{load_file("nrngui.hoc") }         //I assume these libraries will load from the first /nrn path

	//print "doing EXTRACELLULAR stuff..........."
	{load_file("./interpxyz.hoc")}	// only interpolates sections that have extracellular
	{load_file("./setpointers.hoc")}  // has the function grindaway() in interpxyz.hoc to set up pointers
	{load_file("./field.hoc")} //functions to calculate the extracellular voltage
	{load_file("./calcrxc_a.hoc")}  //function to create the transfer resistance from each section

strdef cmd
objref pr, pc, nil, pyrspiketau_vec, baskspiketau_vec, baskconnvector, ipspg_vec, fih_progress, hines


gapstyle=96  //split baskets right, many tests

//19 lowered spikedur to 75
//20 from here onward the _b will actually be basketnoise, rather than conn %.  I've switched conn to 100
//g97 is to signify switching to this new method
gapstyle=0  //this is to signify running it with the newer version, with the noisesyn mods added

//29 ungapped baskets, 2 rows of 10 inline gaps between pyr cells (.01 - high) 1-10 and 41-50
antennaDC=1.3 //constant current added to antenna cells

//celsius = 34   //for some reason this line gives an error for being out of range

//the following variables determine the structure of the ramp in noise
/* ramp_on=100
ramp_num_steps=100 */

num_trials=1  //set number of different trials for each combination of pyrspike_tau, baskspike_tau, baskconnvector, and ipspgmax. There will be a different global seed for each simulation
gind_start=0  //global index at which to start, in the parameter sweep
{pyrspiketau_vec = new Vector()}
{baskspiketau_vec = new Vector()}
{baskconnvector = new Vector()}
{ipspg_vec = new Vector()}
{pyrspiketau_vec.append(0.10)} //mean time between arrival of noise events to pyramidal cells (so smaller number implies more intense noise)
{baskspiketau_vec.append(6.0)}  // 1e9 orig.: mean time between arrival of noise events to basket cells (so smaller number implies more intense noise)
{baskconnvector.append(0)}    //controls what percentage of possible connections from basket cells to pyramidal cells are realized
{ipspg_vec.append(5.5)}  //gmax for bask->pyr synapses, which goes into _f# in the filename
//29 was old method
//30 is adding in chris' new pieces one by one.  First is having shortspikes and noisesyn.  It worked
//31 is having baskets 80-99 and ant above.  Working
//32 recording from ant cells better (was same recording until now).  Working?
//33 gapped baskets to see ant cell response-  gaps worked, but no real response. 
//34  Will add bias current to ants, chose 1.5 to make it AP, not enough, made it 3 and now it works.
//35 adding noisesyn to baskets.  worked
//36 adding noisesyn to ant, and activateAntSynapses.. worked.  Makes normal HFO (high basket gaps, ant/bask/pyr all same noise (.33/ 3.333).  Also two chains of pyr gaps
//37 trying to make abnormal HFO.  (.2 to all no real change, .1 and basketstart 1e9 looks good)
//38 same as above without antenna's active (just antenna for baskets, not for spike).  manymoreconn has one additional gap between 88 and 90 to remove the
//   "split".  600 ant cells.  baskets and pyr both active. 
//39  3000 antenna, had to change the location style

pc = new ParallelContext()

func getTstop() { return Tstop }

proc prinit() {    //had to change name because non-pr functions couldn't address pr

	{pr.setScatteredVoltages(-85, -60)}

	{pr.connectNetwork($1,$2)}  // took this out of init() in TGbignet2.tem
	{pr.setSeed($3)} //set global index for Random123 
	// { pr.activeSynapsesZero()} //CF: This inactivates all connections. I have no idea why you would want to do this.

func onerun() {local id, num, ipspg, pyrthr, basketthr, pyr_spike_tau, bask_spike_tau, bask_perc, temp_time, temp_tau,ii localobj pc, fo, fo1, forast
	id= hoc_ac_
	pc = new ParallelContext()
	{pr  = new TGbignet2()}
	if(doextra) {
		print "Doing EXTRACELLULAR stuff.....    ....."
		setelec(-50, 0, 0)
	//hines = new FInitializeHandler(2, "hinest1=startsw() hinest2=startsw() hines1()")
	print "id_world number ", pc.id_world, "  id_bbs ", pc.id_bbs, "  id   ", id, " pc.id  ", pc.id 
	//fih_progress = new FInitializeHandler(2, "cvode.event(100, \"progress()\" )" )  //took out if (pc.id == 0) 
	//forall { for (x,0) print secname() }
	runningTime = startsw()

	bask_perc=$3  //percentage of inhibitory connections that are allowed to exist
	prinit(bask_perc,ipspg,g_ind)   //added this extra function to allow for non-pr functions.  The input is passed to connectNetwork as the connthr
	normmean=0    //can set this to $5 if useful in the future

	pyr_nospike_tau=1.0 // 1e9
	bask_nospike_tau=6.0 // 1e9
	{ pr.activatePyrSynapses(pyr_spike_tau,pyr_nospike_tau) }
	{ pr.activateAntSynapses(pyr_spike_tau,pyr_nospike_tau) }
	{ pr.activateBaskSynapses(bask_spike_tau,bask_nospike_tau) }

	//we no longer need shortspikes, because noisesyn.mod provides stochastic stimulation; do need to pilfer 'addAntennaDC' from shortspikes, though
	// if (shortspikeFlag) {
	//	{pr.shortspikes(Tstop,pyrthr,basketthr, spikedur, spikefreq, normmean, normvar)} 
	/* } else {
		//{pr.shortnonrandomspikes(Tstop,pyrthr,basketthr, spikedur, spikefreq)} } else {
		//{pr.singlecellnonrandom(Tstop,pyrthr,basketthr, spikedur, spikefreq)} } else {
		{pr.activeSynapsesRandom(Tstop, pyrthr, basketthr)}  
	} */
	{ pr.addAntennaDC(antennaDC) } //CF: add DC current to all antenna cells, so that their resting membrane potential is above the -80mV chloride reversal potential; spike threshold is slightly above 1.3
	pc.post(id, pyrthr, ipspg, basketthr)	
	forast = new File()
	sprint(cmd, "data/spikes_b%4.2f_p%4.2f_g%4.2f_f%d.dat", bask_spike_tau, pyr_spike_tau, ipspg,bask_perc)
	{ forast.wopen(cmd) }
	//now set up all the cvode events which will change the pyr_spike_tau values delivered to the pyramidal cells
	/* for ii=1, ramp_num_steps {
		temp_time=ramp_on + ii*(ramp_off-ramp_on)/ramp_num_steps  //calculate the time at which the iith noise change should occur
		temp_tau=ramp_tau_start + ii*(ramp_tau_end-ramp_tau_start)/ramp_num_steps //calculate the value of tau for the iith  noise change
		sprint(cmd,"pr.activatePyrSynapses(%5.3f,pyr_nospike_tau,normalstd)",temp_tau) //create the command to use 'activatePyrSynapses' to change the value of pyr_spike_tau
	} */
	//advance through simulation in increments of t_seg (defined in externals.hoc); after every t_seg, write voltage data to files, and delete vectors containing this data,
	//so that program does not run out of memory
	t_curr = 0
	while (t_curr < Tstop-dt){ //include the '-dt' to account for rounding error; otherwise, may get error in writeVoltages
		print "Time = ",t_curr
		if(t_curr + t_seg < Tstop) {
			{ pr.pnm.pcontinue(t_curr+t_seg)}
		} else {
		for i=0, pr.pnm.spikevec.size-1 {
			forast.printf("%-10.6lf, %d\n", pr.pnm.spikevec.x[i], pr.pnm.idvec.x[i])
		pr.writeVoltages(bask_spike_tau, pyr_spike_tau, ipspg, bask_perc,t_curr)
		t_curr = t_curr + t_seg
	//basketthr=$2 //reset in case I used it above differently

	//if (realrunFlag) {pr.writeVoltages(basketthr, pyrthr, gapstyle, sigfreq)} 
	runningTime = startsw() - runningTime
	print "Running Time: ", runningTime, "iteration: ",iteration
	/* {pr.pnm.gatherspikes()}
  	fo = new File()
	fo1= new File()
	sprint(cmd, "data/spikes.dat")
	sprint(cmd, "data/spikes_b%d_p%d_g%d_f%d.dat", basketthr, pyrthr, gapstyle,sigfreq)
	if (realrunFlag) {fo.wopen(cmd)}
	for i=0, pr.pnm.spikevec.size-1 {
		if (realrunFlag) fo.printf("%-10.6lf, %d\n", pr.pnm.spikevec.x[i], pr.pnm.idvec.x[i])
		fo1.printf("%-10.6lf, %d\n", pr.pnm.spikevec.x[i], pr.pnm.idvec.x[i])
	if (realrunFlag) {fo.close()}
	{fo1.close()} */
	//{pr.pnm.pc.done()}   //remove this one?

 	if (realrunFlag){
		{fo=new File()}
		{sprint(cmd, "spikes_b%4.2f_p%5.3f_g%4.2f_f%d.dat", bask_spike_tau, pyr_spike_tau,ipspg,bask_perc)}
		{fo=new File()}
		{sprint(cmd, "sum_b%4.2f_p%5.3f_g%4.2f_f%d.dat", bask_spike_tau, pyr_spike_tau,ipspg,bask_perc)}
		pr.writeParameters(bask_spike_tau, pyr_spike_tau, gapstyle, ipspg, bask_nospike_tau, pyr_nospike_tau, antennaDC, Tstop, t_seg) //write parameters to file

	return id

proc progress() {
	print t
	cvode.event(t+100, "progress()" )

proc hines1() {
        printf("pc.id_world= %d pc.id_bbs= %d t= %g dt= %g dreal=%g treal=%g\n", pc.id_world, pc.id_bbs, t, dt, startsw()-hinest2, startsw()-hinest1)
        hinest2 = startsw()
        cvode.event(t + 10, "hines1()")


proc series() {local i, j, k, delay, tstop, id, spkcnt, tmax, gid, num

	for i = 0, pyrspiketau_vec.size()-1 {
		for j = 0, baskspiketau_vec.size()-1 {
			for k = 0, baskconnvector.size()-1 {
			  for l = 0, ipspg_vec.size()-1 {
			  		for m = 0, num_trials-1 {
						//generate a different global index for each simulation
						g_index = gind_start+i*baskspiketau_vec.size()*baskconnvector.size()*ipspg_vec.size()*num_trials + j*baskconnvector.size()*ipspg_vec.size()*num_trials + k*ipspg_vec.size()*num_trials + l*num_trials + m
						{pc.submit("onerun", pyrspiketau_vec.x[i], baskspiketau_vec.x[j], baskconnvector.x[k], ipspg_vec.x[l],g_index)}
	while ((id= pc.working())!=0) {
		pc.take(id, &num)
		//printf("num= %d", num)

series() //this line actually runs the simulation

//onerun(45,90,1, 400)  //pyrthr, baskthr, f, normvar