This file gives a short introduction to the neurite growth simulator written in python, with work name iGrow. ______________________________________________________________________________ This is the solver used by the simulator to advance time and to keep track of all the different states. It uses the clock object to track time. verbose The program prints more information about what is going on when this is set to true. maxNumElement Specify how large the solver matrix is pre-allocated. If the simulation growths beyond this size the matrix is automatically expanded. solverType Specifies the method used by the solver, can be impEuler, RK4, euler, RK2. The implicit euler method is recommended. maxCompartmentLength, minCompartmentLength The solver automatically splits compartments that get too big, and merges compartment if they are smaller than a predefined size. Options: preventSplittingOfGrowthCones True/False quantity, transport, reaction, production The quantity matrix keeps track of how many molecules each compartment contain (in mol). Transport, reaction and production each describe the flux, reactions and production of molecules. They are updated by the step function each time step. setClock Replaces the old clock with a new clock object specified by the user. setStepAction Lets the user specify a function that is called every step, good for customizing your simulations. addCompartment Adds a compartment to be tracted by the solver in the simulation. markModified Internal function that keeps track of which compartments needs to have their elements in the reaction, transport and production matrixes recalculated. addGrowthCone, removeGrowthCone Growth cones are special compartments which can elongate and retract depending on their states. Strictly speaking it is not the compartment itself that changes size, instead it moves, and the second compartment will elongate or retract to compensate. This helps reduce the fluctuations in the concentration due to volume changes. setSaveFile Specifies which file to save the simulation output to. The first in argument is the name, the second one is an optional flag to specify whether only the concentrations in the compartments, or also the fluxes should be saved. init Initialises the solver. It verifies that every compartment has a positive length, and also merges and splits compartment when needed based on maxCompartmentLength and minCompartmentLength. Optionally this can also try and remove transients by calling the function removeTransients. It also calls _stepAction.init() if there is a _stepAction function defined. step First calls the user supplied _stepAction, if any exists. Then it steps the simulation forward one time step using the selected solver method, the time step is defined in the clock object. The reaction, transport and productions are calculated. Then the growth cones are updated and moved. After that the spatial discretisation is updated, and the transport and reaction matrixes are updated accordingly. Lastly the output from this time step is written to file. stop This function checks if any of the stop conditions specified by the user where met, and if so takes appropriate action then removes the stop condition. For example one action could be to save the current state, change a parameter, continue the simulation, the restart it from the save point and change another parameter. This gives plenty of flexibility, and also saves time as the entire simulation need not be rerun. addStopCondition, clearStopCondition Specifies a stop condition that is checked each simulation step, the stop condition also includes an optional action to be taken after stopping the simulation. finish Finishing up the simulation, closing the output file. removeTransient Tries to remove any transients by first estimating how long it would take for diffusion to propagate from the soma to growth cone furthest away. It clamps the soma and the growth cone concentrations during the transient removal process. findInitState Performs similar function to removeTransient. Why did I write two functions?! run Runs the simulation from current time to end of simulation. stepEuler, stepRK2, stepRK4, implicitEuler Helper function to step the simulation one time step forward using a given method. increaseMaxNumElement Increases the number of substances tracked by the solver. When the old limit is hit this function is automatically called. calculateTransportReactionMatrix, removeCompartmentTransportReaction, clearCompartmentTransport, _transportMatrixConservation, _setTransportMatrix, _setReactionMatrix, setTransportReactionMatrixOneSided, setTransportReactionMatrixTwoSided, setTransportMatrixTwoSided Modifies the transport and reaction matrixes. setProduction Goes through all substances and sets their production rate specified by the substane objects. updateSpatialDiscretisation Merges and splits compartments when needed. Called by step, uses the helper functions _splitCompartment and _mergeCompartment. printComps Prints all compartments to stdout. saveState, loadState Saves and loads the state of the simulation. > This file contains the default parameters for the simulation. Defined: neuriteGrowthPoly - polymerisation rate neuriteGrowthDepoly - depolymerisation rate tubulinConcentrationNeurite tubulinConcentrationSoma neuriteRadie tubulinQuantityPerLength tubulinDiffusionConstant tubulinDegradationConstant tubulinActiveTransportRate tubulinQuantitySoma tubulinQuantityNeurite tubulinQuantityGrowthCone tubulinSomaProductionRate ______________________________________________________________________________ > This function loads an experiment from a text file previously written by matlab, or by hand. It takes the solver, a file to load and an optional overwrite flag, whether an existing output file will be overwritten or prevent this parameter set for being recalculated. The latter is useful if multiple workers are using the same list of files to load.