import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import random
import os
from definitions import ROOT_FOLDER
from hippocampus import utils
from hippocampus.dynamic_programming_utils import generate_random_policy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import RegularPolygon, Rectangle
from matplotlib import collections as mc
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean
from itertools import product
from tqdm import tqdm
import pyximport
from copy import deepcopy
from multiprocessing import Pool
pyximport.install(setup_args={'include_dirs': np.get_include()})
from hippocampus.fastBVC import Boundary, BVC
#from hippocampus.slowBVC import BVC
class Environment(object):
"""Parent class for RL environments holding some general methods.
def __init__(self):
self.nr_states = None
self.nr_actions = None
self.actions = None
self.adjacency_graph = None
self.goal_state = None
self.reward_func = None
self.graph = None
self.n_features = None
self.rf = None
self.transition_probabilities = None
self.terminal_state = None
self.state_indices = None
self.current_state = None
self.landmark_location = None
self.grid = None
self.ego_angles = None
self.allo_angles = None
self.action_directions = None
def act(self, action):
def get_goal_state(self):
def get_current_state(self):
return self.current_state
def reset(self, random_loc=True):
def define_adjacency_graph(self):
def _fill_adjacency_matrix(self):
def get_adjacency_matrix(self):
if self.adjacency_graph is None:
return self.adjacency_graph
def create_graph(self):
"""Create networkx graph from adjacency matrix.
self.graph = nx.from_numpy_array(self.get_adjacency_matrix())
def show_graph(self, map_variable=None, layout=None, node_size=1500, **kwargs):
"""Plot graph showing possible state transitions.
:param node_size:
:param map_variable: Continuous variable that can be mapped on the node colours.
:param layout:
:param kwargs: Any other drawing parameters accepted. See nx.draw docs.
if layout is None:
layout = nx.spring_layout(self.graph)
if map_variable is not None:
categories = pd.Categorical(map_variable)
node_color = categories
node_color = 'b'
nx.draw(self.graph, with_labels=True, pos=layout, node_color=node_color, node_size=node_size, **kwargs)
def set_reward_location(self, state_idx, action_idx):
self.goal_state = state_idx
action_destination = self.transition_probabilities[state_idx, action_idx]
self.reward_func = np.zeros([self.nr_states, self.nr_actions, self.nr_states])
self.reward_func[state_idx, action_idx] = action_destination
def is_terminal(self, state_idx):
if not self.get_possible_actions(state_idx):
return True
return False
def get_destination_state(self, current_state, current_action):
transition_probabilities = self.transition_probabilities[current_state, current_action]
return np.flatnonzero(transition_probabilities)
def get_degree_mat(self):
degree_mat = np.eye(self.nr_states)
for state, degree in
degree_mat[state, state] = degree
return degree_mat
def get_laplacian(self):
return self.get_degree_mat() - self.adjacency_graph
def get_normalised_laplacian(self):
"""Return the normalised laplacian.
D = self.get_degree_mat()
L = self.get_laplacian() # TODO: check diff with non normalised laplacian. check adverserial examples
exp_D = utils.exponentiate(D, -.5)
def compute_laplacian(self, normalization_method=None):
"""Compute the Laplacian.
:param normalization_method: Choose None for unnormalized, 'rw' for RW normalized or 'sym' for symmetric.
if normalization_method not in [None, 'rw', 'sym']:
raise ValueError('Not a valid normalisation method. See help(compute_laplacian) for more info.')
D = self.get_degree_mat()
L = D - self.adjacency_graph
if normalization_method is None:
return L
elif normalization_method == 'sym':
exp_D = utils.exponentiate(D, -.5)
elif normalization_method == 'rw':
exp_D = utils.exponentiate(D, -1)
def get_possible_actions(self, state_idx):
def get_adjacent_states(self, state_idx):
def compute_feature_response(self):
def get_transition_matrix(self, policy):
transition_matrix = np.zeros([self.nr_states, self.nr_states])
for state in self.state_indices:
if self.is_terminal(state):
actions = self.get_possible_actions(state)
for a, action in enumerate(actions):
transition_matrix[state] += self.transition_probabilities[state, a] * policy[state][a]
return transition_matrix
def get_successor_representation(self, policy, gamma=.95):
transition_matrix = self.get_transition_matrix(policy)
m = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(self.nr_states) - gamma * transition_matrix)
return m
def get_next_state(self, state_idx, a):
def get_state_location(self, idx):
class SimpleMDP(Environment):
"""Very simple MDP with states on a linear track. Agent gets reward of 1 if it reaches last state.
def __init__(self, nr_states=3, reward_probability=1.):
self.reward_probability = reward_probability
self.nr_states = nr_states
self.state_indices = np.arange(self.nr_states)
self.nr_actions = 2
self.actions = [0, 1]
self.action_consequences = {0: -1, 1: +1}
self.terminal_states = [self.nr_states - 1]
self.transition_probabilities = self.define_transition_probabilities()
self.reward_func = np.zeros((self.nr_states, self.nr_actions))
self.reward_func[self.nr_states - 2, 1] = 1
self.current_state = 0
def reset(self):
self.current_state = 0
def define_transition_probabilities(self):
transition_probabilities = np.zeros([self.nr_states, self.nr_actions, self.nr_states])
for predecessor in self.state_indices:
if self.is_terminal(predecessor):
transition_probabilities[predecessor, :, :] = 0
for action_key, consequence in self.action_consequences.items():
successor = int(predecessor + consequence)
if successor not in self.state_indices:
transition_probabilities[predecessor, action_key, predecessor] = 1 # stay in current state
transition_probabilities[predecessor, action_key, successor] = 1
return transition_probabilities
def get_possible_actions(self, state_idx):
if state_idx in self.terminal_states:
return []
return list(self.action_consequences)
def define_adjacency_graph(self):
transitions_under_random_policy = self.transition_probabilities.sum(axis=1)
adjacency_graph = transitions_under_random_policy != 0
return adjacency_graph.astype('int')
def get_transition_matrix(self, policy):
transition_matrix = np.zeros([self.nr_states, self.nr_states])
for state in self.state_indices:
if self.is_terminal(state):
for action in range(self.nr_actions):
transition_matrix[state] += self.transition_probabilities[state, action] * policy[state][action]
return transition_matrix
def get_successor_representation(self, policy, gamma=.95):
transition_matrix = self.get_transition_matrix(policy)
m = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(self.nr_states) - gamma * transition_matrix)
return m
def get_next_state(self, current_state, action):
next_state = np.flatnonzero(self.transition_probabilities[current_state, action])[0]
return next_state
def get_reward(self, current_state, action):
if np.random.rand() <= self.reward_probability:
reward = self.reward_func[current_state, action]
reward = 0.
return reward
def get_next_state_and_reward(self, current_state, action):
# If current state is terminal absorbing state:
if self.is_terminal(current_state):
return current_state, 0
next_state = self.get_next_state(current_state, action)
reward = self.get_reward(current_state, action)
return next_state, reward
def act(self, action):
next_state, reward = self.get_next_state_and_reward(self.current_state, action)
self.current_state = next_state
return next_state, reward
def get_current_state(self):
"""Return current state idx given current position.
return self.current_state
def _fill_adjacency_matrix(self):
self.adjacency_graph = np.zeros((self.nr_states, self.nr_states),
for idx in self.state_indices:
if (idx + 1) in self.state_indices:
self.adjacency_graph[idx, idx + 1] = 1
def get_adjacency_matrix(self):
if self.adjacency_graph is None:
return self.adjacency_graph
class HexGrid(object):
def __init__(self, radius):
self.deltas = [[1, 0, -1], [0, 1, -1], [-1, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 1], [0, -1, 1], [1, -1, 0]]
self.radius = radius
self.cube_coords = {0: (0, 0, 0)}
self.edge_states = []
state = 1
for r in range(radius):
a = 0
b = -r
c = +r
for j in range(6):
num_of_hexes_in_edge = r
for i in range(num_of_hexes_in_edge):
a = a + self.deltas[j][0]
b = b + self.deltas[j][1]
c = c + self.deltas[j][2]
self.cube_coords[state] = (a, b, c)
if r == radius - 1:
state += 1
self.cart_coords = {state: self.to_cartesian(coord) for state, coord in self.cube_coords.items()}
self.size = len(self.cube_coords)
def get_adjacency(self):
adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((len(self.cube_coords), len(self.cube_coords)))
for state, coord in self.cube_coords.items():
for d in self.deltas:
a = coord[0] + d[0]
b = coord[1] + d[1]
c = coord[2] + d[2]
neighbour = self.get_state_id((a, b, c))
if neighbour is not None:
adjacency_matrix[state, neighbour] = 1
return adjacency_matrix
def get_sas_transition_mat(self):
"""Fill and return the state by action by state transition matrix.
sas_matrix = np.zeros((len(self.cube_coords), len(self.deltas), len(self.cube_coords)))
for state, coord in self.cube_coords.items():
for i, d in enumerate(self.deltas):
a = coord[0] + d[0]
b = coord[1] + d[1]
c = coord[2] + d[2]
neighbour = self.get_state_id((a, b, c))
if neighbour is not None:
sas_matrix[state, i, neighbour] = 1.
else: # if a wall state is the neighbour
sas_matrix[state, i, state] = 1.
return sas_matrix
def get_state_id(self, cube_coordinate):
for state, loc in self.cube_coords.items():
if loc == cube_coordinate:
return state
return None
def is_state_location(self, coordinate):
"""Return true if cube coordinate exists.
:param coordinate: Tuple cube coordinate
for state, loc in self.cube_coords.items():
if loc == coordinate:
return True
return False
def to_cartesian(coordinate):
xcoord = coordinate[0]
ycoord = 2. * np.sin(np.radians(60)) * (coordinate[1] - coordinate[2]) / 3.
return xcoord, ycoord
def plot_grid(self):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
for x, y in self.cart_coords.values():
hex_patch = RegularPolygon((x, y), numVertices=6, radius=2. / 3.,
orientation=np.radians(30), alpha=0.2, edgecolor='k')
lower_bound = min(min(self.cart_coords.values()))
upper_bound = max(max(self.cart_coords.values()))
plt.xlim([lower_bound - 2, upper_bound + 2])
plt.ylim([lower_bound - 2, upper_bound + 2])
return fig, ax
def distance(self, state_a, state_b):
return euclidean(self.cart_coords[state_a], self.cart_coords[state_b])
class HexWaterMaze(Environment):
def __init__(self, radius):
self.grid = HexGrid(radius)
self.adjacency_graph = self.grid.get_adjacency()
self.transition_probabilities = self.grid.get_sas_transition_mat()
self.action_labels = ['N', 'NE', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'NW']
self.actions = self.grid.deltas
self.action_directions = []
for a in self.actions:
mv = self.grid.to_cartesian(a)
self.action_directions.append(np.arctan2(mv[1], mv[0]))
self.other_terminals = []
self.nr_actions = len(self.actions)
self.nr_states = self.grid.size
self.state_indices = list(range(self.nr_states))
states_close_to_centre = [i for i in self.state_indices if
euclidean(self.grid.cart_coords[i], self.grid.cart_coords[0]) < radius / 3]
self.platform_state = np.random.choice([i for i in self.state_indices if not i in states_close_to_centre])
self.previous_platform_state = None
self.reward_func = np.zeros((self.nr_states, self.nr_actions, self.nr_states))
self.landmark_location = self.set_landmark()
self.starting_state = 0
self.allo_angles = np.array([30, 90, 150, 210, 270, 330])
self.ego_angles = np.array([0, 60, 120, -180, -120, -60]) # q values correspond to these
def set_platform_state(self, state_idx):
self.previous_platform_state = self.platform_state
self.platform_state = state_idx
self.landmark_location = self.set_landmark()
def add_terminal(self, state):
def set_reward_func(self):
for state in self.state_indices:
for action in range(self.nr_actions):
next_state, reward = self.get_next_state_and_reward(state, action)
self.reward_func[state, action, next_state] = reward
def set_landmark(self):
platform_loc = self.grid.cube_coords[self.platform_state]
landmark_loc = (platform_loc[0], platform_loc[1] + 1, platform_loc[2])
return self.grid.to_cartesian(landmark_loc)
def get_next_state(self, current_state, action):
next_state = np.flatnonzero(self.transition_probabilities[current_state, action])[0]
return next_state
def get_reward(self, next_state):
if next_state == self.platform_state:
return 1.
return 0.
def get_next_state_and_reward(self, current_state, action):
# If current state is terminal absorbing state:
if self.is_terminal(current_state):
return current_state, 0
next_state = self.get_next_state(current_state, action)
reward = self.get_reward(next_state)
return next_state, reward
def act(self, action):
next_state, reward = self.get_next_state_and_reward(self.current_state, action)
self.current_state = next_state
return next_state, reward
def reset(self, random_loc=True):
if random_loc:
dist_from_platform = np.array([self.grid.distance(self.platform_state, s) for s in self.grid.edge_states])
eligible_start_states = np.array(self.grid.edge_states)[dist_from_platform > self.grid.radius * 1.5]
self.starting_state = np.random.choice(eligible_start_states)
self.current_state = self.starting_state
def get_state_location(self, state, cube_system=False):
if cube_system:
return self.grid.cube_coords[state]
return self.grid.cart_coords[state]
def get_transition_matrix(self, policy):
transition_matrix = np.zeros([self.nr_states, self.nr_states])
for state in self.state_indices:
if self.is_terminal(state):
for action in range(self.nr_actions):
transition_matrix[state] += self.transition_probabilities[state, action] * policy[state][action]
return transition_matrix
def get_successor_representation(self, policy, gamma=.95):
"""Compute the Successor Representation through inversion of the transition matrix.
:param (list) policy: Nested list containing the action probabilities for each state.
:param (float) gamma: Discount parameter
transition_matrix = self.get_transition_matrix(policy)
m = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(self.nr_states) - gamma * transition_matrix)
return m
def get_possible_actions(self, state_idx):
if self.is_terminal(state_idx):
return []
return list(range(self.nr_actions))
def is_terminal(self, state_idx):
if state_idx == self.platform_state:
return True
elif state_idx in self.other_terminals:
return True
return False
def plot_grid(self, c_mappable=None, ax=None, show_state_idx=True, alpha=1., c_map=None):
:param show_state_idx:
:param (np.array) c_mappable:
# TODO: move to plotting module, make class for plotting hex grids.
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
if c_mappable is not None:
if c_map is None:
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greys_r')
cmap = plt.get_cmap(c_map)
c_mappable = c_mappable / c_mappable.max()
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(self.grid.cart_coords.values()):
if c_mappable is not None:
colour = cmap(c_mappable[i])
colour = 'gray'
hex_patch = RegularPolygon((x, y), numVertices=6, radius=2. / 3., facecolor=colour,
orientation=np.radians(30), alpha=alpha, edgecolor='k')
if show_state_idx:
ax.text(x, y, str(i), ha='center', va='center', size=10)
lower_bound = min(min(self.grid.cart_coords.values()))
upper_bound = max(max(self.grid.cart_coords.values()))
plt.xlim([lower_bound - 2, upper_bound + 2])
plt.ylim([lower_bound - 2, upper_bound + 2])
return ax
def plot_occupancy_on_grid(self, trial_results, **kwargs):
color_pal = sns.color_palette()
state_occupancy = trial_results['state'].astype(int).value_counts()
occupancy = np.zeros(self.nr_states)
for s, count in state_occupancy.iteritems():
occupancy[s] = count
ax = self.plot_grid(occupancy, **kwargs)
platform = trial_results['platform'].iloc[0]
previous_platform = trial_results['previous platform'].iloc[0]
hex_patch = RegularPolygon(self.grid.cart_coords[platform], numVertices=6, radius=2./2.5,
facecolor=color_pal[8], orientation=np.radians(30), alpha=1., edgecolor='k')
hex_patch = RegularPolygon(self.grid.cart_coords[previous_platform], numVertices=6, radius=2./2.5,
facecolor=color_pal[9], orientation=np.radians(30), alpha=1., edgecolor='k')
# add legend
hex_patch = RegularPolygon((6, 10), numVertices=6, radius=2. / 3.,
orientation=np.radians(30), alpha=1., edgecolor='k')
hex_patch = RegularPolygon((6, 8.5), numVertices=6, radius=2. / 3.,
orientation=np.radians(30), alpha=1., edgecolor='k')
ax.text(x=7, y=10, s='Platform', va='center')
ax.text(x=7, y=8.5, s='Previous platform', va='center')
start = trial_results['state'].iloc[0]
hex_patch = RegularPolygon(self.grid.cart_coords[start], numVertices=6, radius=2./2.5,
orientation=np.radians(30), alpha=1., edgecolor='k')
ax.text(self.grid.cart_coords[start][0], self.grid.cart_coords[start][1], 'S',
ha='center', va='center', size=10)
return ax
def get_goal_state(self):
return self.platform_state
class PlusMaze(Environment):
"""Packard & McGaugh experiment: start in same start arm for 3 trials, then probe trial in opposite.
def __init__(self):
self.actions = ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W']
self.allo_angles = np.array([90, 0, 270, 180])
self.ego_angles = np.array([0, 90, -180, -90])
self.ego_actions = ['F', 'L', 'B', 'R']
self.action_directions = np.radians([90, 0, 270, 180])
self.nr_actions = len(self.actions)
self.states_actions_outcomes = {
0: {},
1: {'N': 2, 'E': 1, 'S': 1, 'W': 1},
2: {'N': 4, 'E': 5, 'S': 1, 'W': 3},
3: {'N': 0, 'E': 0, 'S': 0, 'W': 0},
4: {'N': 4, 'E': 4, 'S': 2, 'W': 4},
5: {'N': 0, 'E': 0, 'S': 0, 'W': 0},
self.state_locs = {
0: (np.nan, np.nan),
1: (1, 0),
2: (1, 1),
3: (0, 1),
4: (1, 2),
5: (2, 1),
self.all_locs = np.array([val for key, val in self.state_locs.items() if key != 0])
max_dist = 0
for i, j in product(self.all_locs, self.all_locs):
d = euclidean(i, j)
if d > max_dist:
max_dist = d
self.max_dist = max_dist = self.state_locs[2]
self.nr_states = len(self.states_actions_outcomes)
self.state_indices = np.arange(self.nr_states)
self.landmark_location = self.get_state_location(4)
self.start_state = 1
self.current_state = self.start_state
self.rewarded_terminal = 6
self.random_sr = self.get_random_sr()
self.reward_size = 1.
self.trial_type = 'free'
def toggle_training_trial(self):
# block north arm
self.states_actions_outcomes[2]['N'] = 2
# unblock south arm
self.states_actions_outcomes[2]['S'] = 1
self.reward_size = 1.
self.start_state = 1
self.trial_type = 'train'
self.landmark_location = self.get_state_location(4)
def toggle_probe_trial(self):
# block south arm
self.states_actions_outcomes[2]['S'] = 2
# unblock north arm
self.states_actions_outcomes[2]['N'] = 4
self.reward_size = 0.
self.start_state = 4
self.trial_type = 'probe'
self.landmark_location = self.get_state_location(1)
def reset(self, random_loc=None):
self.current_state = self.start_state
def _fill_adjacency_matrix(self):
self.adjacency_graph = np.zeros((self.nr_states, self.nr_states))
for origin, outcome in self.states_actions_outcomes.items():
for action, successor in outcome.items():
self.adjacency_graph[origin, successor] = 1
def act(self, action):
:param action:
current_state = self.get_current_state()
if self.reward_func is None and self.is_terminal(current_state):
return 0
next_state, reward = self.get_next_state_and_reward(current_state, action)
self.current_state = next_state
return next_state, reward
def get_goal_state(self):
return self.rewarded_terminal
def get_orientation(self):
def get_next_state_and_reward(self, origin, action):
# If current state is terminal absorbing state:
if self.is_terminal(origin):
return origin, 0
next_state = self.get_next_state(origin, action)
reward = self.get_reward(origin, next_state)
return next_state, reward
def get_state_location(self, state_idx):
return self.state_locs[state_idx]
def get_state_idx(self, state_loc):
for idx, loc in self.state_locs.items():
if loc == (state_loc[0], state_loc[1]):
return idx
raise ValueError('Location does not correspond to state.')
def get_next_state(self, origin, action):
if type(action) == int or type(action) == np.int64:
action = self.actions[action]
return self.states_actions_outcomes[origin][action]
def get_reward(self, origin, next_state):
#if self.is_terminal(next_state) and origin == self.rewarded_terminal:
if next_state == self.rewarded_terminal:
return self.reward_size
return 0.
def get_feature_representation(self, state_idx):
"""Get one-hot feature representation from state index.
if self.is_terminal(state_idx):
return np.zeros(self.nr_states)
return np.eye(self.nr_states)[state_idx]
def get_possible_actions(self, state_idx):
return list(self.states_actions_outcomes[state_idx].keys())
def get_transition_matrix(self, policy):
transition_matrix = np.zeros([self.nr_states, self.nr_states])
for state in self.state_indices:
if self.is_terminal(state):
for a, action in enumerate(self.actions):
successor = self.states_actions_outcomes[state][action]
transition_matrix[state, successor] += policy[state][a]
return transition_matrix
def get_successor_representation(self, policy, gamma=.95):
transition_matrix = self.get_transition_matrix(policy)
m = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(self.nr_states) - gamma * transition_matrix)
return m
def get_random_sr(self, gamma=.95):
random_policy = generate_random_policy(self)
random_walk_sr = self.get_successor_representation(random_policy, gamma=gamma)
return random_walk_sr
def show_maze(self, c_mappable=None, show_state_idx=True):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
if c_mappable is not None:
cmap = plt.get_cmap('inferno')
c_mappable = c_mappable / c_mappable.max()
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(self.state_locs.values()):
if c_mappable is not None:
colour = cmap(c_mappable[i])
colour = 'gray'
patch = Rectangle((x, y), width=1, height=1, edgecolor='k', color=colour)
if show_state_idx:
ax.text(x + .5, y + .5, str(i), ha='center', va='center', size=10)
plt.xlim([[0] - self.max_dist / 2 - 1,[0] + self.max_dist / 2 + 1])
plt.ylim([[1] - self.max_dist / 2 - 1,[1] + self.max_dist / 2 + 1])
class DevaluationPlusMaze(PlusMaze):
def __init__(self):
self.states_actions_outcomes = {
0: {},
1: {'N': 2, 'E': 1, 'S': 1, 'W': 1}, # south arm
2: {'N': 4, 'E': 5, 'S': 1, 'W': 3}, # middle
3: {'N': 6, 'E': 6, 'S': 6, 'W': 6}, # west arm
4: {'N': 4, 'E': 4, 'S': 2, 'W': 4}, # north arm
5: {'N': 0, 'E': 0, 'S': 0, 'W': 0}, # east arm
6: {'N': 0, 'E': 0, 'S': 0, 'W': 0} # food state
self.state_locs = {
0: (np.nan, np.nan),
1: (1, 0),
2: (1, 1),
3: (0, 1),
4: (1, 2),
5: (2, 1),
6: (0, 1)
self.nr_states = len(self.state_locs)
self.state_indices = np.arange(self.nr_states)
def toggle_devaluation(self):
self.start_state = 3
self.reward_size = 0
self.trial_type = 'devaluation'
class TwoStepTask(Environment):
data_folder = os.path.join(ROOT_FOLDER, 'data')
def __init__(self, n_trials=272, common_prob=.7):
self.n_trials = n_trials
self.state_names = {0: 'initial',
1: 'left port',
2: 'right port',
3: 'left second',
4: 'right second',
5: 'terminal LL',
6: 'terminal LR',
7: 'terminal RL',
8: 'terminal RR'}
self.state_names_lst = [val for val in self.state_names.values()]
self.state_indices = [key for key in self.state_names.keys()]
self.nr_states = len(self.state_names)
self.nr_actions = 2
self.common_prob = common_prob
self.rare_prob = 1. - self.common_prob
self.states_actions_outcomes = {
'initial': {
'L': ['left port'],
'R': ['right port'],
'left port': {
'P': ['left second', 'right second']
'right port': {
'P': ['right second', 'left second']
'left second': {
'L': ['terminal LL'],
'R': ['terminal LR']
'right second': {
'L': ['terminal RL'],
'R': ['terminal RR']
'terminal LL': {},
'terminal LR': {},
'terminal RL': {},
'terminal RR': {}
self.actions_per_state = {
0: ['L', 'R'],
1: ['P'],
2: ['P'],
3: ['L', 'R'],
4: ['L', 'R'],
5: [],
6: [],
7: [],
8: []
self.reward_traces = self.load_reward_traces()
self.reward_probs = self.reward_traces[:, 0]
self.start_state = 0
self.current_state = self.start_state
self.trial_count = 0
def reset(self):
self.current_state = self.start_state
self.trial_count += 1
self.reward_probs = self.reward_traces[:, self.trial_count]
def _fill_adjacency_matrix(self):
self.adjacency_graph = np.zeros((self.nr_states, self.nr_states))
for idx in range(self.nr_states):
state_name = self.state_names[idx]
actions = self.states_actions_outcomes[state_name]
for act, destination_list in actions.items():
for dest in destination_list:
destination_idx = list(self.states_actions_outcomes.keys()).index(dest)
self.adjacency_graph[idx, destination_idx] = 1
def set_transition_probabilities(self):
"""Set the transition probability matrix.
self.transition_probabilities = np.zeros((self.nr_states, self.nr_actions, self.nr_states))
for state, act_outcome in self.states_actions_outcomes.items():
s_idx = self.get_state_idx(state)
for a_idx, (act, possible_destinations) in enumerate(act_outcome.items()):
for i, d in enumerate(possible_destinations):
d_idx = self.get_state_idx(d)
if len(possible_destinations) == 1:
self.transition_probabilities[s_idx, a_idx, d_idx] = 1
elif len(possible_destinations) > 1 and i == 0:
self.transition_probabilities[s_idx, a_idx, d_idx] = self.common_prob
elif len(possible_destinations) > 1 and i == 1:
self.transition_probabilities[s_idx, a_idx, d_idx] = self.rare_prob
def get_state_idx(self, state_name):
return self.state_names_lst.index(state_name)
def generate_reward_traces(self, **kwargs):
"""Generate reward traces per reward port per trial using a Gaussian random walk and save in file.
r1 = self.bounded_random_walk(self.n_trials + 1, **kwargs)
r2 = [1-r for r in r1] # bounded_random_walk(self.n_trials, **kwargs)
rewards = np.array([r1, r2, r1[::-1], r2[::-1]])
if not os.path.isdir(self.data_folder):
file_path = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'reward_traces_anticorrelated.npy'), rewards)
def load_reward_traces(self):
file_path = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'reward_traces_anticorrelated.npy')
reward_traces = np.load(file_path)
tqdm.write('Loaded reward traces from file.')
except FileNotFoundError:
tqdm.write('Warning: No reward traces file was found so I generate a new one.')
self.generate_reward_traces(avg_stepsize=.05, sigma=.0005)
reward_traces = np.load(file_path)
return reward_traces
def bounded_random_walk(n_trials, lim=(.25, .75), avg_stepsize=.05, sigma=.005):
rewards = [random.uniform(lim[0], lim[1])]
for trial in range(n_trials - 1):
stepsize = random.gauss(avg_stepsize, sigma)
if rewards[trial] + stepsize > lim[1]:
r = rewards[trial] - stepsize
elif rewards[trial] - stepsize < lim[0]:
r = rewards[trial] + stepsize
elif random.random() >= .5:
r = rewards[trial] + stepsize
r = rewards[trial] - stepsize
if r > lim[1] or r < lim[0]:
return rewards
def is_terminal(self, state_idx):
state_name = self.state_names[state_idx]
return 'terminal' in state_name
def get_state_name(self, idx):
return self.state_names[idx]
def get_action_idx(self, state, action):
return list(self.states_actions_outcomes[state].keys()).index(action)
def get_next_state(self, origin_idx, action_idx):
origin_name = self.get_state_name(origin_idx)
action_name = self.actions_per_state[origin_idx][action_idx]
destination_idxs = [self.get_state_idx(d) for d in self.states_actions_outcomes[origin_name][action_name]]
probabilities = [self.transition_probabilities[origin_idx, action_idx, d] for d in destination_idxs]
next_state = np.random.choice(self.states_actions_outcomes[origin_name][action_name], p=probabilities)
return self.state_names_lst.index(next_state)
def get_possible_next_states(self, origin_idx, action_name):
if self.is_terminal(origin_idx):
return [origin_idx], [1]
origin_name = self.get_state_name(origin_idx)
action_idx = self.get_action_idx(origin_name, action_name)
destination_idxs = [self.get_state_idx(d) for d in self.states_actions_outcomes[origin_name][action_name]]
probabilities = [self.transition_probabilities[origin_idx, action_idx, d] for d in destination_idxs]
next_states = self.states_actions_outcomes[origin_name][action_name]
next_state_idxs = [self.get_state_idx(name) for name in next_states]
return next_state_idxs, probabilities
def get_reward(self, origin, destination):
if not self.is_terminal(destination):
return 0.
if self.state_names[destination] == 'terminal LL':
return np.random.choice([1., 0], p=[self.reward_probs[0], 1 - self.reward_probs[0]])
elif self.state_names[destination] == 'terminal LR':
return np.random.choice([1, 0], p=[self.reward_probs[1], 1 - self.reward_probs[1]])
elif self.state_names[destination] == 'terminal RL':
return np.random.choice([1, 0], p=[self.reward_probs[2], 1 - self.reward_probs[2]])
elif self.state_names[destination] == 'terminal RR':
return np.random.choice([1, 0], p=[self.reward_probs[3], 1 - self.reward_probs[3]])
def get_next_state_and_reward(self, origin, action):
if self.is_terminal(origin):
return origin, 0
next_state = self.get_next_state(origin, action)
reward = self.get_reward(origin, next_state)
return next_state, reward
def act(self, action):
current_state = self.get_current_state()
if self.is_terminal(current_state):
return 0
next_state, reward = self.get_next_state_and_reward(current_state, action)
self.current_state = next_state
return next_state, reward
def get_possible_actions(self, state_idx):
state_name = self.state_names[state_idx]
possible_actions = list(self.states_actions_outcomes[state_name].keys())
return possible_actions
def set_common_prob(self, prob):
self.common_prob = prob
self.rare_prob = 1 - prob
class DollTask(TwoStepTask):
def __init__(self, n_trials):
self.state_names = {0: 'faces',
1: 'tools',
2: 'bodyparts',
3: 'scenes',
4: 'terminal LL',
5: 'terminal LR',
6: 'terminal RL',
7: 'terminal RR'}
self.nr_states = len(self.state_names)
self.state_indices = np.arange(self.nr_states)
self.state_names_lst = [val for val in self.state_names.values()]
self.actions_per_state = {
0: ['L', 'R'],
1: ['L', 'R'],
2: ['L', 'R'],
3: ['L', 'R'],
4: [],
5: [],
6: [],
7: []
self.states_actions_outcomes = {
'faces': {
'L': ['bodyparts'],
'R': ['scenes']
'tools': {
'L': ['bodyparts'],
'R': ['scenes']
'bodyparts': {
'L': ['terminal LL'],
'R': ['terminal LR']
'scenes': {
'L': ['terminal RL'],
'R': ['terminal RR']
'terminal LL': {},
'terminal LR': {},
'terminal RL': {},
'terminal RR': {}
self.reward_traces = self.load_reward_traces()
self.reward_probs = self.reward_traces[:, 0]
def reset(self):
self.current_state = np.random.choice([0, 1])
self.trial_count += 1
self.reward_probs = self.reward_traces[:, self.trial_count]
def generate_reward_traces(self, **kwargs):
"""Generate reward traces per reward port per trial using a Gaussian random walk and save in file.
r1 = self.bounded_random_walk(self.n_trials + 1, **kwargs)
r2 = [1-r for r in r1] # bounded_random_walk(self.n_trials, **kwargs)
rewards = np.array([r1, r2, r1[::-1], r2[::-1]])
if not os.path.isdir(self.data_folder):
file_path = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'reward_traces_anticorrelated_doll.npy'), rewards)
def load_reward_traces(self):
file_path = os.path.join(self.data_folder, 'reward_traces_anticorrelated_doll.npy')
avg_stepsize = .1
sig = .005
reward_traces = np.load(file_path)
tqdm.write('Loaded reward traces from file.')
except FileNotFoundError:
tqdm.write('Warning: No reward traces file was found so I generate a new one.')
# avg_stepsize=.05
# sigma = .0005
self.generate_reward_traces(avg_stepsize=avg_stepsize, sigma=sig)
reward_traces = np.load(file_path)
self.generate_reward_traces(avg_stepsize=avg_stepsize, sigma=sig)
reward_traces = np.load(file_path)
return reward_traces
class BlockingStudy(HexWaterMaze):
bvc_maps_folder = os.path.join(ROOT_FOLDER, 'data', 'bvc_maps')
bvc_maps_folder_landmarks = os.path.join(ROOT_FOLDER, 'data', 'bvc_maps_landmarks')
def __init__(self, radius=6):
self.scaling_factor = 750 / self.grid.radius
self.landmark_2_location = self.set_landmark_2()
self.landmark_width = 2
self.L1_present = True
self.L2_present = False
self.corners = self.get_corners()
self.boundaries = self.get_boundaries()
self.all_boundaries = [deepcopy(b) for b in self.boundaries]
self.n_boundaries = len(self.boundaries)
self.boundaries_present = 'both'
self.directions_radians = None
def remove_left_boundary(self):
if len(self.boundaries) < 6:
raise ValueError('Cannot delete both boundaries')
del self.boundaries[1:4]
self.boundaries_present = 'right'
self.n_boundaries = 3
def remove_right_boundary(self):
if len(self.boundaries) < 6:
raise ValueError('Cannot delete both boundaries')
del self.boundaries[-2:]
del self.boundaries[0]
self.boundaries_present = 'left'
self.n_boundaries = 3
def remove_both_boundaries(self):
del self.boundaries[:]
self.boundaries_present = 'none'
self.n_boundaries = 0
def restore_boundaries(self):
self.boundaries = [deepcopy(b) for b in self.all_boundaries]
self.n_boundaries = 6
def get_boundaries(self):
corners_shifted = [self.corners[(i - 1) % len(self.corners)] for i, x in enumerate(self.corners)]
boundaries = []
for fro, to in zip(self.corners, corners_shifted):
b = np.array((fro, to), dtype=np.float64)
b = Boundary(b[0], b[1])
return boundaries
def compute_bvc_maps(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.bvc_maps_folder):
xs, ys = self.get_scaled_coords()
distances = [81.0, 169.0, 265.0, 369.0, 482.5, 606.5, 800.]
directions_degrees = np.linspace(0, 360, 61)[:-1]
directions_radians = np.radians(directions_degrees)
for dist in tqdm(distances, desc='Distances'):
for orient in tqdm(directions_radians, leave=False, desc='orientations'):
fname = 'bvcmap_{}_distance{}_orientation{}.npy'.format(self.boundaries_present,
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.bvc_maps_folder, fname)):
bvc = BVC(dist, orient)
rate_map = bvc.compute_ratemap_grid(xs, ys, self)
rate_map = rate_map / rate_map.max(), fname), rate_map)
def compute_bvc_maps_multiproc(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.bvc_maps_folder):
distances = [81.0, 169.0, 265.0, 369.0, 482.5, 606.5, 800.]
directions_degrees = np.linspace(0, 360, 61)[:-1]
self.directions_radians = np.radians(directions_degrees)
p = Pool(os.cpu_count() - 1), distances)
def compute_bvc_maps_landmarks(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.bvc_maps_folder_landmarks):
distances = [81.0, 169.0, 265.0, 369.0, 482.5, 606.5, 800.]
directions_degrees = np.linspace(0, 360, 61)[:-1]
self.directions_radians = np.radians(directions_degrees)
p = Pool(os.cpu_count() - 1), distances)
def bvc_for_one_dist(self, dist):
xs, ys = self.get_scaled_coords()
for orient in tqdm(self.directions_radians, leave=False, desc='orientations'):
fname = 'bvcmap_{}_distance{}_orientation{}.npy'.format(self.boundaries_present,
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.bvc_maps_folder, fname)):
bvc = BVC(dist, orient)
rate_map = bvc.compute_ratemap_grid(xs, ys, self)
rate_map = rate_map / rate_map.max(), fname), rate_map)
def bvc_for_one_dist_landmarks(self, dist):
xs, ys = self.get_scaled_coords()
for orient in tqdm(self.directions_radians, leave=False, desc='orientations'):
fname = 'bvcmap_{}_distance{}_orientation{}.npy'.format(self.landmarks_present(),
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.bvc_maps_folder_landmarks, fname)):
bvc = BVC(dist, orient)
rate_map = bvc.compute_ratemap_grid(xs, ys, self)
rate_map = rate_map / rate_map.max(), fname), rate_map)
def landmarks_present(self):
if self.L1_present and not self.L2_present:
return 'L1'
elif not self.L1_present and self.L2_present:
return 'L2'
return 'both'
def get_scaled_coords(self):
xs = []
ys = []
for s in range(self.nr_states):
x, y = self.grid.cart_coords[s]
xs.append(x * self.scaling_factor)
ys.append(y * self.scaling_factor)
return np.array(xs), np.array(ys)
def get_corners(self):
corners = []
for angle in np.radians(self.allo_angles):
point = (np.cos(angle) * self.grid.radius * self.scaling_factor,
np.sin(angle) * self.grid.radius * self.scaling_factor)
return corners
def set_platform_state(self, state_idx):
self.previous_platform_state = self.platform_state
self.platform_state = state_idx
self.landmark_location = self.set_landmark()
def set_landmark(self):
platform_loc = self.grid.cube_coords[self.platform_state]
landmark_loc = (platform_loc[0], platform_loc[1] + 2, platform_loc[2])
self.L1_present = True
return self.grid.to_cartesian(landmark_loc)
def set_landmark_2(self):
platform_loc = self.grid.cube_coords[self.platform_state]
landmark_loc = (platform_loc[0], platform_loc[1] - 2, platform_loc[2])
self.L2_present = True
return self.grid.to_cartesian(landmark_loc)
def remove_landmark_1(self):
self.landmark_location = (100, 100)
self.L1_present = False
def remove_landmark_2(self):
self.landmark_2_location = (100, 100)
self.L2_present = False
def toggle_learning_phase(self):
self.landmark_location = self.set_landmark()
def toggle_compound_phase(self):
self.landmark_location = self.set_landmark()
self.landmark_2_location = self.set_landmark_2()
def toggle_test_phase(self):
self.landmark_2_location = self.set_landmark_2()
def reset(self, random_loc=False):
if random_loc:
dist_from_platform = np.array([self.grid.distance(self.platform_state, s) for s in self.grid.edge_states])
eligible_start_states = np.array(self.grid.edge_states)[dist_from_platform > self.grid.radius]
self.starting_state = np.random.choice(eligible_start_states)
self.current_state = self.starting_state
def draw_boundaries(self, ax, colors=None, linestyles=None):
if colors is None:
colors = 'k'
if linestyles is None:
linestyles = '-'
lines = [(b.p1, b.p2) for b in self.boundaries]
lc = mc.LineCollection(lines, colors=colors, linewidths=2, linestyles=linestyles)
return ax
if __name__ == '__main__':
en = TwoStepTask()
pm = PlusMaze()
b = HexWaterMaze(5)
randpol = generate_random_policy(b)
m = b.get_successor_representation(randpol, gamma=.99)
g = nx.from_numpy_array(b.adjacency_graph)
nx.draw(g, node_color=m[52], pos=b.grid.cart_coords, with_labels=True)