# encoding: utf-8
setops.py -- Making built-in set operations available for numpy arrays

Created by Joe Monaco on 2008-06-19.
Copyright (c) 2008 Columbia University. All rights reserved.

# Numpy arrays

import numpy as _N

# Generic set-to-array translation function

def _do_set_op(u, v, set_op):
    assert type(u) is _N.ndarray and type(v) is _N.ndarray, 'need arrays'
    u_func = getattr(set(u), set_op)
    return _N.array(list(u_func(set(v))))

# Create set operation functions

def intersection(u, v):
    """Get array intersection of input arrays u and v"""
    return _do_set_op(u, v, 'intersection')
def union(u, v):
    """Get array union of input arrays u and v"""
    return _do_set_op(u, v, 'union')
def difference(u, v):
    """Get array difference of input arrays u and v"""
    return _do_set_op(u, v, 'difference')
def symmetric_difference(u, v):
    """Get array symmetric_difference of input arrays u and v"""
    return _do_set_op(u, v, 'symmetric_difference')

# _ops = ('intersection', 'union', 'difference', 'symmetric_difference')
# for _op in _ops:
#     # tmp = lambda u, v: _do_set_op(u, v, _op)
#     def tmp(u, v): return _do_set_op(u, v, _op)
#     tmp.__doc__ = "Get array %s of input arrays u and v"%_op
#     exec '%s = tmp'%_op