/* Functions for the E cells - GA model. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "nr.h"
#include "tca.h"
#include "tcn.h"
#include "tcwb.h"
/* This function substitutes the functions for the WB model */
void substitute_function_WB(func_cell_model *fcm, fl_st fl)
fcm->read_cell_par = &read_cell_par_WB;
fcm->steady_state_var = &steady_state_var_WB;
fcm->update_cell = &update_cell_WB;
/* This function reads the data for the E cells */
void read_cell_par_WB(cell_par *cpar, fl_st fl)
if (fscanf(fl.tmp, "gNa=%lf gKdr=%lf gKz=%lf gL=%lf DelgL=%lf Iext=%lf "
"DelIext=%lf fracIext=%lf\n", &cpar->gNa, &cpar->gKdr, &cpar->gKz,
&cpar->gL, &cpar->DelgL, &cpar->Iext, &cpar->DelIext, &cpar->fracIext)
!= 0)
fprintf(fl.out, "gNa=%lf gKdr=%lf gKz=%lf gL=%lf DelgL=%lf Iext=%lf "
"DelIext=%lf fracIext=%lf\n", cpar->gNa, cpar->gKdr, cpar->gKz,
cpar->gL, cpar->DelgL, cpar->Iext, cpar->DelIext, cpar->fracIext);
if (cpar->gL <= 1.0e-10)
printf("gL should be positive\n");
/* I_app_read(cpar, fl); */
if (fscanf(fl.tmp, "Cm=%lf VNa=%lf VK=%lf VL=%lf Vopto=%lf phi=%lf "
"gamma=%lf gamma_for_syn=%c\n", &cpar->Cm, &cpar->VNa, &cpar->VK, &cpar->VL,
&cpar->Vopto, &cpar->phi, &cpar->gamma, &cpar->gamma_for_syn) != 0)
cpar->two_pow_gamma = pow(2.0, cpar->gamma);
fprintf(fl.out, "Cm=%lf VNa=%lf VK=%lf VL=%lf Vopto=%lf\n", cpar->Cm,
cpar->VNa, cpar->VK, cpar->VL, cpar->Vopto);
fprintf(fl.out, "phi=%lf gamma=%lf two_pow_gamma=%lf "
"gamma_for_syn=%c\n", cpar->phi, cpar->gamma,
cpar->two_pow_gamma, cpar->gamma_for_syn);
/* Defining the structure of the cell's compartments and variables */
cpar->nceq = 4; /* number of cellular variables: V, h, n, z */
cpar->nseq = 0; /* number of synaptic variables: sP, sNa, sNb, sA */
cpar->neq = cpar->nceq + cpar->nseq;
fprintf(fl.out, "E: nceq=%d nseq=%d neq=%d \n", cpar->nceq, cpar->nseq,
/* This function calculates the steady-state variables for a specific V */
void steady_state_var_WB(cell_par *cpar, double *Varb, run_par *runpar,
fl_st fl)
double alphahs, betahs, Hinfs, tauHs;
double alphans, betans, Ninfs, tauNs;
double Vc;
int ieq;
Vc = Varb[1]; /* V */
alphahs = 0.7*exp(-(Vc+44.0)/20.0);
betahs = 10.0/(1.0+exp(-(Vc+14.0)/10.0));
Varb[2] = alphahs/(alphahs+betahs); /* h */
alphans = 0.1*(Vc+34.0)/(1.0-exp(-(Vc+34.0)/10.0));
betans = 1.25*exp(-(Vc+44.0)/80.0);
Varb[3] = alphans/(alphans+betans); /* n */
Varb[4] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-0.7 * (Vc + 30.0))); /* z */
for (ieq=cpar->nceq+1; ieq<=cpar->neq; ieq++) Varb[ieq] = 0.0;
/* This function updates the variables of an excitatory cell */
void update_cell_WB(double *Varc, double *kout, int ipop, int ion,
cell_par *cpar, syn_par_all *inter, syn_receptor_par *AMPA,
double Iapp_now, double Isyn_cont, double Iel_cont, int it, fl_st fl)
double Vc, hc, nc, zc, tc, sc, s_inf;
double alphams, betams, Minfs, alphahs, betahs, Hinfs, tauHs;
double alphans, betans, Ninfs, tauNs;
double Zinfs, tauZs;
double INa, IKdr, IKz, Iback, Iopto ;
double I_sum_intrinsic, I_sum_synaptic;
int ieq;
Vc = Varc[1];
hc = Varc[2];
nc = Varc[3];
zc = Varc[4];
alphams = (fabs(Vc+30.0) > 10e-8) ?
0.1*(Vc+30.0)/(1.0-exp(-(Vc+30.0)/10.0)) :
betams = 4.0*exp(-(Vc+55.0)/18.0);
Minfs = alphams/(alphams+betams);
if (Vc > -120.0)
alphahs = 0.7*exp(-(Vc+44.0)/20.0);
betahs = 10.0/(1.0+exp(-(Vc+14.0)/10.0));
Hinfs = alphahs/(alphahs+betahs);
tauHs = 1.0 / (cpar->phi * (alphahs+betahs));
alphans = 0.1*(Vc+34.0)/(1.0-exp(-(Vc+34.0)/10.0));
betans = 1.25*exp(-(Vc+44.0)/80.0);
Ninfs = alphans/(alphans+betans);
tauNs = 1.0 / (cpar->phi * (alphans+betans));
Zinfs = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-0.7 * (Vc + 30.0)));
tauZs = 60.0;
Hinfs = 1.0;
tauHs = 1.0;
Ninfs = 0.0;
tauNs = 1.0;
Zinfs = 0.0;
tauZs = 60.0;
INa = cpar->gNa * Minfs * Minfs * Minfs * hc * (Vc - cpar->VNa);
IKdr = cpar->gKdr * nc * nc * nc * nc * (Vc - cpar->VK);
IKz = cpar->gKz * zc * (Vc - cpar->VK);
Iopto = cpar->opt_con[ion] * (Vc - cpar->Vopto);
Iback = cpar->gback_nor * (inter->rho_concur * (Vc - AMPA->Vrev) +
(1.0 - inter->rho_concur) * (cpar->VL - AMPA->Vrev));
I_sum_intrinsic = -cpar->gLar[ion] * (Vc - cpar->VL) - INa - IKdr - IKz -
Iopto + cpar->Iextar[ion] + Iapp_now;
I_sum_synaptic = -Iback + Isyn_cont + Iel_cont;
if (cpar->gamma_for_syn == 'y')
kout[1] = (I_sum_intrinsic + I_sum_synaptic) * cpar->two_pow_gamma /
cpar->Cm; /* V */
else if (cpar->gamma_for_syn == 'n')
kout[1] = (I_sum_intrinsic * cpar->two_pow_gamma + I_sum_synaptic) /
cpar->Cm; /* V */
/* if ((ipop == 2) && (ion == 150))
printf("V=%lf Vl=%lf gL=%lf k1=%lf Iback=%lf IL=%lf\n", Vc, cpar->VL, cpar->gLar[ion], kout[1], Iback, cpar->gLar[ion] * (Vc - cpar->VL));
printf("V=%lf gKdr=%lf nc=%lf VK=%lf IKdr=%lf\n", Vc, cpar->gKdr, nc, cpar->VK, IKdr);
} */
kout[2] = cpar->two_pow_gamma * (Hinfs - hc) / tauHs; /* h */
kout[3] = cpar->two_pow_gamma * (Ninfs - nc) / tauNs; /* n */
kout[4] = cpar->two_pow_gamma * (Zinfs - zc) / tauZs; /* z */
if ((ipop == 1) && (ion == 1))
fprintf(fl.col, "Iback=%lf Iopto=%lf Isyn_cont=%lf\n", Iback, Iopto,
if ((ipop == 1) && (ion == 1)) fprintf(fl.col, "%lf ", Iback);
fprintf(fl.col, "kout=");
for (ieq=1; ieq<=4; ieq++) fprintf(fl.col, "%lf ", kout[ieq]);
fprintf(fl.col, "Minfs=%lf mqh=%lf INa=%lf\n", Minfs,
Minfs * Minfs * Minfs * hc, INa);
fprintf(fl.col, "\n");