These files form the basis of simulations in

Holmes WR, Huwe JA, Williams B, Rowe MH, Peterson EH (2017) Models of utricular bouton afferents: role of afferent-hair cell connectivity in determining spike train regularity. J Neurophysiol 117:1969-1986

A number of these files, including some of the more clever algorithms, were adapted from work done by Jose Ambros-Ingerson for a different project. Morphology files for 4 vestibular bouton afferents, reconstructed from turtle, are included.

These scripts together with the simple GUI provided can be used directly to reproduce voltage traces in Figs 3-5 and data points in Figs 6-8 with only changing tstop, Poisson input rate and cell type. Tstop = 1000 ms here which is sufficient to illustrate runs that complete in a short amount of time. For the paper it was necessary to use tstop values of a few MINUTES in many cases in order to accumulate a large enough number of spikes to allow cv to be computed accurately. These simulations were run in batch mode and took days in some cases.

Compile the mod files in the method appropriate for your platform (nrnivmodl on linux/unix, mknrndll on mswin/mac os x) and then run one of the following which generate the graphs shown by default. If you need more help consult the web page:

Once you start the program select Tools->RunControl and then click on Init & Run.
To get cv results click on Parameters -> Run to get cv data
To get EPSPs for each synapse or Hair Cell activation click on Parameters -> Plot syn EPSPs (or Plot HC EPSPs)

-- One hair cell to one afferent connectivity, synaptic conductance

constant or scaled by bouton diameter. Runs produce data points for Figs 6A, 7A, 7C, 8


--One hair cell to one or more afferents connectivity, synaptic conductance constant or scaled by bouton diameter. Runs produce traces in Fig 5 and data points for Figs 6B, 7B, 7C, 8


--Same as main-i6s-tnew.hoc but with BK and SK conductances added. Runs produce traces in Fig. 3 and data points for Fig 8


--Same as main-i6s-hc.hoc except BK and SK conductances added. Runs produce traces in Fig 4 and data points for Figs. 6C and 8


2022-05: Updated MOD files to contain valid C++ and be compatible with the upcoming versions 8.2 and 9.0 of NEURON.