xy_to_rad_vec(dx, dy):
"""Vectorized radian conversion, dx/dy are ndarrays
from numpy import empty
if type(dx) is float or dx.size == 1:
return xy_to_rad(dx, dy)
rad = empty((len(dx),), 'd')
for i in xrange(len(dx)):
rad[i] = xy_to_rad(dx[i], dy[i])
return rad
def xy_to_rad(dx, dy):
"""Radian angle for relative x, y pair
x, y = float(dx), float(dy)
if x == 0:
if y == 0:
return 0.0
if y > 0:
return pi/2
if y < 0:
return 3*pi/2
if x < 0:
return atan(y/x) + pi
if y < 0:
return atan(y/x) + TWO_PI
return atan(y/x)
def xy_to_deg(dx, dy):
"""Degree angle for relative x, y pair
return (180/pi)*xy_to_rad(dx, dy)
def get_angle_array(bins, degrees=False, zero_center=False):
"""Get array vector of radian angles for a binned angle range
amax = degrees and 360.0 or TWO_PI
if zero_center:
return arange(-amax/2, amax/2, amax/bins)
return arange(0, amax, amax/bins)
def get_angle_histogram(x0, y0, bins):
"""Bin x and y offset arrays into a directional histogram on [0, 2PI)
return histogram(xy_to_rad_vec(x0, y0), bins=bins,
range=(0, TWO_PI))[0].astype('d')