Sensory circuit
@author: Klaus Wimmer
from brian import *
import random as pyrandom
import numpy
from numpy.random import randn as randn
def make_sensory_circuit():
Creates the spiking network representing the sensory circuit.
groups, connections, subgroups
groups and connections have to be added to the "Network" in order to run the simulation.
subgroups is used for establishing connections between the sensory and integration circuit; do not add subgroups to the "Network"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Model parameters for the sensory circuit
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# Populations
N_E = 1600 # Total number of excitatory neurons
N_E1 = int(0.5 * N_E) # Size of excitatory population E1
N_E2 = N_E1 # Size of excitatory population E2
N_I = 400 # Size of inhibitory population I
N_X = 1000 # Size of external population X
N_X1 = int(0.5 * N_X) # Size of external population X1
N_X2 = int(0.5 * N_X) # Size of external population X2
# Connectivity - local recurrent connections
p = 0.2 # Connection probability for (EE, EI, IE, II)
w_p = 1.3 # Relative synaptic strength of connections within populations E1 and E2
w_m = 2.0 - w_p # Relative synaptic strength of connections across populations E1 and E2
gEE = 0.7589 * nS # Weight of excitatory to excitatory synapses
gEI = 1.5179 * nS # Weight of excitatory to inhibitory synapses
gIE = 12.6491 * nS # Weight of inhibitory to excitatory synapses
gII = gIE # Weight of inhibitory to inhibitory synapses
dE = (0.5 * ms, 1.5 * ms) # Range of uniformly distributed transmission delays of excitatory connections
dI = (0.1 * ms, 0.9 * ms) # Range of uniformly distributed transmission delays of inhibitory connections
# Connectivity - external connections
p_x = 0.32 # Connection probability for external connections
alpha_x = 0.0
gextE = 1.7076 * nS # Weight of external to excitatory synapses
gextI = 1.7076 * nS # Weight of external to inhibitory synapses
dXE = (0.5 * ms, 1.5 * ms) # Range of uniformly distributed transmission delays of external connections
# Neuron model
CmE = 0.25 * nF # Membrane capacitance of excitatory neurons
CmI = 0.25 * nF # Membrane capacitance of inhibitory neurons
gLeakE = 16.7 * nS # Leak conductance of excitatory neurons
gLeakI = 16.7 * nS # Leak conductance of inhibitory neurons
Vl = -70.0 * mV # Resting potential
Vt = -50.0 * mV # Spiking threshold
Vr = -60.0 * mV # Reset potential
tau_refE = 2.0 * ms # Absolute refractory period of excitatory neurons
tau_refI = 1.0 * ms # Absolute refractory period of inhibitory neurons
nu_ext = 12.5 * Hz # Firing rate of external Poisson neurons
# Synapse model
VrevE = 0 * mV # Reversal potential of excitatory synapses
VrevI = -80 * mV # Reversal potential of inhibitory synapses
tau_decay = 5.0 * ms # Decay constants of AMPA-type and GABA-type conductances
tau_rise = 1.0 * ms # Rise constant of AMPA- and GABA-type conductances
# Inputs
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set up the model
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# Neuron equations
eqs = '''
dV/dt = (-gea*(V-VrevE) - gi*(V-VrevI) - (V-Vl)) * (1.0/tau) + I/Cm: volt
dgea/dt = (xe-gea)*(1.0/tau_decay) : 1
dxe/dt = -xe*(1.0/tau_rise) : 1
dgi/dt = (xi-gi)*(1.0/tau_decay) : 1
dxi/dt = -xi*(1.0/tau_rise) : 1
I : nA
tau : second
Cm : nF
# Set up the sensory circuit
sensoryE = NeuronGroup(N_E, model=eqs, threshold=Vt, reset=Vr, refractory=tau_refE)
sensoryI = NeuronGroup(N_I, model=eqs, threshold=Vt, reset=Vr, refractory=tau_refI)
sensoryE.tau = CmE / gLeakE
sensoryE.Cm = CmE
sensoryI.tau = CmI / gLeakI
sensoryI.Cm = CmI
sensoryE.I = 0.0
sensoryI.I = 0.0
sensoryE1 = sensoryE.subgroup(N_E1)
sensoryE2 = sensoryE.subgroup(N_E2)
# Connections involving AMPA synapses
C_SE_SE = Connection(sensoryE, sensoryE, 'xe', delay=True, max_delay=1.5 * ms)
C_SE_SE.connect_random(sensoryE1, sensoryE1, sparseness=p, weight=lambda:w_p * gEE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dE)
C_SE_SE.connect_random(sensoryE2, sensoryE2, sparseness=p, weight=lambda:w_p * gEE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dE)
C_SE_SE.connect_random(sensoryE1, sensoryE2, sparseness=p, weight=lambda:w_m * gEE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dE)
C_SE_SE.connect_random(sensoryE2, sensoryE1, sparseness=p, weight=lambda:w_m * gEE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dE)
C_SE_SI = Connection(sensoryE, sensoryI, 'xe', delay=True, max_delay=1.5 * ms)
C_SE_SI.connect_random(sparseness=p, weight=lambda:gEI/gLeakI * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dE)
# Connections involving GABA synapses
C_SI_SE = Connection(sensoryI, sensoryE, 'xi', delay=True, max_delay=0.9 * ms)
C_SI_SE.connect_random(sparseness=p, weight=lambda:gIE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dI)
C_SI_SI = Connection(sensoryI, sensoryI, 'xi', delay=True, max_delay=0.9 * ms)
C_SI_SI.connect_random(sparseness=p, weight=lambda:gII/gLeakI * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dI)
# External inputs
external = PoissonGroup(N_X, rates = nu_ext) # unspecific Poisson input
external1 = external.subgroup(N_X1)
external2 = external.subgroup(N_X2)
# Connect external inputs
C_SX_SE = Connection(external, sensoryE, 'xe', delay=True, max_delay=1.5 * ms)
C_SX_SE.connect_random(external1, sensoryE1, sparseness=p_x * (1.0 + alpha_x), weight=lambda:gextE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dXE)
C_SX_SE.connect_random(external2, sensoryE2, sparseness=p_x * (1.0 + alpha_x), weight=lambda:gextE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dXE)
C_SX_SE.connect_random(external1, sensoryE2, sparseness=p_x * (1.0 - alpha_x), weight=lambda:gextE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dXE)
C_SX_SE.connect_random(external2, sensoryE1, sparseness=p_x * (1.0 - alpha_x), weight=lambda:gextE/gLeakE * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dXE)
C_SX_SI = Connection(external, sensoryI, 'xe', delay=True, max_delay=1.5 * ms)
C_SX_SI.connect_random(sparseness=p_x, weight=lambda:gextI/gLeakI * max(0.0, 1.0 + 0.5 * randn()), delay=dXE)
# Return the sensory circuit
groups = {'SE': sensoryE, 'SI': sensoryI, 'SX': external}
subgroups = {'SE1': sensoryE1, 'SE2': sensoryE2}
connections = {'C_SX_SE': C_SX_SE, 'C_SX_SI': C_SX_SI,
return groups, connections, subgroups