The simulation program produces the computational figures of the article: Mechanisms underlying a thalamocortical transformation during active tactile sensation Diego Adrian Gutnisky, Jianing Yu, Samuel Andrew Hires1, Minh-Son To, Michael Bale, Karel Svoboda, David Golomb. The directories are: simulation_program: files of the simulation program in C. To compile the program, write: make tc scripts: auxiliary scripts that are used to process data from the simulations and generate figures using XMGRace. generate_figures: generate panels from figures in the paper. parameter_survey: generate panels from figures in the paper with parameter surveys. The reference parameter file, in both generate_figures and parameter_survey, is tc.n.a1. Each command procedure in generate_figures is named It modifies the parameter file, runs simulations and ises scripts to process the data and generates the figures. See README in that directory. In parameter_survey, python scripts are used to generate parameter files. After the program is run for those files, the python scripts and generate panels. See README in that directory.