import math
import copy

def spike_times(time,vrec,V_min_peak=-20,V_max_valley=0):
  valley_reached = 1
  sptime = []  
  for j in range(1,len(time)-1):
    if valley_reached and vrec[j] >= V_min_peak and vrec[j] > vrec[j-1] and vrec[j] >= vrec[j+1]:
      valley_reached = 0
    elif valley_reached==False and vrec[j] <= V_max_valley:
      valley_reached = 1
  return sptime  

#membpotderivs(time,vrec): Given the membrane potentials (vrec) at time points time[0],time[1],...,time[N-1],
#return the derivatives at time points time[1],time[2],...,time[N-3]
def membpotderivs(time,vrec):
  N = len(time)
  tdiff = [x-y for x,y in zip(time[1:N-1],time[0:N-2])]
  vdiff = [x-y for x,y in zip(vrec[1:N-1],vrec[0:N-2])]
  mderiv = [x/y for x,y in zip(vdiff,tdiff)]
  return [0.5*(x+y) for x,y in zip(mderiv[1:N-2],mderiv[0:N-3])]

#limitcyclescaledv(v1,dv1,v2,dv2): Give the coefficient for memb. pot. derivative that one has to use in order to make
#the difference on the derivative axis as significant as the difference on the memb. pot. axis
def limitcyclescaledv(v1,dv1,v2,dv2):
  maxv = max(max(v1),max(v2))
  minv = min(min(v1),min(v2))
  maxdv = max(max(dv1),max(dv2))
  mindv = min(min(dv1),min(dv2))
  return 1.0*(maxv-minv)/(maxdv-mindv)

def limitcyclediff(v1,dv1,v2,dv2,dvcoeff=0.1):
  N1 = len(v1)
  N2 = len(v2)
  dv1 = [dvcoeff*x for x in dv1]
  dv2 = [dvcoeff*x for x in dv2]
  Dmin = N1*[0]
  for i in range(0,N1):
    Dmin[i] = math.sqrt(min([(x-v1[i])**2+(y-dv1[i])**2 for x,y in zip(v2,dv2)]))
  vdiff = [x-y for x,y in zip(v1[1:N1],v1[0:N1-1])] 
  dvdiff = [x-y for x,y in zip(dv1[1:N1],dv1[0:N1-1])] 
  h = [math.sqrt(x**2+y**2) for x,y in zip(vdiff,dvdiff)]
  #use the trapezoid rule for integration:
  Dminmean = [(x+y)/2.0 for x,y in zip(Dmin[1:N1],Dmin[0:N1-1])]
  #print "hsum="+str(sum(h))
  return sum([x*y for x,y in zip(Dminmean,h)])

def interpolate(tref,vref,tint): #Assumes that the trefs come sorted!
  vint = len(tint)*[0.0]
  addedOne = False
  #print tref
  #print tint
  #if tref[len(tref)-1] == tint[len(tint)-1]:
  #  tref.append(tref[len(tref)-1]+0.0001)
  #  vref.append(vref[len(tref)-1])
  #  addedOne = True
  if tref[0] > tint[0] or tref[len(tref)-1] < tint[len(tint)-1]:
    print "Extrapolation needed!"
    return len(tint)*[-1]
  indvrecnow = 0  
  for j in range(0,len(tint)):
    while tref[indvrecnow+1] <= tint[j]:
      indvrecnow = indvrecnow + 1
      if indvrecnow == len(tref)-1: # It must be the last index if this happens
        vint[j:len(tint)] = [vref[indvrecnow]]*(len(tint)-j)
        return vint
    vint[j] = vref[indvrecnow] + 1.0*(tint[j]-tref[indvrecnow])/(tref[indvrecnow+1]-tref[indvrecnow])*(vref[indvrecnow+1]-vref[indvrecnow])
  return vint

def interpolate_extrapolate_constant(tref,vref,tint): #Assumes that the trefs come sorted!
  vint = len(tint)*[0.0]
  addedOne = False
  #print tref
  #print tint
  #if tref[len(tref)-1] == tint[len(tint)-1]:
  #  tref.append(tref[len(tref)-1]+0.0001)
  #  vref.append(vref[len(tref)-1])
  #  addedOne = True

  indvrecnow = 0  
  for j in range(0,len(tint)):
    if tint[j] < tref[0]:
      vint[j] = vref[0]
    if indvrecnow >= len(tref) - 1:
      vint[j] = vref[-1]
    while tref[indvrecnow+1] <= tint[j]:
      indvrecnow = indvrecnow + 1
      if indvrecnow == len(tref)-1: # It must be the last index if this happens
        vint[j:len(tint)] = [vref[indvrecnow]]*(len(tint)-j)
        return vint
    vint[j] = vref[indvrecnow] + 1.0*(tint[j]-tref[indvrecnow])/(tref[indvrecnow+1]-tref[indvrecnow])*(vref[indvrecnow+1]-vref[indvrecnow])
  return vint

#kronecker product of list A and list B
def kron(A,B):
  C = []
  if type(B[0]) is int or type(B[0]) is float:
    for i in range(0,len(A)):
      for j in range(0,len(B)):
        print "asdf"
        print B[j]
  elif type(B[0][0]) is int or type(B[0][0]) is float:
    for i in range(0,len(A)):
      for j in range(0,len(B)):
        C.append([x*A[i] for x in B[j]])
  return C
def cumprod(A):
  B = len(A)*[0]; B[0]=A[0]
  for j in range(1,len(A)):
    B[j] = B[j-1]*A[j]
  return B

def printlistlen(A):
  #TODO: recursive method might work out but needs some thought...
  #toCheck = A
  #lens = [len(x) for x in A]
  #levels = [0 for x in A]
  #while type(toCheck) is list and len(toCheck) > 0:
  #  while type(toCheck[0]) is list and len(toCheck[0]) > 0:
  #    toCheck.append(toCheck[0][0])
  #    lens.append[len
  #    toCheck[0].pop(0)
  nan = -1
  if type(A) is list:
   B = copy.deepcopy(A)
   listFound0 = False
   for i0 in range(0,len(B)):
    if type(B[i0]) is list:
     listFound0 = True
     listFound1 = False
     for i1 in range(0,len(B[i0])):
      if type(B[i0][i1]) is list:
       listFound1 = True
       listFound2 = False
       for i2 in range(0,len(B[i0][i1])):
        if type(B[i0][i1][i2]) is list:
         listFound2 = True
         listFound3 = False
         for i3 in range(0,len(B[i0][i1][i2])):
          if type(B[i0][i1][i2][i3]) is list:
           listFound3 = True
           listFound4 = False
           for i4 in range(0,len(B[i0][i1][i2][i3])):
            if type(B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4]) is list:
             listFound4 = True
             listFound5 = False
             for i5 in range(0,len(B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4])):
              if type(B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5]) is list:
               listFound5 = True
               listFound6 = False               
               for i6 in range(0,len(B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5])):
                if type(B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5][i6]) is list:
                  listFound6 = True
                  B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5][i6] = len(B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5][i6])
                  B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5][i6] = nan
               if not listFound6:
                 B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5] = len(B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5])
                B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4][i5] = nan
             if not listFound5:
               B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4] = len(B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4])
              B[i0][i1][i2][i3][i4] = nan
           if not listFound4:
             B[i0][i1][i2][i3] = len(B[i0][i1][i2][i3])
            B[i0][i1][i2][i3] = nan
         if not listFound3:
           B[i0][i1][i2] = len(B[i0][i1][i2])
          B[i0][i1][i2] = nan
       if not listFound2:
         B[i0][i1] = len(B[i0][i1])
        B[i0][i1] = nan
     if not listFound1:
       B[i0] = len(B[i0])
      B[i0] = nan
   if not listFound0:
     B = len(B)
   B = nan
  print B