Integration circuit from:
Wang, X.-J. Probabilistic decision making by slow reverberation in cortical circuits. Neuron, 2002, 36, 955-968.
@author: Klaus Wimmer and Albert Compte
from brian import *
import numpy
def make_integration_circuit():
Creates the spiking network described in Wang 2002.
groups, connections, update_nmda, subgroups
groups, connections, and update_nmda have to be added to the "Network" in order to run the simulation.
subgroups is used for establishing connections between the sensory and integration circuit; do not add subgroups to the "Network"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Model parameters for the integration circuit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Populations
f_E = 0.15 # Fraction of stimulus-selective excitatory neurons
N = 2000 # Total number of neurons
f_inh = 0.2 # Fraction of inhibitory neurons
NE = int(N * (1.0 - f_inh)) # Number of excitatory neurons (1600)
NI = int(N * f_inh) # Number of inhibitory neurons (400)
N_D1 = int(f_E * NE) # Size of excitatory population D1
N_D2 = N_D1 # Size of excitatory population D2
N_DN = int((1.0 - 2.0 * f_E) * NE) # Size of excitatory population DN
# Connectivity - local recurrent connections
w_p = 1.6 # Relative recurrent synaptic strength within populations D1 and D2
w_m = 1.0 - f_E * (w_p - 1.0) / (1.0 - f_E) # Relative recurrent synaptic strength of connections across populations D1 and D2 and from DN to D1 and D2
gEE_AMPA = 0.05 * nS # Weight of AMPA synapses between excitatory neurons
gEE_NMDA = 0.165 * nS # Weight of NMDA synapses between excitatory neurons
gEI_AMPA = 0.04 * nS # Weight of excitatory to inhibitory synapses (AMPA)
gEI_NMDA = 0.13 * nS # Weight of excitatory to inhibitory synapses (NMDA)
gIE_GABA = 1.3 * nS # Weight of inhibitory to excitatory synapses
gII_GABA = 1.0 * nS # Weight of inhibitory to inhibitory synapses
d = 0.5 * ms # Transmission delay of recurrent excitatory and inhibitory connections
# Connectivity - external connections
gextE = 2.1 * nS # Weight of external input to excitatory neurons
gextI = 1.62 * nS # Weight of external input to inhibitory neurons
# Neuron model
CmE = 0.5 * nF # Membrane capacitance of excitatory neurons
CmI = 0.2 * nF # Membrane capacitance of inhibitory neurons
gLeakE = 25.0 * nS # Leak conductance of excitatory neurons
gLeakI = 20.0 * nS # Leak conductance of inhibitory neurons
Vl = -70.0 * mV # Resting potential
Vt = -50.0 * mV # Spiking threshold
Vr = -55.0 * mV # Reset potential
tau_refE = 2.0 * ms # Absolute refractory period of excitatory neurons
tau_refI = 1.0 * ms # Absolute refractory period of inhibitory neurons
# Synapse model
VrevE = 0 * mV # Reversal potential of excitatory synapses
VrevI = -70 * mV # Reversal potential of inhibitory synapses
tau_AMPA = 2.0 * ms # Decay constant of AMPA-type conductances
tau_GABA = 5.0 * ms # Decay constant of GABA-type conductances
tau_NMDA_decay = 100.0 * ms # Decay constant of NMDA-type conductances
tau_NMDA_rise = 2.0 * ms # Rise constant of NMDA-type conductances
alpha_NMDA = 0.5 * kHz # Saturation constant of NMDA-type conductances
# Inputs
nu_ext_1 = 2392 * Hz # Firing rate of external Poisson input to neurons in population D1
nu_ext_2 = 2392 * Hz # Firing rate of external Poisson input to neurons in population D2
nu_ext = 2400 * Hz # Firing rate of external Poisson input to neurons in population Dn and I
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up the model
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Neuron equations
eqsE = '''
dV/dt = (-gea*(V-VrevE) - gen*(V-VrevE)/(1.0+exp(-V/mV*0.062)/3.57) - gi*(V-VrevI) - (V-Vl)) / (tau): volt
dgea/dt = -gea/(tau_AMPA) : 1
dgi/dt = -gi/(tau_GABA) : 1
dspre/dt = -spre/(tau_NMDA_decay)+alpha_NMDA*xpre*(1-spre) : 1
dxpre/dt= -xpre/(tau_NMDA_rise) : 1
gen : 1
tau : second
eqsI = '''
dV/dt = (-gea*(V-VrevE) - gen*(V-VrevE)/(1.0+exp(-V/mV*0.062)/3.57) - gi*(V-VrevI) - (V-Vl)) / (tau): volt
dgea/dt = -gea/(tau_AMPA) : 1
dgi/dt = -gi/(tau_GABA) : 1
gen : 1
tau : second
# Set up the integration circuit
decisionE = NeuronGroup(NE, model=eqsE, threshold=Vt, reset=Vr, refractory=tau_refE)
decisionI = NeuronGroup(NI, model=eqsI, threshold=Vt, reset=Vr, refractory=tau_refI)
decisionE.tau = CmE / gLeakE
decisionI.tau = CmI / gLeakI
decisionE1 = decisionE.subgroup(N_D1)
decisionE2 = decisionE.subgroup(N_D2)
decisionE3 = decisionE.subgroup(N_DN)
# Connections involving AMPA synapses
C_DE_DE_AMPA = Connection(decisionE, decisionE, 'gea', delay = d)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE1, decisionE1, weight = w_p * gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE2, decisionE2, weight = w_p * gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE1, decisionE2, weight = w_m * gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE2, decisionE1, weight = w_m * gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE3, decisionE1, weight = w_m * gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE3, decisionE2, weight = w_m * gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE3, decisionE3, weight = gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE1, decisionE3, weight = gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DE_AMPA.connect_full(decisionE2, decisionE3, weight = gEE_AMPA / gLeakE)
C_DE_DI_AMPA = Connection(decisionE, decisionI, 'gea', weight = gEI_AMPA / gLeakI, delay = d)
# Connections involving NMDA synapses
# Note that due to the all-to-all connectivity, the contribution of NMDA can be calculated efficiently
selfnmda = IdentityConnection(decisionE, decisionE, 'xpre', weight=1.0, delay = d)
E1_nmda = asarray(decisionE1.spre)
E2_nmda = asarray(decisionE2.spre)
E3_nmda = asarray(decisionE3.spre)
E1_gen = asarray(decisionE1.gen)
E2_gen = asarray(decisionE2.gen)
E3_gen = asarray(decisionE3.gen)
I_gen = asarray(decisionI.gen)
# Calculate NMDA contributions in each time step
def update_nmda():
sE1 = sum(E1_nmda)
sE2 = sum(E2_nmda)
sE3 = sum(E3_nmda)
E1_gen[:] = gEE_NMDA / gLeakE * (w_p*sE1 + w_m*sE2 + w_m*sE3)
E2_gen[:] = gEE_NMDA / gLeakE * (w_m*sE1 + w_p*sE2 + w_m*sE3)
E3_gen[:] = gEE_NMDA / gLeakE * (sE1 + sE2 + sE3)
I_gen[:] = gEI_NMDA / gLeakI * (sE1 + sE2 + sE3)
# Connections involving GABA synapses
C_DI_DE = Connection(decisionI, decisionE, 'gi', weight = gIE_GABA / gLeakE, delay = d)
C_DI_DI = Connection(decisionI, decisionI, 'gi', weight = gII_GABA / gLeakI, delay = d)
# External inputs
extinputE1 = PoissonGroup(N_D1, rates = nu_ext_1)
extinputE2 = PoissonGroup(N_D2, rates = nu_ext_2)
extinputE3 = PoissonGroup(N_DN, rates = nu_ext)
extinputI = PoissonGroup(NI, rates = nu_ext)
# Connect external inputs
extconnE1 = IdentityConnection(extinputE1, decisionE1, 'gea', weight = gextE / gLeakE)
extconnE2 = IdentityConnection(extinputE2, decisionE2, 'gea', weight = gextE / gLeakE)
extconnE3 = IdentityConnection(extinputE3, decisionE3, 'gea', weight = gextE / gLeakE)
extconnI = IdentityConnection(extinputI, decisionI, 'gea', weight = gextI / gLeakI)
# Return the integration circuit
groups = {'DE': decisionE, 'DI': decisionI, 'DX1': extinputE1, 'DX2': extinputE2, 'DX3': extinputE3, 'DXI': extinputI}
subgroups = {'DE1': decisionE1, 'DE2': decisionE2, 'DE3': decisionE3}
connections = {'selfnmda': selfnmda,
'extconnE1': extconnE1, 'extconnE2': extconnE2, 'extconnE3': extconnE3, 'extconnI': extconnI,
return groups, connections, update_nmda, subgroups