secondorder=1 // can't mix first and second order currentis in the iion calculation
		// best to use cvode for accurate currents

func ia1() {local i
	axon {
		i = (v(.5) - v(.5-1/nseg))/ri(.5)
	return i/1000
func ia2() {local i, x
	axon {
		x = .01 + 1/nseg
		i = (v(x) - v(.01))/ri(x)
	return i/1000
func ia3() {local i, dx
	// central difference
	soma {
		dx = 1/nseg
		i = (v(.5*dx) - v(1.5*dx))/(ri(2*dx))
	return i/1000

func soma_iion() { local i
	soma {i =  ina($1) + ik($1) + il_hh($1)}
	return i

func axon_iion() { local i, dx
	axon {i =  ina($1) + ik($1) + il_hh($1)}
	return i

// mechanism for integrating current to compute charge
begintemplate HHInt
public qna, qk, qil, qion
proc initial() {
	qna = 0
	qk = 0
	ql = 0
	qion = 0
proc after_step() {
	qna += ina($1)*dt/FARADAY*(1e6)
	qk += ik($1)*dt/FARADAY*(1e6)
	qil += il_hh($1)*dt/FARADAY*(1e6)
	qion = qna + qk + qil

endtemplate HHInt

make_mechanism("hhint", "HHInt")

// for fig6 and 7 membrane current and charge transfer calculations
begintemplate HHQ
public im, qin, qout
proc initial() {
	qin = 0
	qout = 0
proc after_step() {
	im = ina($1)+ik($1)+il_hh($1)+i_cap($1)
	if (im < 0) {
		qin -= im*dt/FARADAY*(1e6)
		qout -= im*dt/FARADAY*(1e6)

endtemplate HHQ

make_mechanism("hhq", "HHQ")

proc standard() {
	celsius = 16
	forall nseg 30
	axon.diam = 100
	soma.diam = 550
	forall Ra = 35.4
	forall { L = nseg*500 }
	forall uninsert hhint
	forall uninsert hhq
	IClamp[0].amp = 2000