This the readme for the model code associated with the paper: Mäki-Marttunen T, Devor A, Phillips WA, Dale AM, Andreassen OA, Einevoll GT (2019) Computational modeling of genetic contributions to excitability and neural coding in layer V pyramidal cells: applications to schizophrenia pathology Front. Comput. Neurosci. This code was contributed by T Mäki-Marttunen. HOC-commands for simulations based on (Hay et al. 2011, "Models of neocortical layer 5b pyramidal cells capturing a wide range of dendritic and perisomatic active properties", PLoS Comp Biol. 2011 Jul;7(7):e1002107) HOC-commands for in-vivo-like synaptic inputs based on (Hay & Segev 2015, "Dendritic excitability and gain control in recurrent cortical microcircuits", Cerebral Cortex 25(10): 3561-3571) Library of variants based on (Maki-Marttunen et al. 2016, "Functional Effects of Schizophrenia-Linked Genetic Variants on Intrinsic Single-Neuron Excitability: A Modeling Study", Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2016 Jan 1;1(1):49-59), see also (Maki-Marttunen et al. 2017, "Pleiotropic effects of schizophrenia-associated genetic variants in neuron firing and cardiac pacemaking revealed by computational modeling", Translational Psychiatryvolume 7, Article number: 5 (2017)) Please see the readme's in the almog and hay folders for how to run. Changelog --------- 2022-05: Updated MOD files to contain valid C++ and be compatible with the upcoming versions 8.2 and 9.0 of NEURON. 2022-12: Fix 9.0.0 upcoming error: curr used as both variable and function in file epsp.mod